.. _install-plugin-builder: Install Fuel Plugin Builder --------------------------- You must install the Fuel Plugin Builder on the Fuel Master node. You must use the Fuel Master node as the build environment. **To install the Fuel Plugin Builder** #. Log into the Fuel Master node. #. Install the required packages: .. code-block:: console yum install -y git python-mako createrepo dpkg-devel dpkg-dev rpm \ rpm-build #. Clone the Fuel Plugin Builder repository: .. code-block:: console git clone https://github.com/openstack/fuel-plugins #. Change to the ``fuel-plugins`` directory: .. code-block:: console cd fuel-plugins #. Check out a specific commit from the Fuel Plugin Builder repository compatible with Fuel 8.0: .. code-block:: console git checkout a22bc32 The ``tasks.yaml`` file is required for the plugin to build, even if the file is empty. .. note:: If the plugin metadata does not specify the same version of OpenStack as the one supported by the Fuel Master node, on which the plugin is installed, you will not see any plugin fields in the Fuel web UI. To be compatible with Fuel 8.0, the :ref:`metadata.yaml` file of the plugin must contain the following lines: .. code-block:: ini releases: - os: ubuntu version: liberty-8.0 mode: ['ha'] #. Build and install the Fuel Plugin Builder: .. code-block:: console python setup.py install #. Verify the installed version of the Fuel Plugin Builder: .. code-block:: console python -c 'import pkg_resources; print pkg_resources.get_distribution\ ("fuel-plugin-builder").version' This should display ``4.0.0``.