#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # This file contains the functions for connecting to Fuel VM, checking if the installation process completed # and Fuel became operational, and also enabling outbound network/internet access for this VM through the # host system [ "$(basename ${0})" = "product.sh" ] && exit 1 source ./functions/shell.sh ssh_options='-F /dev/null -oConnectTimeout=5 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oRSAAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=no' wait_for_exec_in_bootstrap() { ip=$1 username=$2 password=$3 prompt=$4 cmd=$5 # Log in into the VM, exec cmd and print exitcode # Looks a bit ugly, but 'end of expect' has to be in the very beginning of the line result=$( execute expect << ENDOFEXPECT spawn ssh $ssh_options $username@$ip expect "connect to host" exit expect "*?assword:*" send "$password\r" expect "$prompt" send "$cmd\r" expect "$prompt" send "echo \"rc=\$?\"\r" expect "$prompt" send "logout\r" expect "$prompt" ENDOFEXPECT ) echo "$result" | grep -q "[r]c=0" >&2 && return 0 return 1 } wait_for_product_vm_to_download() { ip=$1 username=$2 password=$3 prompt=$4 echo -n "Waiting for product VM to download files. Please do NOT abort the script... " # Loop until master node booted and wait_for_external_config started maxdelay=3000 while ! wait_for_exec_in_bootstrap $ip $username $password "$prompt" "ps xa | grep '\[w\]ait_for_external_config'"; do sleep 5 ((waited += 5)) if (( waited >= maxdelay )); then echo "Installation timed out! ($maxdelay seconds)" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done echo "OK" } wait_for_product_vm_to_install() { ip=$1 username=$2 password=$3 prompt=$4 echo -n "Waiting for product VM to install. Please do NOT abort the script... " # Loop until master node gets successfully installed maxdelay=3000 while wait_for_exec_in_bootstrap $ip $username $password "$prompt" "ps xa | grep '\[b\]ootstrap_admin_node.sh'"; do sleep 5 ((waited += 5)) if (( waited >= maxdelay )); then echo "Installation timed out! ($maxdelay seconds)" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done echo "OK" } check_internet_connection() { line=$1 OIFS="${IFS}" NIFS=$' ' IFS="${NIFS}" for i in $line; do if [[ "$i" == *% && "$i" != 100* ]]; then return 0 fi done IFS="${OIFS}" return 1 } enable_outbound_network_for_product_vm() { ip=$1 username=$2 password=$3 prompt=$4 # Check for internet access on the host system echo -n "Checking for internet connectivity on the host system... " check_hosts=`echo google.com wikipedia.com | tr ' ' '\n'` case $(execute uname) in Linux | Darwin) for i in ${check_hosts} ; do ping_host=`execute ping -c 2 ${i} | grep %` ping_host_result+=$ping_host done ;; CYGWIN*) if [ ! -z "`execute type ping | grep system32`" ]; then for i in ${check_hosts} ; do ping_host=`execute ping -n 5 ${i} | grep %` ping_host_result+=$ping_host done elif [ ! -z "`execute type ping | grep bin`" ]; then for i in ${check_hosts} ; do ping_host=`execute ping ${i} count 5 | grep %` ping_host_result+=$ping_host done else print_no_internet_connectivity_banner fi ;; *) print_no_internet_connectivity_banner ;; esac check_internet_connection "$ping_host_result" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "OK" else print_no_internet_connectivity_banner fi # Check host nameserver configuration echo -n "Checking local DNS configuration... " if execute test -f /etc/resolv.conf ; then # we should exclude loopback and IPv6 addresses from the nameservers list nameserver="$(execute grep '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf | egrep -v 'nameserver\s*(127\.|.*:)' | head -3)" fi if [ -z "$nameserver" ] && execute test -x /usr/bin/nmcli; then # Get DNS from network manager if [ -n "`execute LANG=C nmcli nm | grep \"running\s\+connected\"`" ]; then # we should exclude loopback and IPv6 addresses from the nameservers list nameserver="$(execute nmcli dev list | grep 'IP[46].DNS' | sed -e 's/IP[46]\.DNS\[[0-9]\+\]:\s\+/nameserver /'| grep -v 'nameserver\s*(127\.|.*:)' | head -3)" fi fi if [ -z "$nameserver" ]; then echo "/etc/resolv.conf does not contain a nameserver. Using for DNS." nameserver="nameserver" else echo "OK" fi # Enable internet access on inside the VMs echo -n "Enabling outbound network/internet access for the product VM... " # Get network settings (ip address and ip network) for eth1 interface of the master node local master_ip_pub_net=$(echo $fuel_master_ips | cut -f2 -d ' ') master_ip_pub_net="${master_ip_pub_net%.*}"".1" local master_pub_net="${master_ip_pub_net%.*}"".0" # Convert nameservers list into the one line separated by the comma dns_upstream="$(echo -e $nameserver | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sed -e':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g')" # Log in into the VM, configure and bring up the NAT interface, set default gateway, check internet connectivity # Looks a bit ugly, but 'end of expect' has to be in the very beginning of the line result=$( execute expect << ENDOFEXPECT spawn ssh $ssh_options $username@$ip expect "connect to host" exit expect "*?assword:*" send "$password\r" expect "$prompt" # make backups, remove network manager options, disable defaults, enable boot and disable network manager send "sed -i.orig '/^UUID=\\\|^NM_CONTROLLED=/d;s/^\\\(.*\\\)=yes/\\\1=no/g;s/^ONBOOT=.*/ONBOOT=yes/;/^ONBOOT=/iNM_CONTROLLED=no' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth{0,1,2}\r" expect "$prompt" # eth1 should be static with private ip address and provided netmask send "sed -i 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*/BOOTPROTO=static/;/^BOOTPROTO/aIPADDR=${master_ip_pub_net}\\\nNETMASK=${mask}' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1\r" expect "$prompt" # eth2 should get ip address via dhcp and used default route send "sed -i 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/;s/^DEFROUTE=.*/DEFROUTE=yes/;/^BOOTPROTO/aPERSISTENT_DHCLIENT=yes' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2\r" expect "$prompt" # make backup and disable zeroconf at all because we should use only DHCP on eth2 send "sed -i.orig '/NOZEROCONF/d;aNOZEROCONF=yes' /etc/sysconfig/network\r" expect "$prompt" # remove default route from eth0 and system wide settings if exists send "sed -i '/^GATEWAY=/d' /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0\r" expect "$prompt" # fix bug https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7351 send "sed -i.orig '/^DEVICE=lo/aTYPE=Loopback' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo\r" expect "$prompt" # remove old settings from the resolv.conf and dnsmasq.upstream if exists send "sed -i.orig '/^nameserver/d' /etc/resolv.conf /etc/dnsmasq.upstream &>/dev/null\r" expect "$prompt" # update the resolv.conf and dnsmasq.upstream with the new settings send "echo -e '$nameserver' | tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.upstream >>/etc/resolv.conf\r" expect "$prompt" # update the astute.yaml with the new settings send "sed -i.orig '/DNS_UPSTREAM/c\\"DNS_UPSTREAM\\": \\"${dns_upstream}\\"' /etc/fuel/astute.yaml\r" expect "$prompt" # enable NAT (MASQUERADE) and forwarding for the public network # User-defined chains are introduced by LP#1524750 send "/sbin/iptables -t nat -N ext-nat-postrouting &>/dev/null\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -t filter -N ext-filter-forward &>/dev/null\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -t nat -A ext-nat-postrouting -s $master_pub_net/24 \! -d $master_pub_net/24 -j MASQUERADE\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -I ext-filter-forward 1 --dst $master_pub_net/24 -j ACCEPT\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -I ext-filter-forward 1 --src $master_pub_net/24 -j ACCEPT\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j ext-nat-postrouting\r" expect "$prompt" send "/sbin/iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -j ext-filter-forward\r" expect "$prompt" send "service iptables save &>/dev/null\r" expect "$prompt" # disable NetworkManager and apply the network changes send "nmcli networking off &>/dev/null ; service network restart &>/dev/null\r" expect "$prompt" send "logout\r" expect "$prompt" ENDOFEXPECT ) echo "OK" # Waiting until the network services are restarted. # 5 seconds is optimal time for different operating systems. echo -n "Waiting until the network services are restarted... " sleep 5s result_inet=$( execute expect << ENDOFEXPECT spawn ssh $ssh_options $username@$ip expect "connect to host" exit expect "*?assword:*" send "$password\r" expect "$prompt" send "for i in {1..5}; do ping -c 2 google.com || ping -c 2 wikipedia.com || sleep 2; done\r" expect "*icmp*" expect "$prompt" send "logout\r" expect "$prompt" ENDOFEXPECT ) # When you are launching command in a sub-shell, there are issues with IFS (internal field separator) # and parsing output as a set of strings. So, we are saving original IFS, replacing it, iterating over lines, # and changing it back to normal # # http://blog.edwards-research.com/2010/01/quick-bash-trick-looping-through-output-lines/ OIFS="${IFS}" NIFS=$'\n' IFS="${NIFS}" for line in $result_inet; do IFS="${OIFS}" if [[ $line == *icmp_seq* ]]; then IFS="${NIFS}" echo "OK" wait_for_exec_in_bootstrap $ip $username $password "$prompt" "pkill -f ^wait_for_external_config" return 0; fi IFS="${NIFS}" done print_no_internet_connectivity_banner return 1 } print_no_internet_connectivity_banner() { echo "FAIL" echo "############################################################" echo "# WARNING: some of the Fuel features will not be supported #" echo "# because there is no Internet connectivity #" echo "############################################################" }