
37 lines
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main_collective = mcollective
collectives = mcollective
libdir = /usr/share/mcollective/plugins
logfile = /var/log/mcollective.log
loglevel = info
direct_addressing = 1
# Plugins
securityprovider = psk
plugin.psk = <%= pskey %>
# Set huge value of ttl to avoid cases with unsyncronized time between nodes
# It means that ttl approximately equal to 50 days
ttl = 4294957
<% if scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::stomp') -%>
connector = stomp
plugin.stomp.host = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::host') %>
plugin.stomp.port = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::stompport') %>
plugin.stomp.user = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::user') %>
plugin.stomp.password = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::password') %>
<% else -%>
connector = rabbitmq
plugin.rabbitmq.vhost = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::vhost') %>
plugin.rabbitmq.pool.size = 1
plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.host = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::host') %>
plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.port = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::stompport') %>
plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.user = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::user') %>
plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.password = <%= scope.lookupvar('mcollective::client::password') %>
plugin.rabbitmq.heartbeat_interval = 30
<% end -%>
# Facts
factsource = yaml
plugin.yaml = /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml