:orphan: .. index:: Home page .. _Homepage: PDF ~~~ `QuickStart Guide PDF `_ `Planning Guide PDF `_ `User Guide PDF `_ `Operations Guide PDF `_ `Monitoring Guide PDF `_ `Reference Architectures PDF `_ `Fuel Plugin Guide PDF `_ `Terminology Reference PDF `_ `File Format Reference PDF `_ `Release Notes PDF `_ Guides ~~~~~~ `QuickStart Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Learn how to install Mirantis OpenStack on VirtualBox. `Planning Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Explains how to plan Mirantis OpenStack deployment before installing Fuel. `User Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Describes how to deploy and use Mirantis OpenStack environments with Fuel. `Operations Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contains instructions on how to use and manage your Mirantis OpenStack environment. `Monitoring Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Provides general concept on how to monitor OpenStack. `Reference Architecture `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Provides the deep dive into the structure of the Mirantis OpenStack environment, network considerations, deployment options and architectures. `Fuel Plugin Guide `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Explains how to develop and validate your own plugin for Fuel. `Terminology Reference `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Explains OpenStack terminology and technology with references to other documentation and other useful information. `File Format Reference `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Provides information on how to use Fuel configuration files. `Release Notes `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Provide general information about new features, fixed issues, and known limitations in Mirantis OpenStack |version|. Prior releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Mirantis OpenStack 6.1 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 6.0 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 5.1.1 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 5.1 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 5.0.1 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 4.1 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 4.0 `_ `Mirantis OpenStack 3.2 `_ `Fuel Web 3.0 `_ `Fuel CLI 3.0 `_ `Fuel 2.1 `_ `Fuel 2.0 `_ `Fuel 1.0 `_ `Download Now `__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can download the Mirantis OpenStack ISO and `VirtualBox scripts `_ .. note:: You must fill in the form to download Mirantis OpenStack. `Demos and tutorials `__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Mirantis OpenStack demos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET4hkzb_QRM .. container:: home-title Mirantis OpenStack v7.0 Documentation .. container:: what-is-mirantis-openstack Mirantis OpenStack is made up of three components: * :ref:`hardened-packages-term`. Hardened packages in Mirantis OpenStack include the core OpenStack projects, updated with each stable release of OpenStack, and supporting a broad range of operating systems, hypervisors, and deployment topologies. * :ref:`fuel-term`. Fuel is an open source, software life cycle management application that deploys multiple `OpenStack `_ environments from a single interface and then enables you to manage those environments post deployment. * `Support `_. When you've completed your evaluation of Mirantis OpenStack, `get support `_ for Mirantis OpenStack from the industry experts. To read web version of Mirantis OpenStack documentation, click `Guides <#guides>`_ tab. To download pdf version, open `Downloads <#downloads>`_ tab.