Nailgun extensions docs

What extensions are
Required properties
Available events
REST API handlers
Database interaction
Extension Data Pipelines
How to install and plug in Extensions
Example Extension with Pipeline - additional logging

Change-Id: Iaa6f926fe24bea4300b2fb215180cff6b1639812
implements: blueprint stevedore-extensions-discovery
implements: blueprint data-pipeline
This commit is contained in:
Sylwester Brzeczkowski 2016-03-22 15:05:52 +01:00
parent 42ace6e5d9
commit c5db3ed6a4
2 changed files with 314 additions and 0 deletions

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Nailgun Extensions
Overview of extensions
Nailgun extensions provide a capability to extend Fuel features.
Extensions were introduced to provide *pythonic way* for adding integrations
with external services, extending existing features, or adding new features
**without** changing the Nailgun source code.
A Nailgun extension can execute its method on specific events
such as ``on_node_create`` or ``on_cluster_delete`` (more about event handlers
in the `Available Events`_ section) and also to change deployment and
provisioning data just before it is sent to orchestrator by the means of
Data Pipelines classes.
Required properties
All Nailgun extensions must populate the following class variables:
* ``name`` - a string which will be used inside Nailgun to identify the
extension. It should consist only of lowercase letters with "_" (underscore)
separator and digits.
* ``version`` - a string which should look like *X.Y.Z* where X is a major
version, Y is minor, and Z is bug fix update or build number.
* ``description`` - a short text which briefly describes the actions that the
extension performs.
Available events
Extension can execute event handlers on specific events. There is
a list of available handlers:
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Method
- Event
* - ``on_node_create``
- Node has been created
* - ``on_node_update``
- Node has been updated
* - ``on_node_reset``
- Node has been reseted
* - ``on_node_delete``
- Node has been deleted
* - ``on_node_collection_delete``
- Collection of nodes has been deleted
* - ``on_cluster_delete``
- Cluster has been deleted
* - ``on_before_deployment_check``
- Called right before running "before deployment check task"
REST API handlers
Nailgun Extensions also provide a way to add additional API endpoints.
To add an extension-specific handler sub-class from::
The second step is to register the handler by providing the ``urls`` list in
Extension class:
.. code-block:: python
urls = [
{'uri': r'/example_extension/(?P<node_id>\d+)/?$',
'handler': ExampleNodeHandler},
{'uri': r'/example_extension/(?P<node_id>\d+)/properties/',
'handler': NodeDefaultsDisksHandler},
As you can see you need to provide a list of dicts with keys:
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 10
:header-rows: 1
* - key
- value
* - ``uri``
- a regular expression (string) for the URL path
* - ``handler``
- handler class
Database interaction
There is a possibility to use the Nailgun database to store the data needed by
a Nailgun extension. To use it, provide alembic migration scripts which should
be placed in::
Where ``extension_module`` is the one where the file with your extension class
is placed.
You can also change this directory by overriding the classmethod::
It should return an absolute path (string) to alembic migrations
.. important::
Do not use the direct db calls to Nailgun core tables in the extension
class. Use the ``nailgun.objects`` module which ensures compatibility
between the Nailgun DB and the configuration implemented in your extension.
Extension Data Pipelines
If you want to change the deployment or provisioning data just before it is
sent to an orchestrator use Extension Data Pipelines.
Data Pipeline is a class which inherits from::
BasePipeline provides two methods which you can override:
* ``process_provisioning``
* ``process_deployment``
Both methods take the following parameters:
* ``data`` - serialized data which will be sent to orchestrator. Data
**does not include** nodes data which was defined by User in
``replaced_deployment_info`` or in ``replaced_provisioning_info``.
* ``cluster`` - a cluster instance for which the data was serialized.
* ``nodes`` - nodes instances for which the data was serialized. Nodes list
**does not include** node instances which were filtered out in ``data``
* ``**kwargs`` - additional kwargs - must be in method definition to provide
backwards-compatibility for future (small) changes in extensions API.
Both methods must return the ``data`` dict so it can be processed by other
To enable pipelines, add the ``data_pipelines`` variable in your extensions
.. code-block:: python
class ExamplePipelineOne(BasePipeline):
def process_provisioning(cls, data, cluster, nodes, **kwargs):
data['new_field'] = 'example_value'
return data
def process_deployment(cls, data, cluster, nodes, **kwargs):
data['new_field'] = 'example_value'
return data
class ExamplePipelineTwo(BasePipeline):
def process_deployment(cls, data, cluster, nodes, **kwargs):
data['new_field2'] = 'example_value2'
return data
class ExampleExtension(BaseExtension):
data_pipelines = [
Pipeline classes will be executed **in the order they are defined** in the
``data_pipelines`` variable.
How to install and plug in extensions
To use extensions system in Nailgun, implement an extension class which will
be the subclass of::
The class must be placed in a separate module which defines ``entry_points`` in
its ```` file.
Extension entry point should use Nailgun extensions namespace which is::
Example ```` file with ``ExampleExtension`` may look like this:
.. code-block:: python
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description='Demonstration package for Nailgun Extensions',
author='Fuel Nailgman',
classifiers=['Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Environment :: Console',
'nailgun.extensions': [
'ExampleExtension = example_package.nailgun_extensions.ExampleExtension',
Now to enable the extension it is enough to run::
python install
pip install .
Now extension will be discovered by Nailgun automatically after restart.
Example Extension with Pipeline - additional logging
.. code-block:: python
import datetime
import logging
from nailgun.extensions import BaseExtension
from nailgun.extensions import BasePipeline
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TimeStartedPipeline(BasePipeline):
def process_provisioning(cls, data, cluster, nodes, **kwargs):
now =
data['time_started'] = 'provisioning started at {}'.format(now)
return data
def process_deployment(cls, data, cluster, nodes, **kwargs):
now =
data['time_started'] = 'deployment started at {}'.format(now)
return data
class ExampleExtension(BaseExtension):
name = 'additional_logger'
version = '1.0.0'
description = 'Additional Logging Extension '
data_pipelines = [
def on_node_create(cls, node):
logging.debug('Node %s has been created',
def on_node_update(cls, node):
logging.debug('Node %s has been updated',
def on_node_reset(cls, node):
logging.debug('Node %s has been reseted',
def on_node_delete(cls, node):
logging.debug('Node %s has been deleted',
def on_node_collection_delete(cls, node_ids):
logging.debug('Nodes %s have been deleted', ', '.join(node_ids))
def on_cluster_delete(cls, cluster):
logging.debug('Cluster %s has been deleted',
def on_before_deployment_check(cls, cluster):
logging.debug('Cluster %s will be deployed soon',

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@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ Nailgun Customization Instructions