
343 lines
10 KiB

# == Define: l23network::l3::ifconfig
# Specify IP address for network interface and put interface to the UP state.
# === Parameters
# [*interface*]
# Specify interface.
# [*ipaddr*]
# IP address for interface. Can contain IP address, 'dhcp'
# or 'none' (with no IP address).
# Can be an array of CIDR IP addresses ['','']
# for multiple IPs on an interface. In this case netmask parameter is ignored.
# [*netmask*]
# Specify network mask. Default is ''.
# [*macaddr*]
# Specify macaddr if need change.
# [*vlandev*]
# If you configure 802.1q vlan interface with name like 'vlanXXX'
# you must specify a parent interface in this option
# [*bond_master*]
# This parameter sets the bond_master interface and says that this interface
# is a slave for bondX interface.
# [*bond_mode*]
# This parameter specifies a bond mode for interfaces like bondNN.
# All bond_* properties are ignored for non-bond-master interfaces.
# [*bond_miimon*]
# lacp MII monitor period.
# [*bond_lacp_rate*]
# lacp MII rate
# [*ifname_order_prefix*]
# Sets the interface startup order
# [*gateway*]
# Specify default gateway if need.
# You can specify IP address, or 'save' for save default route
# if it lies through this interface now.
# [*dns_nameservers*]
# Specify a pair of nameservers if need. Must be an array, for example:
# nameservers => ['', '']
# [*dns_domain*]
# Specify DOMAIN option for interface. Implemented for Ubuntu only.
# [*dns_search*]
# Specify SEARCH option for interface. Must be an array, for example:
# dns_search => ['aaaa.com', 'bbbb.org']
# [*dhcp_hostname*]
# Specify hostname for DHCP if needed.
# [*dhcp_nowait*]
# If you set this parameter as 'true' dhcp agent will start on the background.
# Puppet will not wait for obtaining IP address and routes.
# [*check_by_ping*]
# You can set an IP address that will be pinged when interface is UP.
# The given IP will be checked during the check_by_ping_timeout.
# Can be any IP address, 'none' or 'gateway' for checking the availability of
# default gateway if it is set for this interface.
# [*check_by_ping_timeout*]
# Timeout for check_by_ping
# [*ethtool*]
# You can specify k/w hash with ethtool key/value pairs.
# If this hash not empty, this ethtool with this parameters will be executed
# at each boot
# If you configure 802.1q vlan interfaces then you must declare relationships
# between them in site.pp.
# Ex: L23network:L3:Ifconfig['eth2'] -> L23network:L3:Ifconfig['eth2.128']
define l23network::l3::ifconfig (
$interface = $name,
$netmask = '',
$gateway = undef,
$vlandev = undef,
$bond_master = undef,
$bond_mode = undef,
$bond_miimon = 100,
$bond_lacp_rate = 1,
$mtu = undef,
$macaddr = undef,
$ethtool = undef,
$dns_nameservers = undef,
$dns_search = undef,
$dns_domain = undef,
$dhcp_hostname = undef,
$dhcp_nowait = false,
$ifname_order_prefix = false,
$check_by_ping = 'gateway',
$check_by_ping_timeout = 30,
#todo: label => "XXX", # -- "ip addr add..... label XXX"
include ::l23network::params
$bond_properties_defaults = {
mode => 0,
miimon => 100,
lacp_rate => 1,
$bond_modes = [
if $macaddr and $macaddr !~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}\:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$/ {
fail("Invalid MAC address '${macaddr}' for interface '${interface}'")
if $mtu and !is_integer("${mtu}") { # is_integer() fails if integer given :)
fail("Invalid MTU '${mtu}' for interface '${interface}'")
# setup configure method for inteface
if $bond_master {
$method = 'bondslave'
} elsif is_array($ipaddr) {
# getting array of IP addresses for one interface
$method = 'static'
$effective_ipaddr = cidr_to_ipaddr($ipaddr[0])
$effective_netmask = cidr_to_netmask($ipaddr[0])
$ipaddr_aliases = array_part($ipaddr,1,0)
} elsif is_string($ipaddr) {
# getting single IP address for interface. It can be not address, but method.
$ipaddr_aliases = undef
case $ipaddr {
'dhcp': {
$method = 'dhcp'
$effective_ipaddr = 'dhcp'
$effective_netmask = undef
'none': {
$method = 'manual'
$effective_ipaddr = 'none'
$effective_netmask = undef
default: {
$method = 'static'
if $ipaddr =~ /\/\d{1,2}\s*$/ {
# ipaddr can be cidr-notated
$effective_ipaddr = cidr_to_ipaddr($ipaddr)
$effective_netmask = cidr_to_netmask($ipaddr)
} else {
# or classic pair of ipaddr+netmask
$effective_ipaddr = $ipaddr
$effective_netmask = $netmask
} else {
fail("Ipaddr must be a string or array of strings")
# OS dependent constants and packages
case $::osfamily {
/(?i)debian/: {
$if_files_dir = '/etc/network/interfaces.d'
$interfaces = '/etc/network/interfaces'
/(?i)redhat/: {
$if_files_dir = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts'
$interfaces = false
if ! defined(Class[L23network::L2::Centos_upndown_scripts]) {
if defined(Stage[netconfig]) {
class{'l23network::l2::centos_upndown_scripts': stage=>'netconfig' }
} else {
class{'l23network::l2::centos_upndown_scripts': }
Anchor <| title == 'l23network::l2::centos_upndown_scripts' |>
-> L23network::L3::Ifconfig <| interface == "$interface" |>
default: {
fail("Unsupported OS: ${::osfamily}/${::operatingsystem}")
# DNS nameservers, search and domain options
if $dns_nameservers {
$dns_nameservers_list = merge_arrays( array_or_string_to_array($dns_nameservers), [false, false])
$dns_nameservers_1 = $dns_nameservers_list[0]
$dns_nameservers_2 = $dns_nameservers_list[1]
if $dns_search {
$dns_search_list = array_or_string_to_array($dns_search)
if $dns_search_list {
$dns_search_string = join($dns_search_list, ' ')
} else {
fail("dns_search option must be array or string")
if $dns_domain {
$dns_domain_list = array_or_string_to_array($dns_domain)
if $dns_domain_list {
$dns_domain_string = $dns_domain_list[0]
} else {
fail("dns_domain option must be array or string")
# Detect VLAN and bond mode configuration
case $interface {
/^vlan(\d+)/: {
$vlan_mode = 'vlan'
$vlan_id = $1
if $vlandev {
$vlan_dev = $vlandev
} else {
fail("Can't configure vlan interface ${interface} without definition (ex: vlandev=>ethXX).")
/^(eth\d+)\.(\d+)/: { # TODO: bond0.123 -- also vlan
$vlan_mode = 'eth'
$vlan_id = $2
$vlan_dev = $1
/^(bond\d+)/: {
if ! $bond_mode {
fail("To configure the interface bonding you must the bond_mode parameter is required and must be between 0..6.")
if $bond_mode <0 or $bond_mode>6 {
fail("For interface bonding the bond_mode must be between 0..6, not '${bond_mode}'.")
$vlan_mode = undef
default: {
$vlan_mode = undef
# Specify interface file name prefix
if $ifname_order_prefix {
$interface_file= "${if_files_dir}/ifcfg-${ifname_order_prefix}-${interface}"
} else {
$interface_file= "${if_files_dir}/ifcfg-${interface}"
if $method == 'static' {
if $gateway and $gateway != 'save' {
$def_gateway = $gateway
} else {
# recognizing default gateway
if $gateway == 'save' and $::l3_default_route and $::l3_default_route_interface == $interface {
$def_gateway = $::l3_default_route
} else {
$def_gateway = undef
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat' or $::osfamily == 'Debian') and $def_gateway and !defined(L23network::L3::Defaultroute[$def_gateway]) {
l23network::l3::defaultroute { $def_gateway: }
} else {
$def_gateway = undef
if $interfaces {
if ! defined(File["$interfaces"]) {
file {"$interfaces":
ensure => present,
content => template('l23network/interfaces.erb'),
File<| title == "$interfaces" |> -> File<| title == "$if_files_dir" |>
if ! defined(File["$if_files_dir"]) {
file {"$if_files_dir":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
mode => '0755',
recurse => true,
File<| title == "$if_files_dir" |> -> File<| title == "$interface_file" |>
if $ethtool {
if $::osfamily =~ /(?i)redhat/ and ($ipaddr_aliases or $ethtool_lines) {
file {"${if_files_dir}/interface-up-script-${interface}":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
mode => '0755',
recurse => true,
content => template("l23network/ipconfig_${::osfamily}_ifup-script.erb"),
} ->
file {"${if_files_dir}/interface-dn-script-${interface}":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
mode => '0755',
recurse => true,
content => template("l23network/ipconfig_${::osfamily}_ifdn-script.erb"),
} ->
File <| title == $interface_file |>
file {"$interface_file":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template("l23network/ipconfig_${::osfamily}_${method}.erb"),
# bond master interface should be upped only after including at least one slave interface to one
if $interface =~ /^(bond\d+)/ {
$l3_if_downup__subscribe = undef
File["$interface_file"] -> L3_if_downup["$interface"]
L3_if_downup<| $bond_master == $interface |> ~> L3_if_downup["$interface"]
} else {
$l3_if_downup__subscribe = File["$interface_file"]
notify {"ifconfig_${interface}": message=>"Interface:${interface} IP:${effective_ipaddr}/${effective_netmask}", withpath=>false} ->
l3_if_downup {"$interface":
check_by_ping => $check_by_ping,
check_by_ping_timeout => $check_by_ping_timeout,
#require => File["$interface_file"], ## do not enable it!!! It affect requirements interface from interface in some cases.
subscribe => $l3_if_downup__subscribe,
refreshonly => true,