Re-design role decomposition feature

Change-Id: I2e6bd540c548a048cce4a733d079710fd177df41
Blueprint: role-decomposition
This commit is contained in:
Viacheslav Valyavskiy 2016-11-08 11:11:34 +03:00
parent ebdb7c1716
commit 6a3350444b
1 changed files with 40 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -23,199 +23,38 @@ nodes in any combination they see fit.
Proposed changes
Task placement will be determined based on a node's tags. Task definitions
will contain a list of tags which will be used to match them to nodes.
Task placement will be determined based on new unit - `tag`. Each release or
plugin role will contain specific set of tags. Task definitions will contain
a list of tags which will be used to match them to nodes.
This requires a new task resolver on nailgun side and work on decoupling of
tasks on fuel-library side.
Web UI
UI part should be extended to allow to:
* create new tag(for cluster or release)
* delete user-defined tags(for cluster or release)
* modify user-defined tags metadata
* list all tags(for cluster or release)
* assign tag to the node
* unassign tag from the node
This part has a nice to have priority for current BP.
A new resolver which supports tags should be introduced.
Initially, when we assign role to the node, full set of tags produced by this
role will be assigned to the node automatically and then user is able to
configure assignment of tags for the node(remove tag from the node,
assign tag to a node, etc.) via API/CLI/UI. For example, if you assign
'controller' role to the specific node, then all its tags 'mysql', 'neutron',
'keystone', 'rabbitmq' will be assigned to the node. It should possible to
remove all tags from a node. In this case no tasks will be resolved for this
node, except as defined by the implicit role name tag.
Tags may be assigned or removed from a node regardless of the defaults
inherited by role assignment. It means that we have no strong restriction
between roles and tags to allow user to decide what set of tags is needed
for particular role.
For example, controller role producing tags neutron and rabbitmq. So, new
resolver should collect tasks using these `tags` (all tasks and groups with
'neutron' and 'rabbitmq' tags should be collected).
For example:
- 'controller' role is assigned to the node and user does not change tag's
assignment - tasks with any of tags produced by 'controller' role should
be applied on the node
- 'controller' role is assigned to the node and user removed all tags from the
node except for 'rabbitmq' tag - only tasks with 'rabbitmq' tag should be
applied on the node
We have decided to introduce extension's support for automatic tag's
assignment(when we are assigning role what's providing tags).
Callback, to the nailgun's extensions will be performed when user assign
role to the node. So, developer will be able to embed his own piece of logic
into assignment group of tags to the node.
For example extension may produce following tag's assignment for the controller
.. code-block:: yaml
- node_id: 1
node_roles: [controller]
tags: [cluster:2, mysql:1]
- node_id: 2
node_roles: [controller]
tags: [cluster:1, mysql:2]
New task's processing workflow:
- when a role is assigned to node, the tags will automatically be extracted
from the role metadata and assigned to the node
- any role assigned to node should be automatically copied into its tags
- if task has only `tags` field - task should be resolved by tags(resolver
should check intersection between node's tags and task's tags)
- if task has only `role` field - resolver should check intersection between
node's tags and task's `roles` field(or lookup task's roles from its group)
- user is able to unassign automatically added tags via API/CLI/UI
When we are assigning role to the node this role should be automatically
added as tag in node's tags list so that we can resolve task using only
TagsResolver. Also, this resolver should use regular expressions for roles
as regular expressions for tags.
.. code:: python
class TagsResolver(object):
def resolve(task, node):
for tag in (task.get('tags') or task.get('role')):
if tag.startswith('/') and tag.endswith('/'):
if regex_resolver(tag.strip('/'), node.get('tags')):
return True
if tag in node.get('tags'):
return True
return False
def regex_resolver(regex, tags):
pattern = re.compile(regex.strip('/'))
for tag in tags:
if pattern.match(tag):
return True
return False
resolver = tags_resolver
resolver.resolve(node, task)
Advantage: it's not necessary to add 'common-controller' tag into each task
what should not be run for other tags as we are using task's 'role' field like
a tag.
We have following set of tasks:
.. code-block:: yaml
- id: mysql
tags: [controller, mysql]
- id: haproxy
role: [controller]
- id: globals
role: ['/.*/']
And following set of nodes:
.. code-block:: yaml
- id: node-1
roles: [controller]
tags: [mysql]
It's not necessary to mark 'haproxy' task with any tag as it's expecting
'controller' tag in node's tags.
'role' and 'roles' fields should be deprecated.
To be prepared for deploying several instances of mysql, rabbitmq, corosync,
etc., the following workflow is proposed:
- instance tags like 'tag:instance'(example 'mysql:1') may be added via API
by user or third party application
- these tags will not be used during the task's resolving process(no tasks
will be resolved using these tags and it's expected behavior)
- if you add tasks with tags 'corosync:1' or 'corosync*' what are completely
matching with explicitly added tag then it will work
- special parser function on the puppet side should be written to identify
node's belonging to the one or another mysql, etc. instances based on node's
'instances' tags
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
tags: ['corosync:1', 'mysql:2']
tags: ['corosync:2', 'mysql:1']
tags: ['corosync:2', 'mysql:2']
So, when function trying to collect nodes belonging to the same 'mysql'
instance and puppet compiling catalogs for 'node-1' it should return 'node-1'
and 'node-3'(mysql nodes placed in one cluster).
Plugin's tasks will be processed in old way(by role) if plugin's tasks have no
`tags` field.
Serialization logic should be extended to support 'primary' tags assignment.
Pre-deployment checker should check that all pre-defined tags have been
assigned to nodes and show info message to the user. Anyway, user will be
able to proceed without assigning of full set of tags.
Number of nodes with detached roles does not depend on number of pure
controller nodes. Anyway, even if we have only one node with assigned `tag`
it will be configured in HA manner (pacemaker with one cluster node will be
brought up, etc.) to make it ready for scaling in the future.
Cross-dependency task's resolution should be introduced for tags.
It should be possible to change set of tags for a node after the deployment to
make moving of components from old node to new one easier.
Initially, tags based task's resolution should be optional for user and may be
enabled by option 'Tags resolution engine'.
A new tags based resolver which supports tags should be introduced. Tags are
simple entities what should be used for tasks resolution(in opposite to old
role driven resolution approach) only. User is not able to operate with node's
tags directly, but, he should create new role containing tags what he is
interested in and assign created role to the node.
``primary-tags`` field should be introduced for node model to store primary
set of tags for the node.
Tags will be fetched from roles metadata during serialization process and
will not be stored for each node directly(we have no `tags` field in node db
Data model
An additional field named ``tags`` will be added to release metadata to
provide ability to specify set of `core` tags for release.
`Tag` should have the similar properties with role:
- `has_primary` property(is obligatory now)
- etc.
provide ability to specify set of tags for release roles.
`Tag` should have only one field:
- `has_primary` property
@ -236,65 +75,20 @@ Example:
has_primary: true
This list of tags will be uploaded on the release api with release package.
New JSON fields ``volumes_metadata`` and ``roles_metadata`` should be
introduced for cluster model.
Add new table `tags` with the following scheme:
* FK owner_id - (release | cluster | plugin) id
* owner_class - Enum(release | cluster | plugin)
* read_only: boolean
* has_primary: boolean
New JSON field ``tags_metadata`` should be introduced for cluster, release,
plugin models.
Add new table `tag_node_assignment` with the following scheme to link
tag with nodes:
* FK node_id
* FK tag_id
New field ``tags`` should be introduced into node data model.
New field ``tags`` should be introduced into cluster data model.
New field ``tags`` should be introduced into release data model.
New field ``tags`` should be introduced into plugin data model.
Column `roles` should be renamed to `tags` in 'deployment_graph_tasks' table.
``primary_roles`` column should be renamed to ``primary_tags`` for node model.
Nailgun API should be extended to support assigning of `tags`.
Proposed workflow:
* user should assign some of roles to the node(set of tags provided by assigned
role will be added to node's tags automatically)
* user is able to manipulate with tag's assignment via API:
- user is able to manipulate with pre-defined set of tags(assign, unassign)
- user should have an ability to create his own tags(for cluster and
release) and assign them
Note: User is not able to delete tags stuck to the role(tags mentioned in
roles_metadata in field 'tags'). We are supposing that only pre-defined tags
should be there.
Available operations with tag via API:
* create new tag(for cluster or release)
* delete user-defined tags(for cluster or release)
* modify user-defined tags metadata
* list all tags(for cluster or release)
* assign tag to the node
* unassign tag from the node
Example of API request for `tag` creation for the cluster:
* ${API_URL}/?cluster_id=1&tag_name='swift'&role='swift'&meta=${tag_metadata}
Note: If user-defined tag will be introduced for the cluster tags will be
available only for this cluster.
Example of API request for `tag` creation for the release:
* ${API_URL}/?release_id=1&tag_name='swift'&role='swift'&meta=${tag_metadata}
Note: If user-defined tag will be introduced for the release tags will be
available in all cluster created with this release.
Example of API request for assigning `tag` to node:
* ${API_URL}/?node_id=${node_id}&tags=['neutron', 'mysql']
Nailgun API should be extended to support role's creation for clusters to
make cluster's specific roles not visible for other clusters and avoid
@ -309,29 +103,12 @@ None
Fuel Client
Additional work should be done in fuel client component for pretty output of
`tags` and its manipulation.
Available operations with tag via CLI:
* create new tag(for cluster or release)
* delete user-definded tags(for cluster or release)
* modify user-defined tags metadata
* list all tags(for cluster or release)
* assign tag to the node
* unassign tag from the node
Fuel Client should be extended to support role's creation for clusters.
It's expected that changes in fuel-library and nailgun components
may lead to failing for some of fuel-plugins.
Mandatory plugins list:
- aic-fuel-plugin
- fuel-plugin-contrail
- LMA (ES, Influx, collector & alerting)
- zabbix-database
- zabbix-mon
Fuel Library
@ -401,7 +178,6 @@ Upgrade impact
We should consider changes in tag's assignment between minor releases.
For example, it may be embedded into db migration process.
Security impact
@ -418,18 +194,12 @@ None
End user impact
Initially, tags based task's resolution should be optional for user and may be
enabled by option 'Tags resolution engine'.
User will be able to detach set of components described in the specification
from controller node.
User can change set of tags for any role using nailgun API and CLI for
particular environment or release.
If user don't assign some of mandatory tags(tags what are declared in release
information) warning message should be provided to user.
- user assigning role to the node
- user is able to configure set of tags for this node
User will be able to create roles with specific set of tags.
Initially, user has only default set of roles and its tags. If he wants,
for example, create detached role with 'mysql', he should create new cluster
role containing only 'mysql' tag.
User is able to modify roles(and its set of tags) in any moment except of
deployment process.
Performance impact
@ -459,12 +229,7 @@ None
Documentation impact
Describe how to decompose roles using node tags.
It should be possible to move detached services to separate node after the
deployment process. We are not planning to prepare automated procedure for
cleaning services what are supposed to be detached from nodes where it was
placed initially. So, corresponding document should be prepared.
Describe how to create custom roles(with custom set of tag).
@ -477,7 +242,7 @@ Primary assignee:
* Viacheslav Valyavskiy <>
Other contributors:
* Ivan Ponomarev <>
* Mikhail Zhnichkov <>
Mandatory design review:
* Vladimir Kuklin <>
@ -486,13 +251,13 @@ Mandatory design review:
Work Items
#. Introduce operations with tags via nailgun API
#. Introduce operations with roles for cluster(API, DB)
#. New tags based resolver in nailgun
#. Extend fuel-client to support operations with roles
for cluster
#. Role/Tag decomposition in Fuel-library
#. Update composition data access methods in fuel-library
#. Decouple Neutron component
#. Prepare documentation for cluster scaling
#. Update mandatory fuel plugins
#. Decouple Neutron component in fuel-library
@ -510,7 +275,7 @@ Acceptance criteria
User is able to deploy services currently tied to the controller (e.g.
Keystone, Neutron, Mysql) on separate nodes via API(Web UI and CLI have a
Keystone, Neutron, Mysql) on separate nodes via CLI(Web UI have a
nice to have priority).