# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from fuel_dev_tools import command from fuel_dev_tools import docker from fuel_dev_tools import info class DockerNailgunMixin(docker.DockerMixin): container = 'nailgun' default_command = 'python' def get_log_directory(self): return '/var/log/docker-logs/nailgun' class NailgunInfo(DockerNailgunMixin, info.BasicInfo): @classmethod def get_info(cls): return ('If you login to the shell you have the possibility to ' 'reset the database with commands\n' '/usr/bin/nailgun_syncdb\n' '/usr/bin/naligun_fixtures') class Id(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.IdCommand): """Print Docker container id.""" class Config(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.ConfigCommand): """Print Docker container config.""" class DBReset(DockerNailgunMixin, command.BaseCommand): """Reset the whole database to defaults.""" def take_action(self, parsed_args): from fuel_dev_tools.docker import postgres reset_sql = """ SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid() AND datname = 'nailgun'; DROP DATABASE nailgun; CREATE DATABASE nailgun WITH OWNER nailgun; """ p = postgres.Shell(self.app, self.app_args) cmd = [ 'echo', '"{}"'.format(reset_sql), '> {}/rootfs/tmp/reset-db.sql'.format(p.get_container_directory()), ] p.ssh_command(*cmd) cmd = p.container_command( 'chown', 'postgres:postgres', '/tmp/reset-db.sql' ) p.ssh_command(*cmd) cmd = p.container_command( 'su', '-', 'postgres', '-c', '"cat /tmp/reset-db.sql | psql -d nailgun"' ) p.ssh_command(*cmd) cmd = self.container_command('manage.py', 'syncdb') p.ssh_command(*cmd) self.container_command('manage.py', 'loaddefault') class Dir(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.DirCommand): """Print Docker container directory on master.""" class Log(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.LogCommand): """Display logs for container.""" class Restart(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.RestartCommand): """Restart Docker container.""" class Rsync(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.RsyncCommand): """Rsync local directory to the Docker container.""" @property def source_path(self): return 'nailgun/nailgun/' @property def target_path(self): return 'usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nailgun' def build_app_args_target(self, target): target, args = super(Rsync, self).build_app_args_target(target) return target, ['--exclude=*.pyc', '--exclude=test'] + args def post_sync(self, parsed_args): self.restart_container() class Start(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.StartCommand): """Start Docker container.""" class Stop(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.StopCommand): """Stop Docker container.""" class Shell(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.ShellCommand): """Shell into a nailgun Docker container.""" class Tail(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.TailCommand): """Display logs for container.""" class Volumes(DockerNailgunMixin, docker.VolumesCommand): """Print all volumes of a container."""