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# Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd. .
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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# under the License.
from os_ken.lib.packet import ethernet
from os_ken.lib.packet import icmp
from os_ken.lib.packet import ipv4
from os_ken.lib.packet import packet
from os_ken.ofproto import inet
def generate(icmp_type, icmp_code, msg_data, src_ip=None, pkt=None):
"""Generate ICMP error message
:param icmp_type: The icmp type of packet
:param icmp_code: The icmp code of packet
:param msg_data: The original data that cause this ICMP error packet
:param src_ip: The source ip of the packet
:param pkt: The original packet that cause this ICMP error
:returns: An os_ken.lib.packet.packet.Packet instance,
which is an ICMP packet
if not pkt:
pkt = packet.Packet(msg_data)
e_pkt = pkt.get_protocol(ethernet.ethernet)
ipv4_pkt = pkt.get_protocol(ipv4.ipv4)
if not src_ip:
src_ip = ipv4_pkt.dst
# Create ICMP data
offset = ethernet.ethernet._MIN_LEN
# Copy 128 bytes data according to RFC 4884
end_of_data = offset + len(ipv4_pkt) + 128
ip_datagram = bytearray()
ip_datagram += msg_data[offset:end_of_data]
data_len = int(len(ip_datagram) / 4)
length_modulus = int(len(ip_datagram) % 4)
# Zero pad to the next 32 bit boundary, according to RFC 4884
if length_modulus:
data_len += 1
ip_datagram += bytearray([0] * (4 - length_modulus))
icmp_data = _create_icmp_data(icmp_type, data_len, ip_datagram)
ic_pkt = icmp.icmp(icmp_type, icmp_code, 0, data=icmp_data)
# Create IPv4 data
ip_total_length = ipv4_pkt.header_length * 4 + ic_pkt._MIN_LEN
ip_total_length += ic_pkt.data._MIN_LEN
ip_total_length += len(ic_pkt.data.data)
ipv4_pkt.total_length = ip_total_length
# Default ttl
ipv4_pkt.ttl = 64
ipv4_pkt.proto = inet.IPPROTO_ICMP
ipv4_pkt.csum = 0
ipv4_pkt.src, ipv4_pkt.dst = src_ip, ipv4_pkt.src
# Create ethernet data
e_pkt.src, e_pkt.dst = e_pkt.dst, e_pkt.src
pkt_reply = packet.Packet()
return pkt_reply
def _create_icmp_data(icmp_type, data_len, data):
if icmp_type == icmp.ICMP_DEST_UNREACH:
icmp_data = icmp.dest_unreach(data_len=data_len, data=data)
elif icmp_type == icmp.ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED:
icmp_data = icmp.TimeExceeded(data_len=data_len, data=data)
icmp_data = None
return icmp_data