
174 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urwid
# Exceptions to handle DialogDisplay exit codes
class DialogExit(Exception):
def __init__(self, exitcode = 0):
self.exitcode = exitcode
class ChildDialogExit(DialogExit):
class MainDialogExit(DialogExit):
class OffsetOverlay(urwid.Overlay):
def calculate_padding_filler(self, size, focus):
l, r, t, b = self.__super.calculate_padding_filler(size, focus)
return l+1, max(0, r-1), t+1, max(0, b-1)
# MyFrame makes urwid.Frame switch
# focus between body and footer
# when pressing 'tab'
class PopUpDialog(urwid.WidgetWrap):
"""A dialog that appears with nothing but a close button """
signals = ['close']
def __init__(self):
close_button = urwid.Button("that's pretty cool")
urwid.connect_signal(close_button, 'click',
lambda button:self._emit("close"))
pile = urwid.Pile([urwid.Text(
"^^ I'm attached to the widget that opened me. "
"Try resizing the window!\n"), close_button])
fill = urwid.Filler(pile)
self.__super.__init__(urwid.AttrWrap(fill, 'popbg'))
class PopUp(urwid.PopUpLauncher):
def __init__(self, original_widget, text):
#urwid.connect_signal(self.original_widget, 'click',
# lambda button: self.open_pop_up())
def create_pop_up(self):
pop_up = PopUpDialog()
urwid.connect_signal(pop_up, 'close',
lambda button: self.close_pop_up())
return pop_up
def get_pop_up_parameters(self):
return {'left':0, 'top':1, 'overlay_width':32, 'overlay_height':7}
#class MyFrame(urwid.Frame):
# def keypress(self, size, key):
# if key == 'tab':
# if self.focus_part == 'body':
# self.set_focus('footer')
# return None
# elif self.focus_part == 'footer':
# self.set_focus('body')
# return None
# else:
# # do default action if
# # focus_part is 'header'
# self.__super.keypress(size, key)
# return self.__super.keypress(size, key)
#class DialogDisplay(urwid.WidgetWrap):
# palette = [
# ('body','black','white'),
# ('border','black','white'),
# ('shadow','white','black'),
# ('selectable','black', 'dark cyan'),
# ('focus','black','dark cyan','bold'),
# ('focustext','light gray','dark blue'),
# ('button normal','light gray', 'dark blue', 'standout'),
# ('button select','white', 'dark green'),
# ]
# parent = None
# def __init__(self, text, width, height, body=None, loop=None):
# width = int(width)
# if width <= 0:
# width = ('relative', 80)
# height = int(height)
# if height <= 0:
# height = ('relative', 80)
# if body is None:
# # fill space with nothing
# self.body = urwid.SolidFill(' ')
# fp = 'footer'
# else:
# self.body = body
# fp = 'body'
# self.frame = MyFrame(self.body, focus_part = fp)
# if text is not None:
# self.frame.header = urwid.Pile( [urwid.Text(text),
# urwid.Divider(u'\u2550')] )
# w = self.frame
# # pad area around listbox
# w = urwid.Padding(w, ('fixed left',2), ('fixed right',2))
# w = urwid.Filler(w, ('fixed top',1), ('fixed bottom',1))
# w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, 'body')
# w = urwid.LineBox(w)
# # "shadow" effect
# w = urwid.Columns( [w,('fixed', 1, urwid.AttrWrap(
# urwid.Filler(urwid.Text(('border',' ')), "top")
# ,'shadow'))])
# w = urwid.Frame( w, footer =
# urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Text(('border',' ')),'shadow'))
# if loop is None:
# # this dialog is the main window
# # create outermost border area
# w = urwid.Padding(w, 'center', width )
# w = urwid.Filler(w, 'middle', height )
# w = urwid.AttrWrap( w, 'border' )
# else:
# # this dialog is a child window
# # overlay it over the parent window
# self.loop = loop
# self.parent = self.loop.widget
# w = urwid.Overlay(w, self.parent, 'center', width+2, 'middle', height+2)
# self.view = w
# # Call WidgetWrap.__init__ to correctly initialize ourselves
# urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.view)
# def add_buttons(self, buttons):
# l = []
# for name, exitcode in buttons:
# b = urwid.Button( name, self.button_press )
# b.exitcode = exitcode
# b = urwid.AttrWrap( b, 'button normal','button select' )
# l.append( b )
# self.buttons = urwid.GridFlow(l, 10, 3, 1, 'center')
# self.frame.footer = urwid.Pile( [ urwid.Divider(u'\u2500'),
# self.buttons ], focus_item = 1)
# def button_press(self, button):
# if self.parent is None:
# # We are the main window,
# # so raise an exception to
# # quit the main loop
# raise MainDialogExit(button.exitcode)
# else:
# # We are a child window,
# # so restore the parent widget
# # then raise a ChildDialogExit exception
# self.loop.widget=self.parent
# raise ChildDialogExit(button.exitcode)
# def show(self):
# if self.loop is None:
# self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.view, self.palette)
# exited = False
# while not exited:
# try:
# self.loop.run()
# except ChildDialogExit as e:
# # Determine which dialog has exited
# # and act accordingly
# pass
# except MainDialogExit:
# exited = True
# else:
# self.loop.widget = self.view