===================== Django OpenStack Auth ===================== Django OpenStack Auth is a pluggable Django authentication backend that works with Django's ``contrib.auth`` framework to authenticate a user against OpenStack's Keystone Identity API. The current version is designed to work with the Keystone V2 API. You can `view the documentation`_ on Read The Docs. .. _view the documentation: http://django-openstack-auth.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ Installation ============ Installing is quick and easy: #. Run ``pip install django_openstack_auth``. #. Add ``openstack_auth`` to ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``. #. Add ``'keystone_auth.backend.KeystoneBackend'`` to your ``settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``, e.g.:: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('keystone_auth.backend.KeystoneBackend',) #. Configure your API endpoint(s) in ``settings.py``:: OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = "http://example.com:5000/v2.0" #. Include ``'keystone_auth.urls'`` somewhere in your ``urls.py`` file. #. Use it as you would any other Django auth backend. Running The Tests ================= Download the repository and run:: python setup.py test