# All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import time from rally.common.i18n import _ from rally.common import logging from rally.common import utils as rutils from rally import consts from rally.task import context from ec2api.tests import botocoreclient LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EC2Objects(context.Context): CIDR = "" AWS_ZONE = "nova" def run_instances(self, tenant_id, client, image_id): flavor = self.config["flavor"] servers_per_tenant = self.config["servers_per_tenant"] LOG.info("Calling run_instance with image_id=%s " "flavor=%s servers_per_tenant=%s" % (image_id, flavor, servers_per_tenant)) servers_per_run = self.config["servers_per_run"] while servers_per_tenant > 0: if servers_per_tenant < servers_per_run: servers_per_run = servers_per_tenant kwargs = {"ImageId": image_id, "InstanceType": flavor, "MinCount": servers_per_run, "MaxCount": servers_per_run} if self.config.get("run_in_vpc", False): subnet_id = self.prepare_network(tenant_id, client) kwargs["SubnetId"] = subnet_id data = client.run_instances(*[], **kwargs) ids = [s['InstanceId'] for s in data['Instances']] self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["servers"] += ids servers_per_tenant -= servers_per_run def wait_for_instances(self, tenant_id, client): LOG.info("waiting for running state") ids = self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["servers"] start_time = time.time() while True: data = client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=ids) for instance in data['Reservations'][0]['Instances']: assert 'error' != instance['State']['Name'] if instance['State']['Name'] != 'running': break else: break time.sleep(5) dtime = time.time() - start_time assert dtime <= self.config["build_timeout"] LOG.info("end of waiting") def prepare_network(self, tenant_id, client, ni_count=0): result = dict() self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["networks"].append(result) data = client.create_vpc(CidrBlock=self.CIDR) vpc_id = data['Vpc']['VpcId'] result["vpc_id"] = vpc_id data = client.create_subnet(VpcId=vpc_id, CidrBlock=self.CIDR, AvailabilityZone=self.AWS_ZONE) subnet_id = data['Subnet']['SubnetId'] result["subnet_id"] = subnet_id result["ni_ids"] = list() for dummy in xrange(0, ni_count): data = client.create_network_interface(SubnetId=subnet_id) ni_id = data['NetworkInterface']['NetworkInterfaceId'] result["ni_ids"].append(ni_id) time.sleep(1) if self.config.get('assign_floating_ip', False): data = client.create_internet_gateway() gw_id = data['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId'] result["gw_id"] = gw_id data = client.attach_internet_gateway(VpcId=vpc_id, InternetGatewayId=gw_id) data = client.describe_route_tables( Filters=[{'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id]}]) # len(data['RouteTables']) should be 1 route_table_id = data['RouteTables'][0]['RouteTableId'] kwargs = { 'DestinationCidrBlock': '', 'RouteTableId': route_table_id, 'GatewayId': gw_id } client.create_route(*[], **kwargs) return subnet_id def assign_floating_ips(self, tenant_id, client): self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["addresses"] = list() if not self.config.get('assign_floating_ip', False): return LOG.info("assign floating ips") ids = self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["servers"] for instance_id in ids: self.assign_floating_ip(tenant_id, client, instance_id) def assign_floating_ip(self, tenant_id, client, instance_id): is_vpc = self.config.get("run_in_vpc", False) kwargs = dict() if is_vpc: kwargs['Domain'] = 'vpc' data = client.allocate_address(*[], **kwargs) alloc_id = data.get('AllocationId') public_ip = data['PublicIp'] kwargs = {'InstanceId': instance_id} if is_vpc: kwargs['AllocationId'] = alloc_id else: kwargs['PublicIp'] = public_ip try: data = client.associate_address(*[], **kwargs) kwargs.pop('InstanceId') self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["addresses"].append(kwargs) except Exception: LOG.exception('') kwargs.pop('InstanceId') data = client.release_address(*[], **kwargs) def terminate_instances_and_wait(self, tenant_id, client): ids = self.context["tenants"][tenant_id].get("servers", []) servers_per_run = self.config["servers_per_run"] mod = len(ids) / servers_per_run for i in xrange(0, mod): part_ids = ids[i * servers_per_run:(i + 1) * servers_per_run] data = client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=part_ids) part_ids = ids[mod * servers_per_run:] if part_ids: data = client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=part_ids) start_time = time.time() while True: try: data = client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=ids) except Exception: break if (len(data['Reservations']) == 0 or len(data['Reservations'][0]['Instances']) == 0): break for instance in data['Reservations'][0]['Instances']: assert 'error' != instance['State']['Name'] if instance['State']['Name'] != 'terminated': break else: break time.sleep(5) dtime = time.time() - start_time assert dtime <= self.config["build_timeout"] def release_addresses(self, tenant_id, client): LOG.info("Cleanup addresses") kwargss = self.context["tenants"][tenant_id].get("addresses", []) for kwargs in kwargss: try: data = client.release_address(*[], **kwargs) except Exception: LOG.exception('') def cleanup_networks(self, tenant_id, client): LOG.info("Cleanup networks") networks = self.context["tenants"][tenant_id].get("networks", []) for network in networks: vpc_id = network.get("vpc_id") gw_id = network.get("gw_id") if gw_id: try: data = client.detach_internet_gateway( VpcId=vpc_id, InternetGatewayId=gw_id) except Exception: LOG.exception('') time.sleep(1) try: data = client.delete_internet_gateway( InternetGatewayId=gw_id) except Exception: LOG.exception('') time.sleep(1) ni_ids = network.get("ni_ids") if ni_ids: for ni_id in ni_ids: try: data = client.delete_network_interface( NetworkInterfaceId=ni_id) except Exception: LOG.exception('') time.sleep(1) subnet_id = network.get("subnet_id") if subnet_id: try: data = client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=subnet_id) except Exception: LOG.exception('') time.sleep(1) if vpc_id: try: data = client.delete_vpc(VpcId=vpc_id) except Exception: LOG.exception('') @context.configure(name="ec2api_networks", platform="openstack", order=451) class FakeNetworkGenerator(EC2Objects): """Context class for adding temporary networks for benchmarks. Networks are added for each tenant. """ CONFIG_SCHEMA = { "type": "object", "$schema": consts.JSON_SCHEMA, "properties": { "subnets_per_tenant": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "nis_per_subnet": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, }, "additionalProperties": False } DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "subnets_per_tenant": 5, "nis_per_subnet": 5, } @logging.log_task_wrapper(LOG.info, _("Enter context: `EC2 Networks`")) def setup(self): for user, tenant_id in rutils.iterate_per_tenants( self.context["users"]): LOG.info("Creating networks for user tenant %s " % (user["tenant_id"])) args = user['ec2args'] client = botocoreclient.get_ec2_client( args['url'], args['region'], args['access'], args['secret']) self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["networks"] = list() subnets_count = self.config["subnets_per_tenant"] nis_count = self.config["nis_per_subnet"] for dummy in xrange(0, subnets_count): self.prepare_network(tenant_id, client, nis_count) @logging.log_task_wrapper(LOG.info, _("Exit context: `EC2 Networks`")) def cleanup(self): for user, tenant_id in rutils.iterate_per_tenants( self.context["users"]): args = user['ec2args'] client = botocoreclient.get_ec2_client( args['url'], args['region'], args['access'], args['secret']) self.cleanup_networks(tenant_id, client) @context.configure(name="ec2api_servers", platform="openstack", order=450) class FakeServerGenerator(EC2Objects): """Context class for adding temporary servers for benchmarks. Servers are added for each tenant. """ CONFIG_SCHEMA = { "type": "object", "$schema": consts.JSON_SCHEMA, "properties": { "image": { "type": "string", }, "flavor": { "type": "string" }, "servers_per_tenant": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "run_in_vpc": { "type": "boolean" }, "assign_floating_ip": { "type": "boolean" }, "build_timeout": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 30 }, "servers_per_run": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 } }, "required": ["image", "flavor"], "additionalProperties": False } DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "servers_per_tenant": 5, "build_timeout": 30, "servers_per_run": 10 } @logging.log_task_wrapper(LOG.info, _("Enter context: `EC2 Servers`")) def setup(self): image = self.config["image"] image_id = None for user, tenant_id in rutils.iterate_per_tenants( self.context["users"]): LOG.info("Booting servers for user tenant %s " % (user["tenant_id"])) args = user['ec2args'] client = botocoreclient.get_ec2_client( args['url'], args['region'], args['access'], args['secret']) if image_id is None: data = client.describe_images( Filters=[{'Name': 'name', 'Values': [image]}, {'Name': 'image-type', 'Values': ['machine']}]) image_id = data['Images'][0]['ImageId'] self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["servers"] = list() self.context["tenants"][tenant_id]["networks"] = list() self.run_instances(tenant_id, client, image_id) self.wait_for_instances(tenant_id, client) self.assign_floating_ips(tenant_id, client) @logging.log_task_wrapper(LOG.info, _("Exit context: `EC2 Servers`")) def cleanup(self): for user, tenant_id in rutils.iterate_per_tenants( self.context["users"]): args = user['ec2args'] client = botocoreclient.get_ec2_client( args['url'], args['region'], args['access'], args['secret']) self.terminate_instances_and_wait(tenant_id, client) self.release_addresses(tenant_id, client) self.cleanup_networks(tenant_id, client)