
185 lines
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# == Class: openstack::glance
# Installs and configures Glance
# Assumes the following:
# - Keystone for authentication
# - keystone tenant: services
# - keystone username: glance
# - storage backend: file
# === Parameters
# [db_host] Host where DB resides. Required.
# [glance_user_password] Password for glance auth user. Required.
# [glance_db_password] Password for glance DB. Required.
# [keystone_host] Host whre keystone is running. Optional. Defaults to ''
# [auth_uri] URI used for auth. Optional. Defaults to "http://${keystone_host}:5000/"
# [db_type] Type of sql databse to use. Optional. Defaults to 'mysql'
# [glance_db_user] Name of glance DB user. Optional. Defaults to 'glance'
# [glance_db_dbname] Name of glance DB. Optional. Defaults to 'glance'
# [verbose] Rather to print more verbose (INFO+) output. If non verbose and non debug, would give
# syslog_log_level (default is WARNING) output. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [debug] Rather to print even more verbose (DEBUG+) output. If true, would ignore verbose option.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# [enabled] Used to indicate if the service should be active (true) or passive (false).
# Optional. Defaults to true
# [use_syslog] Rather or not service should log to syslog. Optional. Default to false.
# [syslog_log_facility] Facility for syslog, if used. Optional. Note: duplicating conf option
# wouldn't have been used, but more powerfull rsyslog features managed via conf template instead
# [syslog_log_level] logging level for non verbose and non debug mode. Optional.
# [glance_image_cache_max_size] the maximum size of glance image cache. Optional. Default is 10G.
# === Example
# class { 'openstack::glance':
# glance_user_password => 'changeme',
# db_password => 'changeme',
# db_host => '',
# }
class openstack::glance (
$db_host = 'localhost',
$glance_user_password = false,
$glance_db_password = false,
$bind_host = '',
$keystone_host = '',
$registry_host = '',
$auth_uri = "",
$db_type = 'mysql',
$glance_db_user = 'glance',
$glance_db_dbname = 'glance',
$glance_backend = 'file',
$verbose = false,
$debug = false,
$enabled = true,
$use_syslog = false,
# Facility is common for all glance services
$syslog_log_facility = 'LOG_LOCAL2',
$syslog_log_level = 'WARNING',
$glance_image_cache_max_size = '10737418240',
$idle_timeout = '3600',
$max_pool_size = '10',
$max_overflow = '30',
$max_retries = '-1',
$rabbit_password = false,
$rabbit_userid = 'guest',
$rabbit_host = 'localhost',
$rabbit_port = '5672',
$rabbit_hosts = false,
$rabbit_virtual_host = '/',
$rabbit_use_ssl = false,
$rabbit_notification_exchange = 'glance',
$rabbit_notification_topic = 'notifications',
$amqp_durable_queues = false,
) {
# Configure the db string
case $db_type {
'mysql': {
$sql_connection = "mysql://${glance_db_user}:${glance_db_password}@${db_host}/${glance_db_dbname}?read_timeout=60"
# Install and configure glance-api
class { 'glance::api':
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
bind_host => $bind_host,
auth_type => 'keystone',
auth_port => '35357',
auth_host => $keystone_host,
keystone_tenant => 'services',
keystone_user => 'glance',
keystone_password => $glance_user_password,
sql_connection => $sql_connection,
enabled => $enabled,
registry_host => $registry_host,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level,
image_cache_max_size => $glance_image_cache_max_size,
max_retries => $max_retries,
max_pool_size => $max_pool_size,
max_overflow => $max_overflow,
idle_timeout => $idle_timeout,
# Install and configure glance-registry
class { 'glance::registry':
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
bind_host => $bind_host,
auth_host => $keystone_host,
auth_port => '35357',
auth_type => 'keystone',
keystone_tenant => 'services',
keystone_user => 'glance',
keystone_password => $glance_user_password,
sql_connection => $sql_connection,
enabled => $enabled,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level,
max_retries => $max_retries,
max_pool_size => $max_pool_size,
max_overflow => $max_overflow,
idle_timeout => $idle_timeout,
# puppet-glance assumes rabbit_hosts is an array of [node:port, node:port]
# but we pass it as a amqp_hosts string of 'node:port, node:port' in Fuel
if !is_array($rabbit_hosts) {
$rabbit_hosts_real = split($rabbit_hosts, ',')
} else {
$rabbit_hosts_real = $rabbit_hosts
# Configure rabbitmq notifications
# TODO(bogdando) sync qpid support from upstream
class { 'glance::notify::rabbitmq':
rabbit_password => $rabbit_password,
rabbit_userid => $rabbit_userid,
rabbit_hosts => $rabbit_hosts_real,
rabbit_host => $rabbit_host,
rabbit_port => $rabbit_port,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_virtual_host,
rabbit_use_ssl => $rabbit_use_ssl,
rabbit_notification_exchange => $rabbit_notification_exchange,
rabbit_notification_topic => $rabbit_notification_topic,
amqp_durable_queues => $amqp_durable_queues,
# Configure file storage backend
if $glance_backend == "swift" {
if !defined(Package['swift']) {
include ::swift::params
package { "swift":
name => $::swift::params::package_name,
ensure =>present
Package["swift"] ~> Service['glance-api']
Package['swift'] -> Swift::Ringsync <||>
Package<| title == 'swift'|> ~> Service<| title == 'glance-api'|>
if !defined(Service['glance-api']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service glance-api on package swift update": }
class { "glance::backend::$glance_backend":
swift_store_user => "services:glance",
swift_store_key=> $glance_user_password,
swift_store_create_container_on_put => "True",
swift_store_auth_address => "http://${keystone_host}:5000/v2.0/"
} else {
class { "glance::backend::$glance_backend": }