
182 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import idlutils
from ovsdbapp.schema.open_vswitch import commands
class AddPatchPort(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, bridge, port, peer_port):
super(AddPatchPort, self).__init__(api)
self.bridge = bridge
self.port = port
self.peer_port = peer_port
def run_idl(self, txn):
br = idlutils.row_by_value(self.api.idl, 'Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
port = txn.insert(self.api.idl.tables['Port'])
port.name = self.port
ports = getattr(br, 'ports', [])
br.ports = ports
iface = txn.insert(self.api.idl.tables['Interface'])
iface.name = self.port
ifaces = getattr(port, 'interfaces', [])
options_dict = getattr(iface, 'options', {})
external_ids = getattr(iface, 'external_ids', {})
options_dict['peer'] = self.peer_port
iface.options = options_dict
iface.external_ids = external_ids
iface.type = 'patch'
port.interfaces = ifaces
class GetBridgePorts(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, bridge):
super(GetBridgePorts, self).__init__(api)
self.bridge = bridge
def run_idl(self, txn):
br = idlutils.row_by_value(self.api.idl, 'Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
self.result = [p for p in br.ports if p.name != self.bridge]
class AddVirtualTunnelPort(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, tunnel_type, local_ip=None):
super(AddVirtualTunnelPort, self).__init__(api)
self.tunnel_type = tunnel_type
self.integration_bridge = cfg.CONF.df.integration_bridge
self.port = tunnel_type + "-vtp"
self.local_ip = local_ip
if local_ip is None:
self.local_ip = cfg.CONF.df.local_ip
def run_idl(self, txn):
port = idlutils.row_by_value(self.api.idl, 'Port', 'name',
self.port, None)
if port:
bridge = idlutils.row_by_value(self.api.idl, 'Bridge',
'name', self.integration_bridge)
port = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Port'])
port.name = self.port
ports = getattr(bridge, 'ports', [])
bridge.ports = ports
iface = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Interface'])
iface.name = self.port
iface.type = self.tunnel_type
options_dict = getattr(iface, 'options', {})
options_dict['remote_ip'] = 'flow'
options_dict['key'] = 'flow'
options_dict['local_ip'] = self.local_ip
iface.options = options_dict
ifaces = getattr(port, 'interfaces', [])
port.interfaces = ifaces
class CreateQos(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, port_id, qos):
super(CreateQos, self).__init__(api)
self.port_id = port_id
self.qos = qos
def run_idl(self, txn):
queue = txn.insert(self.api.idl.tables['Queue'])
dscp = self.qos.get_dscp_marking()
if dscp:
queue.dscp = dscp
queue_external_ids = {}
queue_external_ids['iface-id'] = self.port_id
queue.external_ids = queue_external_ids
other_config = getattr(queue, 'other_config', {})
max_kbps = self.qos.get_max_kbps()
max_bps = max_kbps * 1024
other_config['max-rate'] = str(max_bps)
other_config['min-rate'] = str(max_bps)
queue.other_config = other_config
qos = txn.insert(self.api.idl.tables['QoS'])
qos.type = 'linux-htb'
qos_external_ids = {}
qos_external_ids['version'] = str(self.qos.version)
qos_external_ids['qos-id'] = self.qos.id
qos_external_ids['qos-topic'] = self.qos.topic
qos_external_ids['iface-id'] = self.port_id
qos.external_ids = qos_external_ids
qos.queues = {0: queue.uuid}
self.result = qos.uuid
class DeleteQos(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, port_id):
super(DeleteQos, self).__init__(api)
self.port_id = port_id
def run_idl(self, txn):
conditions = [('external_ids', '=', {'iface-id': self.port_id})]
rows_to_delete = []
for table in ['QoS', 'Queue']:
for r in self.api._tables[table].rows.values():
if idlutils.row_match(r, conditions):
for r in rows_to_delete:
class UpdateQos(commands.BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, api, port_id, qos):
super(UpdateQos, self).__init__(api)
self.port_id = port_id
self.qos = qos
def run_idl(self, txn):
conditions = [('external_ids', '=', {'iface-id': self.port_id})]
queue_table = self.api._tables['Queue']
for r in queue_table.rows.values():
if idlutils.row_match(r, conditions):
dscp = self.qos.get_dscp_marking()
dscp = dscp if dscp else []
setattr(r, 'dscp', dscp)
max_kbps = self.qos.get_max_kbps()
max_bps = max_kbps * 1024 if max_kbps else 0
other_config = getattr(r, 'other_config', {})
other_config['max-rate'] = str(max_bps)
other_config['min-rate'] = str(max_bps)
setattr(r, 'other_config', other_config)
qos_table = self.api._tables['QoS']
for r in qos_table.rows.values():
if idlutils.row_match(r, conditions):
external_ids = getattr(r, 'external_ids', {})
external_ids['version'] = str(self.qos.version)
external_ids['qos-id'] = self.qos.id
setattr(r, 'external_ids', external_ids)