require 'pp' require 'timeout' require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'uri' module URI # Define 'mirror:' scheme class MIRROR < HTTP; end @@schemes['MIRROR'] = MIRROR end Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:url_available, :arity => -2, :doc => <<-EOS The url_available function attempts to make a http request to a url and throws a puppet error if the URL is unavailable. The url_available function can take up to two paramters. The first paramter is the URL which is required and can be one of the following: 1) String - a single url string 3) Hash - a hash with the url set to the key of 'uri' 2) Array - an array of url strings or an array of hashes that match the previous format. The second paramter is a proxy url. It should be a valid uri and will be parsed to ensure it is properly formated. It should be noted that if the url provided to the url_available function is a hash, the proxy can be specified using a key named 'proxy'. The hostname, port, username and password will be parsed from this uri to be used when issuing a request via the proxy. Examples: # no proxy url_available('') url_available(['', '']) url_available({ 'uri' => '' }) url_available([{ 'uri' => '' }, { 'uri' => '' }] # with a proxy url_available('', '') url_available({ 'uri' => '', 'proxy' => ''}) # with a proxy with authentication url_available('', '') url_available({ 'uri' => '', 'proxy' => ''}) EOS ) do |argv| url, http_proxy = argv threads_count = 16 Thread.abort_on_exception=true def fetch(url, http_proxy = nil) # proxy variables, set later if http_proxy is provided or there is a proxy # element provided as part of the a url that is a Hash proxy_host = nil proxy_port = nil proxy_user = nil proxy_pass = nil # check the type of url being passed, if hash look for the uri key if url.instance_of? Hash uri = url.fetch 'uri', nil http_proxy = url.fetch 'proxy', nil elsif url.instance_of? String uri = url else raise Puppet::ParseError, "Invalid url type passed to the url_available function. Must be of type String or Hash." end # attempt to parse the proxy if it's not nil or a blank string unless [nil, ''].include?(http_proxy) begin proxy = URI.parse(http_proxy) proxy_host = proxy_port = proxy.port proxy_user, proxy_pass = proxy.userinfo.split(/:/) if proxy.userinfo rescue Exception => e puts "Unable to parse proxy settings from '#{http_proxy}', will ignore proxy setting. Error '#{e}'" end end puts "Checking #{uri}\n" begin out = Timeout::timeout(180) do u = URI.parse(uri) http =, u.port, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass) http.open_timeout = 60 http.read_timeout = 60 request = response = http.request(request) end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => error raise Puppet::Error, "ERROR: Unable to fetch url '#{uri}', error '#{}'. Please verify node connectivity to this URL, or remove it from the settings page if it is invalid." rescue Exception => e raise Puppet::Error, "ERROR: Unable to fetch url '#{uri}', error '#{e}'. Please verify node connectivity to this URL, or remove it from the settings page if it is invalid." end end # if passed an array, iterate through the array an check each element # within a thread pool equal to threads_count if url.instance_of? Array url.each_slice(threads_count) do |group| threads = [] group.each do |u| threads << do fetch(u, http_proxy) end end threads.each(&:join) end else fetch(url, http_proxy) end return true end # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :