from fabric.api import local def createrole(user='ostf', password='ostf'): local(('psql -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE {0} WITH PASSWORD' '\'{1}\' SUPERUSER CREATEDB LOGIN;"').format(user, password)) def createdb(user='ostf', database='ostf'): local( 'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE {0} WITH OWNER={1};"' .format(database, user) ) def dropdb(database='ostf'): local('psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE {0};"'.format(database)) def deps(): local('python egg_info && pip install -r *.egg-info/requires.txt') def devlink(): local('python develop') def testdeps(): local('pip install -r test-requires') def startserver(): local(('ostf-server ' '--dbpath postgresql+psycopg2://ostf:ostf@localhost/ostf ')) def startdebugserver(): local(('ostf-server ' '--debug ' '--debug_tests=fuel_plugin/testing/fixture/dummy_tests')) def startnailgunmimic(): path = 'fuel_plugin/testing/test_utils/' local('python {0}'.format(path)) def createmigration(comment): ''' Supply comment for new alembic revision as a value for comment argument ''' config_path = 'fuel_plugin/ostf_adapter/storage/alembic.ini' local( 'alembic --config {0} revision --autogenerate -m \"{1}\"' .format(config_path, comment) ) def migrate(database='ostf'): path = 'postgresql+psycopg2://ostf:ostf@localhost/{0}'.format(database) local( 'ostf-server --after-initialization-environment-hook --dbpath {0}' .format(path) ) def auth(method='trust', os='ubuntu'): """By default postgres doesn't allow auth without password development without password is more fun """ if os == 'centos': path = '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf' elif os == 'ubuntu': path = '/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf' wrong = '^local.*all.*postgres.*' right = 'local all postgres {0}'.format(method) local("sudo sed -i 's/{0}/{1}/' {2}".format(wrong, right, path)) local("sudo service postgresql restart") def remakedb(database='ostf'): dropdb(database=database) createdb(database=database) migrate(database=database) def installapp(): deps() devlink() testdeps() def testall(): unit() integration() def integration(): local( ('nosetests fuel_plugin/testing/' 'tests/functional/ -vs') ) def unit(): local('nosetests fuel_plugin/testing/tests/unit -v')