# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import yaml from proboscis import register from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from devops.helpers import helpers from fuelweb_test.helpers import checkers from fuelweb_test.helpers.gerrit.gerrit_info_provider import \ FuelLibraryModulesProvider from fuelweb_test.helpers.ssh_manager import SSHManager from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test import settings from gates_tests.helpers import exceptions def replace_fuel_agent_rpm(): """Replaced fuel_agent.rpm on master node with fuel_agent.rpm from review """ ssh = SSHManager() logger.info("Patching fuel-agent") if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise exceptions.FuelQAVariableNotSet('UPDATE_FUEL', 'True') try: pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/fuel-agent/' full_pack_path = os.path.join(pack_path, 'fuel-agent*.noarch.rpm') ssh.upload_to_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.UPDATE_FUEL_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # Update fuel-agent on master node cmd = "rpm -q fuel-agent" old_package = ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd)['stdout_str'] cmd = "rpm -qp {0}".format(full_pack_path) new_package = ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.info("Updating package {0} with {1}" .format(old_package, new_package)) if old_package != new_package: logger.info("Updating fuel-agent package on master node") logger.info('Try to install package {0}'.format( new_package)) cmd = "rpm -Uvh --oldpackage {0}".format(full_pack_path) ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) cmd = "rpm -q fuel-agent" installed_package = ssh.execute_on_remote( ssh.admin_ip, cmd)['stdout_str'] assert_equal(installed_package, new_package, "The new package {0} was not installed". format(new_package)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not upload package {e}".format(e=e)) raise def patch_centos_bootstrap(): """Replaced initramfs.img in /var/www/nailgun/ with newly_builded from review environment - Environment Model object - self.env """ logger.info("Update fuel-agent code and assemble new bootstrap") ssh = SSHManager() if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise Exception("{} variable don't exist" .format(settings.UPDATE_FUEL)) try: pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/fuel-agent-review/' ssh.upload_to_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.FUEL_AGENT_REPO_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # Step 1 - unpack bootstrap bootstrap_var = "/var/initramfs" bootstrap = "/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap" cmd = ("mkdir {0}; cp /{1}/initramfs.img {0}/; cd {0}; " "cat initramfs.img | gunzip | cpio -imudv;").format( bootstrap_var, bootstrap) result = ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.debug("Patching bootsrap finishes with {0}".format(result)) # Step 2 - replace fuel-agent code in unpacked bootstrap agent_path = "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel_agent" image_rebuild = "{} | {} | {}".format( "find . -xdev", "cpio --create --format='newc'", "gzip -9 > /var/initramfs.img.updated") cmd = ("rm -rf {0}/initramfs.img; " "rsync -r {2}fuel_agent/* {0}{1}/;" "cd {0}/;" "{3};").format(bootstrap_var, agent_path, pack_path, image_rebuild) result = ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.debug("Failed to rebuild image with {0}".format(result)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not upload package {e}".format(e=e)) raise def patch_and_assemble_ubuntu_bootstrap(environment): """Replaced initramfs.img in /var/www/nailgun/ with newly_builded from review environment - Environment Model object - self.env """ logger.info("Update fuel-agent code and assemble new ubuntu bootstrap") ssh = SSHManager() if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise Exception("{} variable don't exist" .format(settings.UPDATE_FUEL)) try: pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/fuel-agent-review/' ssh.upload_to_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.FUEL_AGENT_REPO_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # renew code in bootstrap # Step 1 - install squashfs-tools cmd = "yum install -y squashfs-tools" ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) # Step 2 - unpack bootstrap bootstrap = "/var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap" bootstrap_var = "/var/root.squashfs" cmd = "unsquashfs -d /var/root.squashfs {}/root.squashfs".format( bootstrap) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) # Step 3 - replace fuel-agent code in unpacked bootstrap agent_path = "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fuel_agent" bootstrap_file = bootstrap + "/root.squashfs" cmd = ("rsync -r {2}fuel_agent/* {0}{1}/;" "mv {3} /var/root.squashfs.old;" ).format(bootstrap_var, agent_path, pack_path, bootstrap_file) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) # Step 4 - assemble new bootstrap compression = "-comp xz" no_progress_bar = "-no-progress" no_append = "-noappend" image_rebuild = "mksquashfs {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( bootstrap_var, bootstrap_file, compression, no_progress_bar, no_append) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=image_rebuild) checkers.check_file_exists(ssh.admin_ip, '{0}'.format(bootstrap_file)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not upload package {e}".format(e=e)) raise def replace_centos_bootstrap(environment): """Replaced initramfs.img in /var/www/nailgun/ with re-builded with review code environment - Environment Model object - self.env """ logger.info("Updating bootstrap") ssh = SSHManager() if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise Exception("{} variable don't exist" .format(settings.UPDATE_FUEL)) rebuilded_bootstrap = '/var/initramfs.img.updated' checkers.check_file_exists( ssh.admin_ip, '{0}'.format(rebuilded_bootstrap)) logger.info("Assigning new bootstrap from {}".format(rebuilded_bootstrap)) bootstrap = "/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap" cmd = ("mv {0}/initramfs.img /var/initramfs.img;" "cp /var/initramfs.img.updated {0}/initramfs.img;" "chmod +r {0}/initramfs.img;").format(bootstrap) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) cmd = "cobbler sync" ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) def update_ostf(): logger.info("Uploading new package from {0}".format( settings.UPDATE_FUEL_PATH)) ssh = SSHManager() pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/fuel-ostf/' full_pack_path = os.path.join(pack_path, 'fuel-ostf*.noarch.rpm') ssh.upload_to_remote( ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.UPDATE_FUEL_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # Check old fuel-ostf package cmd = "rpm -q fuel-ostf" old_package = ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.info( 'Current package version of ' 'fuel-ostf: {0}'.format(old_package)) cmd = "rpm -qp {0}".format(full_pack_path) new_package = ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.info('Package from review {0}'.format(new_package)) if old_package == new_package: logger.info('Package {0} is installed'.format(new_package)) return cmd = "service ostf stop" ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) cmd = "service ostf status" helpers.wait(lambda: "dead" in ssh.execute_on_remote( ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'], timeout=60) logger.info("OSTF status: inactive") cmd = "rpm -e fuel-ostf" ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) cmd = "rpm -Uvh --oldpackage {0}".format(full_pack_path) ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) cmd = "rpm -q fuel-ostf" installed_package = ssh.execute_on_remote( ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] assert_equal( installed_package, new_package, "The new package {0} was not installed. Actual {1}".format( new_package, installed_package)) cmd = "service ostf start" ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) cmd = "service ostf status" helpers.wait( lambda: "running" in ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'], timeout=60) cmd = "curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}'" helpers.wait( lambda: "401" in ssh.execute_on_remote( ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'], timeout=60) logger.info("OSTF status: RUNNING") def get_oswl_services_names(): cmd = "systemctl list-units| grep oswl_ | awk '{print $1}'" result = SSHManager().execute_on_remote( SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd)['stdout_str'].strip() logger.info('list of statistic services {0}'.format( result.split('\n'))) return result.split('\n') def replace_fuel_nailgun_rpm(): """ Replace fuel_nailgun*.rpm from review """ logger.info("Patching fuel-nailgun") ssh = SSHManager() if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise exceptions.FuelQAVariableNotSet('UPDATE_FUEL', 'True') pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/fuel-nailgun/' full_pack_path = os.path.join(pack_path, 'fuel-nailgun*.noarch.rpm') logger.info('Package path {0}'.format(full_pack_path)) ssh.upload_to_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.UPDATE_FUEL_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # Check old fuel-nailgun package cmd = "rpm -q fuel-nailgun" old_package = ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.info( 'Current package version of ' 'fuel-nailgun: {0}'.format(old_package)) cmd = "rpm -qp {0}".format(full_pack_path) new_package = ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] logger.info("Updating package {0} with {1}".format( old_package, new_package)) if old_package == new_package: logger.debug('Looks like package from review ' 'was installed during setups of master node') return # stop services service_list = ['assassind', 'receiverd', 'nailgun', 'statsenderd'] [ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd='systemctl stop {0}'.format(service)) for service in service_list] logger.info('statistic services {0}'.format(get_oswl_services_names())) # stop statistic services [ssh.execute_on_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd='systemctl stop {0}'.format(service)) for service in get_oswl_services_names()] # Drop nailgun db manage.py dropdb cmd = 'manage.py dropdb' ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) # Delete package logger.info("Delete package {0}".format(old_package)) cmd = "rpm -e fuel-nailgun" ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) logger.info("Install package {0}".format(new_package)) cmd = "rpm -Uvh --oldpackage {0}".format(full_pack_path) ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) cmd = "rpm -q fuel-nailgun" installed_package = ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd)['stdout_str'] assert_equal(installed_package, new_package, "The new package {0} was not installed".format(new_package)) cmd = ('puppet apply --debug ' '/etc/puppet/modules/fuel/examples/nailgun.pp') ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) cmd_sync = 'fuel release --sync-deployment-tasks --dir /etc/puppet/' ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd_sync) def update_rpm(path, rpm_cmd='/bin/rpm -Uvh --force'): cmd = '{rpm_cmd} {rpm_path}'\ .format(rpm_cmd=rpm_cmd, rpm_path=path) logger.info("Updating rpm '{0}'".format(path)) try: SSHManager().execute(SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd) logger.info("Rpm '{0}' has been updated successfully " .format(path)) except Exception as ex: logger.error("Could not update rpm '{0}' in the '{1}'" .format(path, ex)) raise def restart_service(service_name, timeout=30): restart_cmd = 'service {} restart'.format(service_name) get_status_cmd = 'service {} status'.format(service_name) logger.info("Restarting service '{0}'".format(service_name)) try: SSHManager().execute_on_remote(SSHManager().admin_ip, restart_cmd) helpers.wait( lambda: 'running' in SSHManager().execute_on_remote(SSHManager().admin_ip, get_status_cmd)['stdout_str'], timeout=timeout) logger.info("Service '{0}' has been restarted successfully " .format(service_name)) except Exception as ex: logger.error("Could not restart '{0}' service " "in the '{1}'" .format(service_name, ex)) raise def does_new_pkg_equal_to_installed_pkg(installed_package, new_package): rpm_query_cmd = '/bin/rpm -q' current_version_cmd = '{rpm} {package}'\ .format(rpm=rpm_query_cmd, package=installed_package) urlfile_version_cmd = '{rpm} --package {package}'\ .format(rpm=rpm_query_cmd, package=new_package) logger.info("Comparing installed package version against " "the package version to be installed in the") current_version = SSHManager().execute_on_remote( ip=SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd=current_version_cmd) new_version = SSHManager().execute_on_remote( ip=SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd=urlfile_version_cmd) logger.info("Installed package version: {}".format(current_version)) logger.info("Package version to be installed: {}".format(new_version)) return current_version == new_version def get_full_filename(wildcard_name): cmd = 'ls {}'.format(wildcard_name) logger.info("Getting full file name for: {}".format(wildcard_name)) full_pkg_name = SSHManager().execute_on_remote( ip=SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd=cmd)['stdout_str'] return full_pkg_name def inject_nailgun_agent_ubuntu_bootstrap(environment): """Inject nailgun agent packet from review into ubuntu bootsrap environment - Environment Model object - self.env """ logger.info("Update nailgun-agent code and assemble new ubuntu bootstrap") ssh = SSHManager() if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise Exception("{} variable don't exist" .format(settings.UPDATE_FUEL)) pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/nailgun-agent-review/' # Step 1 - install squashfs-tools cmd = "yum install -y squashfs-tools" ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) # Step 2 - unpack bootstrap bootstrap = "/var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap" bootstrap_var = "/var/root.squashfs" cmd = "unsquashfs -d /var/root.squashfs {}/root.squashfs".format( bootstrap) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) # Step 3 - replace nailgun-agent code in unpacked bootstrap agent_path = "/usr/bin/nailgun-agent" bootstrap_file = bootstrap + "/root.squashfs" logger.info('bootsrap file {0}{1}'.format(bootstrap_var, agent_path)) old_sum = get_sha_sum('{0}{1}'.format(bootstrap_var, agent_path)) logger.info('Old sum is {0}'.format(old_sum)) cmd_etc_sync = ('rsync -r {1}etc/* {0}/etc/'.format( bootstrap_var, pack_path)) ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd_etc_sync) cmd = ("rsync -r {1}usr/* {0}/usr/;" "mv {2} " "/var/root.squashfs.old;" "").format(bootstrap_var, pack_path, bootstrap_file) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=cmd) new_sum = get_sha_sum('{0}{1}'.format(bootstrap_var, agent_path)) logger.info('new sum is {0}'.format(new_sum)) assert_equal(new_sum != old_sum, True) # Step 4 - assemble new bootstrap compression = "-comp xz" no_progress_bar = "-no-progress" no_append = "-noappend" image_rebuild = "mksquashfs {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( bootstrap_var, bootstrap_file, compression, no_progress_bar, no_append) ssh.execute_on_remote(ip=ssh.admin_ip, cmd=image_rebuild) checkers.check_file_exists(ssh.admin_ip, bootstrap_file) def upload_nailgun_agent_rpm(): """Upload nailgun_agent.rpm on master node """ ssh = SSHManager() logger.info("Upload nailgun-agent") if not settings.UPDATE_FUEL: raise exceptions.FuelQAVariableNotSet('UPDATE_FUEL', 'True') pack_path = '/var/www/nailgun/nailgun-agent-review/' ssh.upload_to_remote( ip=ssh.admin_ip, source=settings.UPDATE_FUEL_PATH.rstrip('/'), target=pack_path) # Extract rpm context cmd = 'cd {0}; rpm2cpio {1} | cpio -idmv'.format( pack_path, 'nailgun-agent-*.noarch.rpm ') ssh.execute_on_remote(ssh.admin_ip, cmd) def get_sha_sum(file_path): logger.debug('Get md5 fo file {0}'.format(file_path)) md5_sum = SSHManager().execute_on_remote( SSHManager().admin_ip, cmd='md5sum {0}'.format( file_path))['stdout_str'].strip() logger.info('MD5 is {0}'.format(md5_sum)) return md5_sum def puppet_modules_mapping(modules): """ find fuel-qa system test which have maximum coverage for edited puppet modules and register that group with "review_in_fuel_library" name modules - dictionary of puppet modules edited in review Example: modules = {'horizon':'fuel-library/deployment/Puppetfile'} """ # open yaml with covered modules with open("gates_tests/helpers/puppet_module_mapping.yaml", "r") as f: mapping = yaml.load(f) if modules and type(modules) is dict: all_modules = set([j for i in mapping.values() for j in i]) logger.debug( "List of puppet modules covered by system_tests {}".format( all_modules)) logger.info( "List of modules edited in review {}".format(modules.keys())) # checking that module from review covered by system_test for module in modules.keys(): if module not in all_modules: logger.warning( "{}:{} module not exist or not covered by system_test" .format(module, modules[module])) # find test group which has better coverage of modules from review system_test = "bvt_2" max_intersection = 0 if not ("ceph" in modules and set( ["roles/cinder.pp", "cinder", "openstack-cinder"]) & set( modules)): for test in mapping: test_intersection = len( set(mapping[test]).intersection(set(modules))) if test_intersection > max_intersection: max_intersection = test_intersection system_test = test # To completely check ceph module we can't mix ceph and cinder togeher else: logger.warning( "We cannot check cinder and ceph together {}" .format(modules)) system_test = "bvt_2" else: logger.warning("There no modules that changed in review " "so just run default system test") system_test = "bvt_2" logger.info( "Puppet modules from review {}" " will be checked by next system test: {}".format( modules, system_test)) register(groups=['review_in_fuel_library'], depends_on_groups=[system_test]) def map_test_review_in_fuel_library(**kwargs): groups = kwargs.get('run_groups', None) old_groups = kwargs.get('groups', None) groups.extend(old_groups or []) if 'review_in_fuel_library' in groups: mp = FuelLibraryModulesProvider.from_environment_vars() modules = mp.get_changed_modules() puppet_modules_mapping(modules)