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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import multiprocessing
import six
from nailgun import consts
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun.lcm.task_serializer import TasksSerializersFactory
from nailgun.logger import logger
from nailgun.settings import settings
from nailgun.utils.resolvers import NameMatchingPolicy
# This class has similar functional with TasksSerializer from task deploy
# but there is no chance to re-use TasksSerializer until bug
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1562292 is not fixed
def _serialize_task_for_node(factory, node_and_task):
node_id, task = node_and_task
"applying task '%s' for node: %s", task['id'], node_id
task_serializer = factory.create_serializer(task)
serialized = task_serializer.serialize(node_id)
return node_id, serialized
except Exception:
"failed to serialize task '%s' for node: %s", task['id'], node_id
def _initialize_worker(serializers_factory, context):
globals()['__factory'] = serializers_factory(context)
def _serialize_task_for_node_in_worker(node_and_task_and_err):
node_and_task, err = node_and_task_and_err
# NOTE(el): See comment for `wrap_task_iter` method.
if err:
raise err
return _serialize_task_for_node(globals()['__factory'], node_and_task)
class SingleWorkerConcurrencyPolicy(object):
def execute(self, context, serializers_factory, tasks):
"""Executes task serialization synchronously, task by task.
:param context: the transaction context
:param serializers_factory: the serializers factory
:param tasks: the tasks to serialize
:return sequence of serialized tasks
factory = serializers_factory(context)
return six.moves.map(
lambda x: _serialize_task_for_node(factory, x),
def wrap_task_iter(iterator):
"""Workaround is required to prevent deadlock.
Due to a bug in core python library [1], if iterator passed
to imap or imap_unordered raises an exception, it hangs in
deadlock forever, the issue is fixed in python 2.7.10, but
upstream repositories have much older version.
[1] http://bugs.python.org/issue23051
for i in iterator:
yield i, None
except Exception as e:
yield (None, None), e
class MultiProcessingConcurrencyPolicy(object):
def __init__(self, workers_num):
self.workers_num = workers_num
def execute(self, context, serializers_factory, tasks):
"""Executes task serialization in parallel.
:param context: the transaction context
:param serializers_factory: the serializers factory
:param tasks: the tasks to serialize
:return sequence of serialized tasks
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
initargs=(serializers_factory, context)
result = pool.imap_unordered(
_serialize_task_for_node_in_worker, wrap_task_iter(tasks)
for r in result:
yield r
except Exception:
def get_concurrency_policy():
if not cpu_num:
cpu_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpu_num = 1
if cpu_num > 1:
return MultiProcessingConcurrencyPolicy(cpu_num)
return SingleWorkerConcurrencyPolicy()
class TransactionSerializer(object):
"""The deploy tasks serializer."""
serializer_factory_class = TasksSerializersFactory
min_supported_task_version = StrictVersion(consts.TASK_CROSS_DEPENDENCY)
unversioned_task_types = (
def __init__(self, context, resolver):
self.resolver = resolver
self.context = context
self.tasks_graph = {}
self.tasks_dictionary = {}
# the list of groups, that contains information about
# ids of nodes in this group and how many nodes in this group can fail
# and deployment will not be interrupted
self.fault_tolerance_groups = []
self.concurrency_policy = get_concurrency_policy()
def serialize(cls, context, tasks, resolver):
"""Resolves roles and dependencies for tasks.
:param context: the deployment context
:param tasks: the deployment tasks
:param resolver: the nodes tag resolver
:return: the list of serialized task per node
serializer = cls(context, resolver)
tasks_graph = serializer.tasks_graph
for node_id in tasks_graph:
tasks_graph[node_id] = list(
return (
{'fault_tolerance_groups': serializer.fault_tolerance_groups}
def ensure_task_based_deploy_allowed(cls, task):
"""Raises error if task does not support cross-dependencies.
:param task: the task instance
:raises: errors.TaskBaseDeploymentNotAllowed
if task.get('type') in cls.unversioned_task_types:
version = StrictVersion(task.get('version', '0.0.0'))
if version < cls.min_supported_task_version:
message = (
"Task '{0}' does not support cross-dependencies.\n"
"You can enable option 'propagate_task_deploy'"
"for cluster to use task adaptation mechanism."
raise errors.TaskBaseDeploymentNotAllowed(message)
def process_tasks(self, tasks):
"""Process all deployment tasks
:param tasks: the deployment tasks
:return the mapping tasks per node
serialized = self.concurrency_policy.execute(
for node_and_task in serialized:
node_id, task = node_and_task
node_tasks = self.tasks_graph.setdefault(node_id, {})
# de-duplication the tasks on node
# since task can be added after expanding of group need to
# overwrite task if existed task is skipped and new is not skipped.
if self.need_update_task(node_tasks, task):
node_tasks[task['id']] = task
# make sure that null node is present
self.tasks_graph.setdefault(None, {})
def expand_tasks(self, tasks):
groups = []
tasks_mapping = {}
for task in tasks:
if task.get('type') == consts.ORCHESTRATOR_TASK_TYPES.group:
tasks_mapping[task['id']] = task
for node_id in self.resolve_nodes(task):
yield node_id, task
for task in groups:
node_ids = self.resolver.resolve(
task.get('tags', task.get('roles', task.get('groups')))
if not node_ids:
for sub_task_id in task.get('tasks', ()):
sub_task = tasks_mapping[sub_task_id]
except KeyError:
msg = 'Task {0} cannot be resolved'.format(sub_task_id)
raise errors.InvalidData(msg)
# if group is not excluded, all task should be run as well
# otherwise check each task individually
for node_id in node_ids:
yield node_id, sub_task
'name': task['id'],
'node_ids': list(node_ids),
'fault_tolerance': self.calculate_fault_tolerance(
task.get('fault_tolerance'), len(node_ids)
def resolve_nodes(self, task):
if task.get('type') == consts.ORCHESTRATOR_TASK_TYPES.stage:
# all synchronisation tasks will run on sync node
return [None]
# TODO(bgaifullin) remove deprecated groups
return self.resolver.resolve(
task.get('tags', task.get('roles', task.get('groups')))
def resolve_dependencies(self):
"""Resolves tasks dependencies."""
for node_id, tasks in six.iteritems(self.tasks_graph):
for task_id, task in six.iteritems(tasks):
requires = set(self.expand_dependencies(
node_id, task.pop('requires', None)
task_id, node_id, task.pop('cross_depends', None)
required_for = set(self.expand_dependencies(
node_id, task.pop('required_for', None)
task_id, node_id, task.pop('cross_depended_by', None)
# render
if requires:
task['requires'] = [
dict(six.moves.zip(('name', 'node_id'), r))
for r in requires
if required_for:
task['required_for'] = [
dict(six.moves.zip(('name', 'node_id'), r))
for r in required_for
def expand_dependencies(self, node_id, dependencies):
"""Expands task dependencies on same node.
:param node_id: the ID of target node
:param dependencies: the list of dependencies on same node
if not dependencies:
# need to search dependencies on node and in sync points
node_ids = [node_id, None]
for name in dependencies:
for rel in self.resolve_relation(name, node_ids):
yield rel
def expand_cross_dependencies(self, task_id, node_id, dependencies):
"""Expands task dependencies on same node.
:param task_id: the ID of task
:param node_id: the ID of target node
:param dependencies: the list of cross-node dependencies
if not dependencies:
for dep in six.moves.filter(None, dependencies):
roles = dep.get('tags', dep.get('role', consts.TASK_ROLES.all))
if roles == consts.TASK_ROLES.self:
node_ids = [node_id]
excludes = []
elif roles is None:
node_ids = [None]
excludes = []
node_ids = self.resolver.resolve(
roles, dep.get('policy', consts.NODE_RESOLVE_POLICY.all)
excludes = [(task_id, node_id)]
relations = self.resolve_relation(dep['name'], node_ids, excludes)
for rel in relations:
yield rel
def resolve_relation(self, name, node_ids, excludes=None):
"""Resolves the task relation.
:param name: the name of task
:param node_ids: the ID of nodes where need to search
:param excludes: the nodes to exclude
match_policy = NameMatchingPolicy.create(name)
for node_id in node_ids:
for task_name in self.tasks_graph.get(node_id, ()):
if excludes and (task_name, node_id) in excludes:
if match_policy.match(task_name):
yield task_name, node_id
def need_update_task(cls, tasks, task):
"""Checks that task shall overwrite existed one or should be added.
:param tasks: the current node tasks
:param task: the astute task object
:return True if task is not present or must be overwritten
otherwise False
existed_task = tasks.get(task['id'])
if existed_task is None:
return True
if existed_task['type'] == task['type']:
return False
return task['type'] != consts.ORCHESTRATOR_TASK_TYPES.skipped
def calculate_fault_tolerance(cls, percentage_or_value, total):
"""Calculates actual fault tolerance value.
:param percentage_or_value: the fault tolerance as percent of nodes
that can fail or actual number of nodes,
the negative number means the number of nodes
which have to deploy successfully.
:param total: the total number of nodes in group
:return: the actual number of nodes that can fail
if percentage_or_value is None:
# unattainable number
return total + 1
if isinstance(percentage_or_value, six.string_types):
percentage_or_value = percentage_or_value.strip()
if (isinstance(percentage_or_value, six.string_types) and
percentage_or_value[-1] == '%'):
value = (int(percentage_or_value[:-1]) * total) // 100
value = int(percentage_or_value)
if value < 0:
# convert negative value to number of nodes which may fail
value = max(0, total + value)
return value
except ValueError as e:
"Failed to handle fault_tolerance: '%s': %s. it is ignored",
percentage_or_value, e
# unattainable number
return total + 1