
45 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import urwid
import urwid.raw_display
import urwid.web_display
from fuelmenu.common.urwidwrapper import *
import subprocess
blank = urwid.Divider()
class shell():
def __init__(self, parent):
self.name = "Shell Login"
self.priority = 99
self.visible = True
self.parent = parent
self.screen = None
#self.screen = self.screenUI()
def check(self):
#TODO: Ensure all params are filled out and sensible
return True
def start_shell(self, args):
message = "Type exit to return to the main UI."
subprocess.call("clear ; echo '%s';echo;bash -i" % message, shell=True)
def refresh(self):
def screenUI(self):
#Define your text labels, text fields, and buttons first
text1 = urwid.Text("Press the button below to enter a shell login.")
login_button = Button("Shell Login", self.start_shell)
#Build all of these into a list
listbox_content = [text1, blank, login_button]
#Add everything into a ListBox and return it
screen = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(listbox_content))
return screen