class openstack_tasks::swift::parts::proxy ( $swift_user_password = 'swift_pass', $swift_hash_suffix = 'swift_secret', $swift_max_header_size = '32768', $swift_proxy_local_ipaddr = $::ipaddress_eth0, $swift_replication_local_ipaddr = $::ipaddress_eth0, $ring_part_power = 18, $ring_replicas = 3, $ring_min_part_hours = 1, $proxy_pipeline = [ 'catch_errors', 'crossdomain', 'healthcheck', 'cache', 'container_sync', 'bulk', 'tempurl', 'ratelimit', 'formpost', 'swift3', 's3token', 'authtoken', 'keystone', 'staticweb', 'container_quotas', 'account_quotas', 'slo', 'proxy-server'], $proxy_workers = $::os_workers, $proxy_port = '8080', $proxy_allow_account_management = true, $proxy_account_autocreate = true, $ratelimit_clock_accuracy = 1000, $ratelimit_max_sleep_time_seconds = 60, $ratelimit_log_sleep_time_seconds = 0, $ratelimit_rate_buffer_seconds = 5, $ratelimit_account_ratelimit = 0, $package_ensure = 'present', $memcached_servers = '', $primary_proxy = false, $swift_devices = undef, $master_swift_proxy_ip = undef, $master_swift_replication_ip = undef, $collect_exported = false, $rings = ['account', 'object', 'container'], $debug = false, $verbose = true, $log_facility = 'LOG_LOCAL1', $ceilometer = false, $admin_user = 'swift', $admin_tenant_name = 'services', $admin_password = 'password', $auth_host = '', $auth_protocol = 'http', $auth_uri = '', $identity_uri = '', $swift_operator_roles = ['admin', 'SwiftOperator'], $rabbit_user = 'guest', $rabbit_password = 'password', $rabbit_hosts = '', ) { if !defined(Class['swift']) { class { 'swift': swift_hash_path_suffix => $swift_hash_suffix, package_ensure => $package_ensure, max_header_size => $swift_max_header_size, } } if !defined(Class['rsync::server']) { class { '::rsync::server': use_xinetd => true, address => $local_net_ip, use_chroot => 'no', } } # calculate log_level if $debug { $log_level = 'DEBUG' } elsif $verbose { $log_level = 'INFO' } else { $log_level = 'WARNING' } if $ceilometer { $new_proxy_pipeline = split( inline_template( "<%= @proxy_pipeline.insert(-2, 'ceilometer').join(',') %>"), ',') class { '::swift::proxy::ceilometer': rabbit_user => $rabbit_user, rabbit_password => $rabbit_password, rabbit_hosts => $rabbit_hosts, } } else { $new_proxy_pipeline = $proxy_pipeline } class { '::swift::proxy': proxy_local_net_ip => $swift_proxy_local_ipaddr, pipeline => $new_proxy_pipeline, port => $proxy_port, workers => $proxy_workers, allow_account_management => $proxy_allow_account_management, account_autocreate => $proxy_account_autocreate, package_ensure => $package_ensure, log_facility => $log_facility, log_level => $log_level, log_name => 'swift-proxy-server', } # configure all of the middlewares class { ['::swift::proxy::catch_errors', '::swift::proxy::crossdomain', '::swift::proxy::healthcheck', '::swift::proxy::bulk', '::swift::proxy::tempurl', '::swift::proxy::formpost', '::swift::proxy::swift3', '::swift::proxy::staticweb', '::swift::proxy::container_quotas', '::swift::proxy::account_quotas', '::swift::proxy::slo', '::swift::proxy::container_sync']: } class { '::swift::proxy::cache': memcache_servers => $memcached_servers } class { '::swift::proxy::ratelimit': clock_accuracy => $ratelimit_clock_accuracy, max_sleep_time_seconds => $ratelimit_max_sleep_time_seconds, log_sleep_time_seconds => $ratelimit_log_sleep_time_seconds, rate_buffer_seconds => $ratelimit_rate_buffer_seconds, account_ratelimit => $ratelimit_account_ratelimit, } class { '::swift::proxy::s3token': auth_host => $auth_host, auth_port => '35357', auth_protocol => $auth_protocol, } class { '::swift::proxy::keystone': operator_roles => $swift_operator_roles, } class { '::swift::proxy::authtoken': admin_user => $admin_user, admin_tenant_name => $admin_tenant_name, admin_password => $admin_password, auth_uri => $auth_uri, identity_uri => $identity_uri, } if $primary_proxy { # we need to exec swift ringrebuilder commands under swift user Exec { user => 'swift' } # Exit codes should be equal to 0 and 1 (bug #1402701) Exec <| title == "rebalance_account" or title == "rebalance_container" or title == "rebalance_object" |> { returns => [0,1] } # collect all of the resources that are needed # to balance the ring if $collect_exported { Ring_object_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>> Ring_container_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>> Ring_account_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>> } # create the ring class { 'swift::ringbuilder': # the part power should be determined by assuming 100 partitions per drive part_power => $ring_part_power, replicas => $ring_replicas, min_part_hours => $ring_min_part_hours, } # sets up an rsync db that can be used to sync the ring DB class { 'swift::ringserver': local_net_ip => $swift_replication_local_ipaddr, } rsync::server::module { 'swift_backups': path => '/etc/swift/backups', lock_file => '/var/lock/swift_backups.lock', uid => 'swift', gid => 'swift', incoming_chmod => false, outgoing_chmod => false, max_connections => '5', read_only => true, } # resource ordering Swift::Ringbuilder::Rebalance <||> -> Service <| tag == swift-service |> Swift::Ringbuilder::Create<||> -> Ring_devices<||> ~> Swift::Ringbuilder::Rebalance <||> } else { validate_string($master_swift_replication_ip) if member($rings, 'account') and ! defined(Swift::Ringsync['account']) { swift::ringsync { 'account': ring_server => $master_swift_replication_ip } } if member($rings, 'object') and ! defined(Swift::Ringsync['object']) { swift::ringsync { 'object': ring_server => $master_swift_replication_ip } } if member($rings, 'container') and ! defined(Swift::Ringsync['container']) { swift::ringsync { 'container': ring_server => $master_swift_replication_ip } } rsync::get { "/etc/swift/backups/": source => "rsync://${master_swift_replication_ip}/swift_backups/", recursive => true, } anchor { 'openstack_tasks_proxy_start' :} -> Swift::Ringsync <| |> ~> Service['swift-proxy-server'] -> anchor { 'openstack_tasks_proxy_end' :} } }