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# == Class: openstack::glance
# Installs and configures Glance
# Assumes the following:
# - Keystone for authentication
# - keystone tenant: services
# - keystone username: glance
# - storage backend: file
# === Parameters
# See params.pp
# === Example
# class { 'openstack::glance':
# glance_user_password => 'changeme',
# db_password => 'changeme',
# public_address => '',
# admin_addresss => '',
# internal_address => '',
# }
class openstack::glance (
$db_type = $::openstack::params::db_type,
$db_host = $::openstack::params::db_host,
$glance_db_user = $::openstack::params::glance_db_user,
$glance_db_dbname = $::openstack::params::glance_db_dbname,
$glance_user_password = $::openstack::params::glance_user_password,
$glance_db_password = $::openstack::params::glance_db_password,
$public_address = $::openstack::params::public_address,
$admin_address = $::openstack::params::admin_address,
$internal_address = $::openstack::params::internal_address,
$verbose = $::openstack::params::verbose
) inherits openstack::params {
# Configure the db string
case $db_type {
'mysql': {
$sql_connection = "mysql://${glance_db_user}:${glance_db_password}@${db_host}/${glance_db_dbname}"
# Install and configure glance-api
class { 'glance::api':
log_verbose => $verbose,
log_debug => $verbose,
auth_type => 'keystone',
keystone_tenant => 'services',
keystone_user => 'glance',
keystone_password => $glance_user_password,
# Install and configure glance-registry
class { 'glance::registry':
log_verbose => $verbose,
log_debug => $verbose,
auth_type => 'keystone',
keystone_tenant => 'services',
keystone_user => 'glance',
keystone_password => $glance_user_password,
sql_connection => $sql_connection,
# Configure file storage backend
class { 'glance::backend::file': }
# Configure Glance to use Keystone
class { 'glance::keystone::auth':
password => $glance_user_password,
public_address => $public_address,
admin_address => $admin_address,
internal_address => $internal_address,