
1156 lines
49 KiB

* Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
], function($, _, i18n, Backbone, utils, Expression, expressionObjects, customControls, Cookies) {
'use strict';
var models = {};
var superMixin = models.superMixin = {
_super: function(method, args) {
var object = this;
while (object[method] === this[method]) object = object.constructor.__super__;
return object[method].apply(this, args || []);
// Mixin for adjusting some collection functions to work properly with model.get.
// Lodash supports some methods with predicate objects, not functions.
// Underscore has only pure predicate functions.
// We need to convert predicate objects to functions that use model's
// get functionality -- otherwise model.property always returns undefined.
var collectionMixin = {
getByIds: function(ids) {
return this.filter(function(model) {return _.contains(ids, model.id);});
var collectionMethods = [
'dropRightWhile', 'dropWhile', 'takeRightWhile', 'takeWhile',
'findIndex', 'findLastIndex',
'findKey', 'findLastKey',
'find', 'detect', 'findLast',
'filter', 'select', 'reject',
'every', 'all', 'some', 'any',
_.each(collectionMethods, function(method) {
collectionMixin[method] = function() {
var args = _.toArray(arguments),
source = args[0];
if (_.isPlainObject(source)) {
args[0] = function(model) {
return _.isMatch(model.attributes, source);
return _[method].apply(_, args);
var BaseModel = models.BaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend(superMixin);
var BaseCollection = models.BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend(collectionMixin).extend(superMixin);
var cacheMixin = {
fetch: function(options) {
if (this.cacheFor && options && options.cache && this.lastSyncTime && (this.cacheFor > (new Date() - this.lastSyncTime))) {
return $.Deferred().resolve();
if (options) delete options.cache;
return this._super('fetch', arguments);
sync: function() {
var deferred = this._super('sync', arguments);
if (this.cacheFor) {
deferred.done(_.bind(function() {
this.lastSyncTime = new Date();
}, this));
return deferred;
var restrictionMixin = models.restrictionMixin = {
expandRestrictions: function(restrictions, path) {
path = path || 'restrictions';
this.expandedRestrictions = this.expandedRestrictions || {};
this.expandedRestrictions[path] = _.map(restrictions, utils.expandRestriction, this);
checkRestrictions: function(models, action, path) {
path = path || 'restrictions';
var restrictions = (this.expandedRestrictions || {})[path];
if (action) restrictions = _.where(restrictions, {action: action});
var satisfiedRestrictions = _.filter(restrictions, function(restriction) {
return new Expression(restriction.condition, models, restriction).evaluate();
return {result: !!satisfiedRestrictions.length, message: _.compact(_.pluck(satisfiedRestrictions, 'message')).join(' ')};
expandLimits: function(limits) {
this.expandedLimits = this.expandedLimits || {};
this.expandedLimits[this.get('name')] = limits;
checkLimits: function(models, nodes, checkLimitIsReached, limitTypes) {
* Check the 'limits' section of configuration.
* models -- current models to check the limits
* nodes -- node collection to check the limits
* checkLimitIsReached -- boolean (default: true), if true then for min = 1, 1 node is allowed
* if false, then for min = 1, 1 node is not allowed anymore
* This is because validation runs in 2 modes: validate current model as is
* and validate current model checking the possibility of adding/removing node
* So if max = 1 and we have 1 node then:
* - the model is valid as is (return true) -- case for checkLimitIsReached = true
* - there can be no more nodes added (return false) -- case for checkLimitIsReached = false
* limitType -- array of limit types to check. Possible choices are 'min', 'max', 'recommended'
// Default values
if (_.isUndefined(checkLimitIsReached)) checkLimitIsReached = true;
if (_.isUndefined(limitTypes)) limitTypes = ['min', 'max'];
var evaluateExpressionHelper = function(expression, models, options) {
var ret;
if (_.isUndefined(expression)) {
return {value: undefined, modelPaths: {}};
} else if (_.isNumber(expression)) {
return {value: expression, modelPaths: {}};
ret = utils.evaluateExpression(expression, models, options);
if (ret.value instanceof expressionObjects.ModelPath) {
ret.value = ret.value.model.get(ret.value.attribute);
return ret;
var checkedLimitTypes = {},
name = this.get('name'),
limits = this.expandedLimits[name] || {},
overrides = limits.overrides || [],
limitValues = {
max: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.max, models).value,
min: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.min, models).value,
recommended: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.recommended, models).value
count = nodes.nodesAfterDeploymentWithRole(name).length,
label = this.get('label');
var checkOneLimit = function(obj, limitType) {
var limitValue,
if (_.isUndefined(obj[limitType])) {
switch (limitType) {
case 'min':
comparator = checkLimitIsReached ? function(a, b) {return a < b;} : function(a, b) {return a <= b;};
case 'max':
comparator = checkLimitIsReached ? function(a, b) {return a > b;} : function(a, b) {return a >= b;};
comparator = function(a, b) {return a < b;};
limitValue = parseInt(evaluateExpressionHelper(obj[limitType], models).value);
// Update limitValue with overrides, this way at the end we have a flattened limitValues with overrides having priority
limitValues[limitType] = limitValue;
checkedLimitTypes[limitType] = true;
if (comparator(count, limitValue)) {
return {
type: limitType,
value: limitValue,
message: obj.message || i18n('common.role_limits.' + limitType, {limitValue: limitValue, count: count, roleName: label})
// Check the overridden limit types
messages = _.chain(overrides)
.map(function(override) {
var exp = evaluateExpressionHelper(override.condition, models).value;
if (exp) {
return _.map(limitTypes, _.partial(checkOneLimit, override));
// Now check the global, not-overridden limit types
messages = messages.concat(_.chain(limitTypes)
.map(function(limitType) {
if (checkedLimitTypes[limitType]) {
return checkOneLimit(limitValues, limitType);
// There can be multiple messages for same limit type
// (for example, multiple 'min' messages) coming from
// multiple override methods. We pick a single, worst
// message, i.e. for 'min' and 'recommended' types we
// pick one with maximal value, for 'max' type we pick
// the minimal one.
messages = _.map(limitTypes, function(limitType) {
var message = _.chain(messages)
.filter({type: limitType})
if (limitType != 'max') {
message = message.reverse();
if (message[0]) {
return message[0].message;
messages = _.compact(messages).join(' ');
return {
count: count,
limits: limitValues,
message: messages,
valid: !messages
models.Plugin = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Plugin',
urlRoot: '/api/plugins'
models.Plugins = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Plugins',
model: models.Plugin,
url: '/api/plugins'
models.Role = BaseModel.extend(restrictionMixin).extend({
idAttribute: 'name',
constructorName: 'Role',
parse: function(response) {
_.extend(response, _.omit(response.meta, 'name'));
response.label = response.meta.name;
delete response.meta;
return response;
models.Roles = BaseCollection.extend(restrictionMixin).extend({
constructorName: 'Roles',
comparator: 'weight',
model: models.Role,
initialize: function() {
this.on('update', this.processConflictsAndRestrictions, this);
processConflictsAndRestrictions: function() {
this.each(function(role) {
var roleConflicts = role.get('conflicts'),
roleName = role.get('name');
if (roleConflicts == '*') {
role.conflicts = _.map(this.reject({name: roleName}), function(role) {
return role.get('name');
} else {
role.conflicts = _.chain(role.conflicts)
_.each(role.conflicts, function(conflictRoleName) {
var conflictingRole = this.findWhere({name: conflictRoleName});
if (conflictingRole) conflictingRole.conflicts = _.uniq(_.union(conflictingRole.conflicts || [], [roleName]));
}, this);
}, this);
models.Release = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Release',
urlRoot: '/api/releases'
models.ReleaseNetworkProperties = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'ReleaseNetworkProperties'
models.Releases = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Releases',
model: models.Release,
url: '/api/releases'
models.Cluster = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Cluster',
urlRoot: '/api/clusters',
defaults: function() {
var defaults = {
nodes: new models.Nodes(),
tasks: new models.Tasks()
defaults.nodes.cluster = defaults.tasks.cluster = this;
return defaults;
validate: function(attrs) {
var errors = {};
if (!_.trim(attrs.name) || _.trim(attrs.name).length == 0) {
errors.name = 'Environment name cannot be empty';
if (!attrs.release) {
errors.release = 'Please choose OpenStack release';
return _.isEmpty(errors) ? null : errors;
viewModes: function() {
return ['standard', 'compact'];
task: function(filter1, filter2) {
var filters = _.isPlainObject(filter1) ? filter1 : {name: filter1, status: filter2};
return this.get('tasks') && this.get('tasks').findTask(filters);
tasks: function(filter1, filter2) {
var filters = _.isPlainObject(filter1) ? filter1 : {name: filter1, status: filter2};
return this.get('tasks') && this.get('tasks').filterTasks(filters);
needsRedeployment: function() {
return this.get('nodes').any({pending_addition: false, status: 'error'}) && this.get('status') != 'update_error';
fetchRelated: function(related, options) {
return this.get(related).fetch(_.extend({data: {cluster_id: this.id}}, options));
isAvailableForSettingsChanges: function() {
return this.get('status') == 'new' || (this.get('status') == 'stopped' && !this.get('nodes').where({status: 'ready'}).length);
isDeploymentPossible: function() {
var nodes = this.get('nodes');
return this.get('release').get('state') != 'unavailable' && !!nodes.length &&
(nodes.hasChanges() || this.needsRedeployment()) && !this.task({group: 'deployment', status: 'running'});
models.Clusters = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Clusters',
model: models.Cluster,
url: '/api/clusters',
comparator: 'id'
models.Node = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Node',
urlRoot: '/api/nodes',
resource: function(resourceName) {
var resource = 0;
try {
if (resourceName == 'cores') {
resource = this.get('meta').cpu.real;
} else if (resourceName == 'ht_cores') {
resource = this.get('meta').cpu.total;
} else if (resourceName == 'hdd') {
resource = _.reduce(this.get('meta').disks, function(hdd, disk) {return _.isNumber(disk.size) ? hdd + disk.size : hdd;}, 0);
} else if (resourceName == 'ram') {
resource = this.get('meta').memory.total;
} else if (resourceName == 'disks') {
resource = _.pluck(this.get('meta').disks, 'size').sort(function(a, b) {return a - b;});
} else if (resourceName == 'disks_amount') {
resource = this.get('meta').disks.length;
} else if (resourceName == 'interfaces') {
resource = this.get('meta').interfaces.length;
} catch (ignore) {}
return _.isNaN(resource) ? 0 : resource;
sortedRoles: function(preferredOrder) {
return _.union(this.get('roles'), this.get('pending_roles')).sort(function(a, b) {
return _.indexOf(preferredOrder, a) - _.indexOf(preferredOrder, b);
isSelectable: function() {
// forbid removing node from adding to environments
// and useless management of roles, disks, interfaces, etc.
return this.get('status') != 'removing';
hasRole: function(role, onlyDeployedRoles) {
var roles = onlyDeployedRoles ? this.get('roles') : _.union(this.get('roles'), this.get('pending_roles'));
return _.contains(roles, role);
hasChanges: function() {
return this.get('pending_addition') || this.get('pending_deletion');
isConfigurable: function() {
return this.get('pending_addition') || this.get('status') == 'error';
getRolesSummary: function(releaseRoles) {
return _.map(this.sortedRoles(releaseRoles.pluck('name')), function(role) {
return releaseRoles.findWhere({name: role}).get('label');
}).join(', ');
getStatusSummary: function() {
// 'offline' status has higher priority
if (!this.get('online')) return 'offline';
var status = this.get('status');
// 'removing' end 'error' statuses have higher priority
if (_.contains(['removing', 'error'], status)) return status;
if (this.get('pending_addition')) return 'pending_addition';
if (this.get('pending_deletion')) return 'pending_deletion';
return status;
getLabel: function(label) {
return this.get('labels')[label];
models.Nodes = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Nodes',
model: models.Node,
url: '/api/nodes',
comparator: 'id',
hasChanges: function() {
return !!this.filter(function(node) {
return node.get('pending_addition') || node.get('pending_deletion') || node.get('pending_roles').length;
nodesAfterDeployment: function() {
return this.filter(function(node) {return !node.get('pending_deletion');});
nodesAfterDeploymentWithRole: function(role) {
return _.filter(this.nodesAfterDeployment(), function(node) {return node.hasRole(role);});
resources: function(resourceName) {
var resources = this.map(function(node) {return node.resource(resourceName);});
return _.reduce(resources, function(sum, n) {return sum + n;}, 0);
getLabelValues: function(label) {
return this.invoke('getLabel', label);
areDisksConfigurable: function() {
if (!this.length) return false;
var roles = _.union(this.at(0).get('roles'), this.at(0).get('pending_roles')),
disks = this.at(0).resource('disks');
return !this.any(function(node) {
var roleConflict = _.difference(roles, _.union(node.get('roles'), node.get('pending_roles'))).length;
return roleConflict || !_.isEqual(disks, node.resource('disks'));
areInterfacesConfigurable: function() {
if (!this.length) return false;
return _.uniq(this.invoke('resource', 'interfaces')).length == 1;
models.NodesStatistics = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'NodesStatistics',
urlRoot: '/api/nodes/allocation/stats'
models.Task = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Task',
urlRoot: '/api/tasks',
releaseId: function() {
var id;
try {
id = this.get('result').release_info.release_id;
} catch (ignore) {}
return id;
groups: {
network: ['verify_networks', 'check_networks'],
deployment: ['update', 'stop_deployment', 'deploy', 'reset_environment', 'spawn_vms']
extendGroups: function(filters) {
return _.union(utils.composeList(filters.name), _.flatten(_.map(utils.composeList(filters.group), _.bind(function(group) {return this.groups[group];}, this))));
match: function(filters) {
filters = filters || {};
var result = false;
if (filters.group || filters.name) {
if (_.contains(this.extendGroups(filters), this.get('name'))) {
result = true;
if (filters.status) {
result = _.contains(utils.composeList(filters.status), this.get('status'));
if (filters.release) {
result = result && this.releaseId() == filters.release;
} else if (filters.status) {
result = _.contains(utils.composeList(filters.status), this.get('status'));
return result;
isInfinite: function() {
return _.contains(['stop_deployment', 'reset_environment'], this.get('name'));
isStoppableTask: function() {
return !_.contains(['stop_deployment', 'reset_environment', 'update', 'spawn_vms'], this.get('name'));
models.Tasks = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Tasks',
model: models.Task,
url: '/api/tasks',
toJSON: function() {
return this.pluck('id');
comparator: 'id',
filterTasks: function(filters) {
return _.flatten(_.map(this.model.prototype.extendGroups(filters), function(name) {
return this.filter(function(task) {
return task.match(_.extend(_.omit(filters, 'group'), {name: name}));
}, this));
findTask: function(filters) {
return this.filterTasks(filters)[0];
models.Notification = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Notification',
urlRoot: '/api/notifications'
models.Notifications = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Notifications',
model: models.Notification,
url: '/api/notifications',
comparator: function(notification) {
return -notification.id;
models.Settings = Backbone.DeepModel.extend(superMixin).extend(cacheMixin).extend(restrictionMixin).extend({
constructorName: 'Settings',
urlRoot: '/api/clusters/',
root: 'editable',
cacheFor: 60 * 1000,
isNew: function() {
return false;
parse: function(response) {
return response[this.root];
toJSON: function() {
if (!this.root) return this._super('toJSON', arguments);
var data = {};
data[this.root] = this._super('toJSON', arguments);
return data;
processRestrictions: function() {
_.each(this.attributes, function(group, groupName) {
if (group.metadata) {
this.expandRestrictions(group.metadata.restrictions, groupName + '.metadata');
_.each(group, function(setting, settingName) {
this.expandRestrictions(setting.restrictions, this.makePath(groupName, settingName));
_.each(setting.values, function(value) {
this.expandRestrictions(value.restrictions, this.makePath(groupName, settingName, value.data));
}, this);
}, this);
}, this);
initialize: function() {
// FIXME(vkramskikh): this will work only if there won't be
// any restrictions added later in the same model
this.once('change', this.processRestrictions, this);
validate: function(attrs, options) {
var errors = {},
models = options ? options.models : {},
checkRestrictions = _.bind(function(path) {
return this.checkRestrictions(models, null, path);
}, this);
_.each(attrs, function(group, groupName) {
if ((group.metadata || {}).enabled === false || checkRestrictions(this.makePath(groupName, 'metadata')).result) return;
_.each(group, function(setting, settingName) {
var path = this.makePath(groupName, settingName);
if (checkRestrictions(path).result) return;
// support of custom controls
var CustomControl = customControls[setting.type];
if (CustomControl) {
var error = CustomControl.validate(setting, models);
if (error) errors[path] = error;
if (!(setting.regex || {}).source) return;
if (!setting.value.match(new RegExp(setting.regex.source))) errors[path] = setting.regex.error;
}, this);
}, this);
return _.isEmpty(errors) ? null : errors;
makePath: function() {
return _.toArray(arguments).join('.');
getValueAttribute: function(settingName) {
return settingName == 'metadata' ? 'enabled' : 'value';
hasChanges: function(initialAttributes, models) {
return _.any(this.attributes, function(group, groupName) {
var metadata = group.metadata,
result = false;
if (metadata) {
if (this.checkRestrictions(models, null, this.makePath(groupName, 'metadata')).result) return result;
if (!_.isUndefined(metadata.enabled)) result = metadata.enabled != initialAttributes[groupName].metadata.enabled;
return result || _.any(group, function(setting, settingName) {
if (this.checkRestrictions(models, null, this.makePath(groupName, settingName)).result) return false;
return !_.isEqual(setting.value, initialAttributes[groupName][settingName].value);
}, this);
}, this);
models.FuelSettings = models.Settings.extend({
constructorName: 'FuelSettings',
url: '/api/settings',
root: 'settings',
parse: function(response) {
return _.extend(this._super('parse', arguments), {master_node_uid: response.master_node_uid});
models.Disk = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Disk',
urlRoot: '/api/nodes/',
parse: function(response) {
response.volumes = new models.Volumes(response.volumes);
response.volumes.disk = this;
return response;
toJSON: function(options) {
return _.extend(this.constructor.__super__.toJSON.call(this, options), {volumes: this.get('volumes').toJSON()});
getUnallocatedSpace: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var volumes = options.volumes || this.get('volumes');
var allocatedSpace = volumes.reduce(function(sum, volume) {return volume.get('name') == options.skip ? sum : sum + volume.get('size');}, 0);
return this.get('size') - allocatedSpace;
validate: function(attrs) {
var error;
var unallocatedSpace = this.getUnallocatedSpace({volumes: attrs.volumes});
if (unallocatedSpace < 0) {
error = i18n('cluster_page.nodes_tab.configure_disks.validation_error', {size: utils.formatNumber(unallocatedSpace * -1)});
return error;
models.Disks = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Disks',
model: models.Disk,
url: '/api/nodes/',
comparator: 'name'
models.Volume = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Volume',
urlRoot: '/api/volumes/',
getMinimalSize: function(minimum) {
var currentDisk = this.collection.disk,
groupAllocatedSpace = 0;
if (currentDisk && currentDisk.collection)
groupAllocatedSpace = currentDisk.collection.reduce(function(sum, disk) {return disk.id == currentDisk.id ? sum : sum + disk.get('volumes').findWhere({name: this.get('name')}).get('size');}, 0, this);
return minimum - groupAllocatedSpace;
getMaxSize: function() {
var volumes = this.collection.disk.get('volumes'),
diskAllocatedSpace = volumes.reduce(function(total, volume) {return this.get('name') == volume.get('name') ? total : total + volume.get('size');}, 0, this);
return this.collection.disk.get('size') - diskAllocatedSpace ;
validate: function(attrs, options) {
var min = this.getMinimalSize(options.minimum);
if (attrs.size < min) {
return i18n('cluster_page.nodes_tab.configure_disks.volume_error', {size: utils.formatNumber(min)});
return null;
models.Volumes = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Volumes',
model: models.Volume,
url: '/api/volumes/'
models.Interface = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Interface',
parse: function(response) {
response.assigned_networks = new models.InterfaceNetworks(response.assigned_networks);
response.assigned_networks.interface = this;
return response;
toJSON: function(options) {
return _.omit(_.extend(this.constructor.__super__.toJSON.call(this, options), {
assigned_networks: this.get('assigned_networks').toJSON()
}), 'checked');
isBond: function() {
return this.get('type') == 'bond';
getSlaveInterfaces: function() {
if (!this.isBond()) {return [this];}
var slaveInterfaceNames = _.pluck(this.get('slaves'), 'name');
return this.collection.filter(function(slaveInterface) {
return _.contains(slaveInterfaceNames, slaveInterface.get('name'));
validate: function(attrs) {
var errors = [];
var networks = new models.Networks(this.get('assigned_networks').invoke('getFullNetwork', attrs.networks));
var untaggedNetworks = networks.filter(function(network) { return _.isNull(network.getVlanRange(attrs.networkingParameters)); });
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.configure_interfaces.validation.';
// public and floating networks are allowed to be assigned to the same interface
var maxUntaggedNetworksCount = networks.where({name: 'public'}).length && networks.where({name: 'floating'}).length ? 2 : 1;
if (untaggedNetworks.length > maxUntaggedNetworksCount) {
errors.push(i18n(ns + 'too_many_untagged_networks'));
var interfaceProperties = this.get('interface_properties');
if (interfaceProperties && interfaceProperties.mtu) {
var mtuValue = interfaceProperties.mtu;
if (mtuValue && (mtuValue < 42 || mtuValue > 65536)) {
errors.push(i18n(ns + 'invalid_mtu'));
return errors;
models.Interfaces = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Interfaces',
model: models.Interface,
generateBondName: function(base) {
var index, proposedName;
for (index = 0;; index += 1) {
proposedName = base + index;
if (!this.any({name: proposedName})) return proposedName;
comparator: function(ifc1, ifc2) {
return utils.multiSort(ifc1, ifc2, [{attr: 'isBond'}, {attr: 'name'}]);
models.InterfaceNetwork = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'InterfaceNetwork',
getFullNetwork: function(networks) {
return networks.findWhere({name: this.get('name')});
models.InterfaceNetworks = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'InterfaceNetworks',
model: models.InterfaceNetwork,
preferredOrder: ['public', 'floating', 'storage', 'management', 'private', 'fixed'],
comparator: function(network) {
return _.indexOf(this.preferredOrder, network.get('name'));
models.Network = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Network',
getVlanRange: function(networkingParameters) {
if (!this.get('meta').neutron_vlan_range) {
var externalNetworkData = this.get('meta').ext_net_data;
var vlanStart = externalNetworkData ? networkingParameters.get(externalNetworkData[0]) : this.get('vlan_start');
return _.isNull(vlanStart) ? vlanStart : [vlanStart, externalNetworkData ? vlanStart + networkingParameters.get(externalNetworkData[1]) - 1 : vlanStart];
return networkingParameters.get('vlan_range');
models.Networks = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Networks',
model: models.Network,
preferredOrder: ['public', 'floating', 'storage', 'management', 'private', 'fixed'],
comparator: function(network) {
return _.indexOf(this.preferredOrder, network.get('name'));
models.NetworkingParameters = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'NetworkingParameters'
models.NetworkConfiguration = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
constructorName: 'NetworkConfiguration',
cacheFor: 60 * 1000,
parse: function(response) {
response.networks = new models.Networks(response.networks);
response.networking_parameters = new models.NetworkingParameters(response.networking_parameters);
return response;
toJSON: function() {
return {
networks: this.get('networks').toJSON(),
networking_parameters: this.get('networking_parameters').toJSON()
isNew: function() {
return false;
validate: function(attrs) {
var errors = {},
networksErrors = {},
networkingParametersErrors = {},
ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.';
// validate networks
attrs.networks.each(function(network) {
if (network.get('meta').configurable) {
var networkErrors = {};
_.extend(networkErrors, utils.validateCidr(network.get('cidr')));
if (network.get('meta').notation == 'ip_ranges' && !_.has(networkErrors, 'cidr')) {
var ipRangesErrors = utils.validateIpRanges(network.get('ip_ranges'), network.get('cidr'));
if (ipRangesErrors.length) {
networkErrors.ip_ranges = ipRangesErrors;
if (network.get('meta').use_gateway) {
if (utils.validateIP(network.get('gateway'))) {
networkErrors.gateway = i18n(ns + 'invalid_gateway');
} else if (!utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(network.get('cidr'), network.get('gateway'))) {
networkErrors.gateway = i18n(ns + 'gateway_is_out_of_ip_range');
var forbiddenVlans = attrs.networks.map(function(net) {return net.id != network.id ? net.get('vlan_start') : null;});
_.extend(networkErrors, utils.validateVlan(network.get('vlan_start'), forbiddenVlans, 'vlan_start'));
if (!_.isEmpty(networkErrors)) {
networksErrors[network.id] = networkErrors;
}, this);
if (!_.isEmpty(networksErrors)) {
errors.networks = networksErrors;
// validate networking parameters
var novaNetManager = attrs.networking_parameters.get('net_manager');
if (novaNetManager) {
networkingParametersErrors = _.extend(networkingParametersErrors, utils.validateCidr(attrs.networking_parameters.get('fixed_networks_cidr'), 'fixed_networks_cidr'));
var fixedAmount = attrs.networking_parameters.get('fixed_networks_amount');
var fixedVlan = attrs.networking_parameters.get('fixed_networks_vlan_start');
if (!utils.isNaturalNumber(parseInt(fixedAmount))) {
networkingParametersErrors.fixed_networks_amount = i18n(ns + 'invalid_amount');
var vlanErrors = utils.validateVlan(fixedVlan, attrs.networks.pluck('vlan_start'), 'fixed_networks_vlan_start', novaNetManager == 'VlanManager');
_.extend(networkingParametersErrors, vlanErrors);
if (_.isEmpty(vlanErrors)) {
if (!networkingParametersErrors.fixed_networks_amount && fixedAmount > 4095 - fixedVlan) {
networkingParametersErrors.fixed_networks_amount = i18n(ns + 'need_more_vlan');
var vlanIntersection = false;
_.each(_.compact(attrs.networks.pluck('vlan_start')), function(vlan) {
if (utils.validateVlanRange(fixedVlan, fixedVlan + fixedAmount - 1, vlan)) {
vlanIntersection = true;
if (vlanIntersection) {
networkingParametersErrors.fixed_networks_vlan_start = i18n(ns + 'vlan_intersection');
} else {
var idRangeErrors = ['', ''];
var segmentation = attrs.networking_parameters.get('segmentation_type');
var idRangeAttr = segmentation == 'vlan' ? 'vlan_range' : 'gre_id_range';
var maxId = segmentation == 'vlan' ? 4094 : 65535;
var idRange = attrs.networking_parameters.get(idRangeAttr);
var idStart = Number(idRange[0]), idEnd = Number(idRange[1]);
if (!utils.isNaturalNumber(idStart) || idStart < 2 || idStart > maxId) {
idRangeErrors[0] = i18n(ns + 'invalid_id_start');
} else if (!utils.isNaturalNumber(idEnd) || idEnd < 2 || idEnd > maxId) {
idRangeErrors[1] = i18n(ns + 'invalid_id_end');
} else if (idStart > idEnd) {
idRangeErrors[0] = idRangeErrors[1] = i18n(ns + 'invalid_id_range');
} else if (segmentation == 'vlan') {
_.each(_.compact(attrs.networks.pluck('vlan_start')), function(vlan) {
if (utils.validateVlanRange(idStart, idEnd, vlan)) {
idRangeErrors[0] = i18n(ns + 'vlan_intersection');
return idRangeErrors[0];
if (_.compact(idRangeErrors).length) {
networkingParametersErrors[idRangeAttr] = idRangeErrors;
if (!attrs.networking_parameters.get('base_mac').match(utils.regexes.mac)) {
networkingParametersErrors.base_mac = i18n(ns + 'invalid_mac');
var cidr = attrs.networking_parameters.get('internal_cidr');
networkingParametersErrors = _.extend(networkingParametersErrors, utils.validateCidr(cidr, 'internal_cidr'));
var gateway = attrs.networking_parameters.get('internal_gateway');
if (utils.validateIP(gateway)) {
networkingParametersErrors.internal_gateway = i18n(ns + 'invalid_gateway');
} else if (!utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, gateway)) {
networkingParametersErrors.internal_gateway = i18n(ns + 'gateway_is_out_of_internal_ip_range');
var networkWithFloatingRange = attrs.networks.filter(function(network) {return network.get('meta').floating_range_var;})[0];
if (networkWithFloatingRange && !_.has(networksErrors[networkWithFloatingRange.id], 'cidr')) {
var floatingRangesErrors = utils.validateIpRanges(attrs.networking_parameters.get('floating_ranges'), networkWithFloatingRange.get('cidr'), true);
if (floatingRangesErrors.length) {
networkingParametersErrors.floating_ranges = floatingRangesErrors;
var nameserverErrors = [];
_.each(attrs.networking_parameters.get('dns_nameservers'), function(nameserver) {
nameserverErrors.push(utils.validateIP(nameserver) ? i18n(ns + 'invalid_nameserver') : null);
if (_.compact(nameserverErrors).length) {
networkingParametersErrors.dns_nameservers = nameserverErrors;
if (!_.isEmpty(networkingParametersErrors)) {
errors.networking_parameters = networkingParametersErrors;
return _.isEmpty(errors) ? null : errors;
models.LogSource = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'LogSource',
urlRoot: '/api/logs/sources'
models.LogSources = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'LogSources',
model: models.LogSource,
url: '/api/logs/sources'
models.TestSet = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'TestSet',
urlRoot: '/ostf/testsets'
models.TestSets = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'TestSets',
model: models.TestSet,
url: '/ostf/testsets'
models.Test = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Test',
urlRoot: '/ostf/tests'
models.Tests = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'Tests',
model: models.Test,
url: '/ostf/tests'
models.TestRun = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'TestRun',
urlRoot: '/ostf/testruns'
models.TestRuns = BaseCollection.extend({
constructorName: 'TestRuns',
model: models.TestRun,
url: '/ostf/testruns'
models.OSTFClusterMetadata = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'OSTFClusterMetadata',
urlRoot: '/api/ostf'
models.FuelVersion = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
cacheFor: 60 * 1000,
constructorName: 'FuelVersion',
urlRoot: '/api/version'
models.User = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'User',
locallyStoredAttributes: ['username', 'token'],
initialize: function() {
_.each(this.locallyStoredAttributes, function(attribute) {
var locallyStoredValue = localStorage.getItem(attribute);
if (locallyStoredValue) {
this.set(attribute, locallyStoredValue);
this.on('change:' + attribute, function(model, value) {
if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
} else {
localStorage.setItem(attribute, value);
}, this);
this.on('change:token', function() {
var token = this.get('token');
if (_.isUndefined(token)) {
} else {
Cookies.set('token', token);
}, this);
models.LogsPackage = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'LogsPackage',
urlRoot: '/api/logs/package'
models.CapacityLog = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'CapacityLog',
urlRoot: '/api/capacity'
models.WizardModel = Backbone.DeepModel.extend({
constructorName: 'WizardModel',
parseConfig: function(config) {
var result = {};
_.each(config, _.bind(function(paneConfig, paneName) {
result[paneName] = {};
_.each(paneConfig, function(attributeConfig, attribute) {
var attributeConfigValue = attributeConfig.value;
if (_.isUndefined(attributeConfigValue)) {
switch (attributeConfig.type) {
case 'checkbox':
attributeConfigValue = false;
case 'radio':
attributeConfigValue = _.first(attributeConfig.values).data;
case 'password':
case 'text':
attributeConfigValue = '';
result[paneName][attribute] = attributeConfigValue;
}, this));
return result;
processConfig: function(config) {
restoreDefaultValues: function(panesToRestore) {
var result = {};
_.each(this.defaults, _.bind(function(paneConfig, paneName) {
if (_.contains(panesToRestore, paneName)) {
result[paneName] = this.defaults[paneName];
}, this));
validate: function(attrs, options) {
var errors = [];
_.each(options.config, function(attributeConfig, attribute) {
if (!(attributeConfig.regex && attributeConfig.regex.source)) {return;}
var hasNoSatisfiedRestrictions = _.every(_.reject(attributeConfig.restrictions, {action: 'none'}), function(restriction) {
// this probably will be changed when other controls need validation
return !utils.evaluateExpression(restriction.condition, {default: this}).value;
}, this);
if (hasNoSatisfiedRestrictions) {
var regExp = new RegExp(attributeConfig.regex.source);
if (!this.get(options.paneName + '.' + attribute).match(regExp)) {
field: attribute,
message: i18n(attributeConfig.regex.error)
}, this);
return errors.length ? errors : null;
initialize: function(config) {
this.defaults = this.parseConfig(config);
models.MirantisCredentials = Backbone.DeepModel.extend(superMixin).extend({
constructorName: 'MirantisCredentials',
baseUrl: 'https://software.mirantis.com/wp-content/themes/mirantis_responsive_v_1_0/scripts/fuel_forms_api/',
validate: function(attrs) {
var errors = {};
_.each(attrs, function(group, groupName) {
_.each(group, function(setting, settingName) {
var path = this.makePath(groupName, settingName);
if (!setting.regex || !setting.regex.source) return;
if (!setting.value.match(new RegExp(setting.regex.source))) errors[path] = setting.regex.error;
}, this);
}, this);
return _.isEmpty(errors) ? null : errors;
makePath: function() {
return _.toArray(arguments).join('.');
models.MirantisLoginForm = models.MirantisCredentials.extend({
constructorName: 'MirantisLoginForm',
url: function() {
return this.baseUrl + 'login';
nailgunUrl: 'api/tracking/login'
models.MirantisRegistrationForm = models.MirantisCredentials.extend({
constructorName: 'MirantisRegistrationForm',
url: function() {
return this.baseUrl + 'registration';
nailgunUrl: 'api/tracking/registration'
models.MirantisRetrievePasswordForm = models.MirantisCredentials.extend({
constructorName: 'MirantisRetrievePasswordForm',
url: function() {
return this.baseUrl + 'restore_password';
nailgunUrl: 'api/tracking/restore_password'
return models;