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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Ceph utils"""
import collections
import math
Pool = collections.namedtuple("Pool", ['name', 'weight'])
class LargePools(object):
cinder_volume = Pool('volumes', 16)
compute = Pool('compute', 8)
cinder_backup = Pool('backups', 4)
rgw = Pool('.rgw', 4)
glance = Pool('images', 1)
all_pools = [cinder_volume, cinder_backup, rgw, compute, glance]
'firefly': 4,
'hammer': 12
def to_upper_power_two(val, threshold=1E-2):
"""round to next 2**X integer
closest upper integer, which is power of two, treshold is for tolerating
float errors
if val < threshold:
return 0
val_log2 = math.log(val, 2)
return 2 ** int(val_log2 + (1 if val_log2 % 1 > threshold else 0))
def get_pool_pg_count(osd_num, pool_sz, ceph_version,
volumes_ceph, objects_ceph, ephemeral_ceph, images_ceph,
"""calculate pg count for pools
osd_num: int - OSD count
pool_sz: int - pool size
ceph_version:str - target ceph version - ["firefly","hammer"]
volumes_ceph:bool - cinder volumes would be provided by ceph
objects_ceph:bool - object storage would be provided by ceph
ephemeral_ceph:bool - ephemeral disks would be provided by ceph
images_ceph:bool - glance images storage would be provided by ceph
pg_per_osd:int, default 200 - lower boundry of PG per OSD
emulate_pre_7_0: bool, default False - simulate 6.1 behavoir
minimal_pg_count: int, default 64 - minimal amout of PG per pool
returns dictionary {pool_name: pool_pg_count}, with additional key -
default_pg_num - default PG count for all pools, not in result
assert ceph_version in SMALL_RGW_POOL_COUNT,\
"Unknown ceph version: {0}. Only {1} is supported".format(
ceph_version, ", ".join(SMALL_RGW_POOL_COUNT))
# * Estimated total amount of PG copyis calculated as
# where PG_COPY_PER_OSD == 200 for now
# * Each small pool gets one PG copy per OSD. Means (OSD / pool_sz) groups
# * All the rest PG are devided between rest pools, proportional to their
# weights. By default next weights are used:
# volumes - 16
# compute - 8
# backups - 4
# .rgw - 4
# images - 1
# * Each PG count is rounded to next power of 2
if osd_num == 0:
pre_7_0_pg_num = 128
# pre 7.0 value
pre_7_0_pg_num = 2 ** int(math.ceil(
math.log(osd_num * 100.0 / pool_sz, 2)))
res = {}
for pool in LargePools.all_pools:
res[pool.name] = int(pre_7_0_pg_num)
res['default_pg_num'] = int(pre_7_0_pg_num)
if emulate_pre_7_0 or osd_num == 0:
return res
osd_num = float(osd_num)
total_pg_count = float(pg_per_osd) / pool_sz * osd_num
large_pools = []
small_pool_count = 0
if volumes_ceph:
if objects_ceph:
small_pool_count += SMALL_RGW_POOL_COUNT[ceph_version]
if ephemeral_ceph:
if images_ceph:
total_weight = sum(pool.weight for pool in large_pools)
if total_weight == 0:
if len(large_pools) + small_pool_count == 0:
# no ceph used at all - fallback to pre_7.0
return res
default_pg_count = total_pg_count / (len(large_pools)
+ small_pool_count)
default_pg_count = max(minimal_pg_count,
pg_per_weight = 0
default_pg_count = max(minimal_pg_count,
to_upper_power_two(osd_num / pool_sz))
pg_per_weight = ((total_pg_count
- default_pg_count * small_pool_count)
/ total_weight)
if pg_per_weight < 0:
pg_per_weight = 0
# reinit res
res = {'default_pg_num': int(default_pg_count)}
for pool in large_pools:
calc_pg = to_upper_power_two(pool.weight * pg_per_weight)
res[pool.name] = int(max(calc_pg, default_pg_count))
for pool in LargePools.all_pools:
res.setdefault(pool.name, int(default_pg_count))
return res