.. _set-up-git-repo: Set up a Git repository ======================= You need to create a Git repository to store and modify the required configuration files, as well as configure the repository to work with the Fuel Nailgun configuration service. .. note:: Fuel can work with multiple Git repositories. However, limit one repository and one branch per an OpenStack environment. **To set up a Git repository:** #. Create a Git repository in any Git repository management system or web-based service, such as GitHub. #. Add the public SSH key located in ``.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` to your Git repository. #. Create a repository object within Nailgun and register the repository with Nailgun: :: fuel2 gitrepo create --name \ --url --ref --key \ **Example:** :: fuel2 gitrepo create --env 1 --name oscnf1 --url \ git@github.com:dukov/oscnf.git --ref master --key .ssh/id_rsa #. Create a repository structure similar to the one described in :ref:`repo-structure` by adding the required files in the repository and committing the changes. #. Optionally, configure the Git repository to track changes in your OpenStack environment in a separate branch: :: fuel2 gitrepo get configs --env You must have write permissions to the Git repository.