============ New Features ============ Fuel Mitaka is the release of new features and bug fixes for the leading purpose-built open source deployment and management tool for OpenStack. Fuel Mitaka introduces a set of new features and enhancements. This section lists these improvements: * Plugin developers can now dynamically add configuration fields to their plugins. See `blueprint `__. * Added ability to stop and restart environment deployment without resetting the deployment process. See the :ref:`stop_deployment` section in the Fuel User Guide. This allows users to fix deployment errors and resume the deployment process without having to start it over completely. See `blueprint `__. * Improved deployment orchestration to reduce deployment time and minimize technical and architectural efforts through task-based deployment with Astute. This further enables Fuel to provide the lifecycle management features such as :guilabel:`Unlocked Settings Tab`. * Fuel plugins can now be managed on a deployed cloud through the Fuel web UI in :guilabel:`Unlocked Settings Tab`: * You can install plugins through the Fuel web UI. * Plugins can insert tasks in deployment graphs. * You can now change the settings of a plugin if supported. Consult with the plugin developer if not sure. * Fuel now stores detailed information about all deployments. You can download the actual cluster settings, network configuration, and serialized cluster data. See :ref:`view_history` and :ref:`deployment-information`. * You can now execute a particular deployment workflow with the ability to merge it with the existing deployment workflows of the upstream master release. This allows you to implement complex orchestrated workflows -- bugfixes application, reference architecture altering, or even upgrades. See :ref:`workflows_manage`. * Fuel now supports lifecycle management tasks based on the history of cluster states. This data-driven feature allows the deployment engineers and plugin developers that use Fuel library deployment tasks to introduce expressions that can be computed within the context of cluster configuration. You can now control the tasks assignment and execution depending on the configuration or changes in the configuration. See :ref:`data-driven`. * All deployment tasks that Fuel uses when configuring OpenStack are now idempotent. This enables the lifecycle management features that require re-running of deployment tasks with the updated input data in the post-deployment stage of cloud lifecycle. See `blueprint `__. * Fuel can now deploy UCA packages. See `blueprint `__. * Operators can now change OpenStack settings on the :guilabel:`Settings` tab in Fuel web UI for the cloud that is already deployed and apply the settings. See `blueprint `__. * Fuel API now allows to manually set virtual IP address to any valid IP address. See `blueprint `__. * The node roles panel on the Fuel web UI has been redesigned to accommodate for the standard screen estate. See `blueprint `__. * Enabled separate node deployment and operating system provisioning in the Fuel web UI. This allows users to adjust configuration and fix errors on a specific node or a subset of nodes without having to re-deploy or re-provision the entire cloud environment. See `blueprint `__. * Enabled control groups management. OpenStack operators can configure resource utilization thresholds for the OpenStack services and underlying software components using ``cgroups``. Specifying optimal values helps to increase performance and reliability of your cloud. See :ref:`cgroups-intro`. * The OpenStack Application Catalog service is now also installable as a plugin for Fuel. This plugin is designed to enable upgrading of the OpenStack Application Catalog together with plugin installation. This plugin update mechanism will be used to deliver future updates to the OpenStack Application Catalog service. See `Murano plugin for Fuel `__.