
41 lines
1006 B

# == Class: octane_tasks::rsync_octane_section
# This class adds two section to rsyncd.conf for Octane:
# Code with with ready only access.
# Data with read and write access.
class octane_tasks::rsync_octane_section {
augeas { 'rsync_octane_section_code':
context => '/files/etc/rsyncd.conf/octane_code',
changes => [
'set path /var/www/nailgun/octane_code',
'set read\ only true',
'set uid 0',
'set gid 0',
'set use\ chroot no',
augeas { 'rsync_octane_section_data':
context => '/files/etc/rsyncd.conf/octane_data',
changes => [
'set path /var/www/nailgun/octane_data',
'set read\ only false',
'set use\ chroot no',
$admin_network = hiera_hash('ADMIN_NETWORK')
$admin_ip = $admin_network['ipaddress']
augeas { 'xinetd_rsync':
context => '/files/etc/xinetd.d/rsync/service',
notify => Service['xinetd'],
changes => [
"set bind ${admin_ip}",
service { 'xinetd': }