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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Release object and collection
import copy
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import itertools
import six
import yaml
from nailgun import consts
from nailgun.db import db
from nailgun.db.sqlalchemy import models
from nailgun.objects import DeploymentGraph
from nailgun.objects import NailgunCollection
from nailgun.objects import NailgunObject
from nailgun.objects.serializers import release as release_serializer
from nailgun.orchestrator import graph_configuration
from nailgun.plugins.manager import PluginManager
from nailgun.settings import settings
class Release(NailgunObject):
"""Release object"""
#: SQLAlchemy model for Release
model = models.Release
#: Serializer for Release
serializer = release_serializer.ReleaseSerializer
def create(cls, data):
"""Create Release instance with specified parameters in DB.
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: Release instance
# in order to be compatible with old API, let's drop input
# roles array. since fuel 7.0 we don't use it anymore, and
# we don't require it even for old releases.
data.pop("roles", None)
# process graphs
graphs = {}
graphs_list = data.pop('graphs', [])
for graph in graphs_list:
graphs[graph.pop('type')] = graph
deployment_tasks = data.pop("deployment_tasks", [])
if not graphs.get(consts.DEFAULT_DEPLOYMENT_GRAPH_TYPE):
{'tasks': deployment_tasks}
release_obj = super(Release, cls).create(data)
for graph_type, graph_data in six.iteritems(graphs):
graph_data, release_obj, graph_type)
return release_obj
def update(cls, instance, data):
"""Update existing Release instance with specified parameters.
:param instance: Release instance
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: Release instance
# in order to be compatible with old API, let's drop input
# roles array. since fuel 7.0 we don't use it anymore, and
# we don't require it even for old releases.
data.pop("roles", None)
graphs = {}
graphs_list = data.pop('graphs', [])
for graph in graphs_list:
graphs[graph.pop('type')] = graph
deployment_tasks = data.pop("deployment_tasks", [])
existing_default_graph = DeploymentGraph.get_for_model(
if (existing_default_graph and len(deployment_tasks)) \
or not existing_default_graph:
{'tasks': deployment_tasks}
release_obj = super(Release, cls).update(instance, data)
for graph_type, graph_data in six.iteritems(graphs):
g = DeploymentGraph.get_for_model(instance, graph_type)
if g:
DeploymentGraph.update(g, graph_data)
graph_data, instance, graph_type)
return release_obj
def update_role(cls, instance, role):
from nailgun.objects import Cluster
"""Update existing Release instance with specified role.
Previous ones are deleted.
:param instance: a Release instance
:param role: a role dict
:returns: None
old_role = instance.roles_metadata.get(role['name'], {})
instance.roles_metadata[role['name']] = role['meta']
if old_role:
deleted_tags = set(old_role['tags']) - set(role['meta']['tags'])
for cluster in instance.clusters:
for tag in deleted_tags:
if role['name'] not in cluster.roles_metadata:
Cluster.remove_primary_tag(cluster, tag)
instance.volumes_metadata['volumes_roles_mapping'][role['name']] = \
role.get('volumes_roles_mapping', [])
# notify about changes
def remove_role(cls, instance, role_name):
result = instance.roles_metadata.pop(role_name, None)
instance.volumes_metadata['volumes_roles_mapping'].pop(role_name, None)
# notify about changes
return bool(result)
def update_tag(cls, instance, tag):
"""Update existing Release instance with specified tag.
Previous ones are deleted.
:param instance: a Release instance
:param tag: a tag dict
:returns: None
instance.tags_metadata[tag['name']] = tag['meta']
def remove_tag(cls, instance, tag_name):
from nailgun.objects import Cluster
cls.remove_tag_from_roles(instance, tag_name)
res = instance.tags_metadata.pop(tag_name, None)
for cluster in instance.clusters:
if tag_name not in cluster.tags_metadata:
Cluster.remove_tag_from_roles(cluster, tag_name)
Cluster.remove_primary_tag(cluster, tag_name)
return bool(res)
def remove_tag_from_roles(cls, instance, tag_name):
for role, meta in six.iteritems(cls.get_own_roles(instance)):
tags = meta.get('tags', [])
if tag_name in tags:
def is_deployable(cls, instance):
"""Returns whether a given release deployable or not.
:param instance: a Release instance
:returns: True if a given release is deployable; otherwise - False
if instance.state == consts.RELEASE_STATES.unavailable:
return False
# in experimental mode we deploy all releases
if 'experimental' in settings.VERSION['feature_groups']:
return True
return instance.state == consts.RELEASE_STATES.available
def is_granular_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Check if granular deployment is available for release
:param instance: a Release instance
:returns: boolean
return (StrictVersion(instance.environment_version) >=
def is_lcm_supported(cls, instance):
"""Check if LCM is available for release
:param instance: a Release instance
:returns: boolean
return (
StrictVersion(instance.environment_version) >=
def is_external_mongo_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Check if external mongo is available for release
:param instance: a Release instance
:returns: boolean
return (StrictVersion(instance.environment_version) >=
def is_multiple_floating_ranges_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Check if usage of multiple floating ranges is available for release
:param instance: a Release instance
:returns: boolean
return (StrictVersion(instance.environment_version) >=
def is_nfv_supported(cls, instance):
"""Check if nfv features are available for release
:param instance: a Release instance
:return: boolean
return (StrictVersion(instance.environment_version)
>= StrictVersion(consts.FUEL_NFV_AVAILABLE_SINCE))
def get_volumes_metadata(cls, instance):
return instance.volumes_metadata
def get_deployment_graph(cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Get deployment graph based on release version.
:param instance: Release instance
:type instance: models.Release
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:returns: list of deployment tasks
:rtype: list
if graph_type is None:
env_version = instance.environment_version
deployment_graph = DeploymentGraph.get_for_model(instance, graph_type)
if deployment_graph:
deployment_tasks = DeploymentGraph.get_tasks(deployment_graph)
# deployment tasks list should always be returned
deployment_tasks = []
if graph_type == consts.DEFAULT_DEPLOYMENT_GRAPH_TYPE and \
not deployment_tasks:
# upload default legacy graphs
if env_version.startswith('5.0'):
deployment_tasks = yaml.load(
elif env_version.startswith('5.1') \
or env_version.startswith('6.0'):
deployment_tasks = yaml.load(
if deployment_graph:
if deployment_tasks:
deployment_graph, {'tasks': deployment_tasks})
# create graph anyway
deployment_graph = DeploymentGraph.create_for_model(
{'tasks': deployment_tasks}, instance)
if deployment_graph:
metadata = DeploymentGraph.get_metadata(deployment_graph)
metadata = {}
metadata['tasks'] = deployment_tasks
return metadata
def get_deployment_tasks(cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Gets deployment tasks from release related graph."""
return cls.get_deployment_graph(instance, graph_type)['tasks']
def get_min_controller_count(cls, instance):
return instance.roles_metadata['controller']['limits']['min']
def get_all_components(cls, instance):
"""Get all components related to release
Due to components architecture compatible/incompatible are duplex
relations. So if some component is compatible/incompatible with another
the last one also should have such relation.
:param instance: Release instance
:type instance: Release DB instance
:returns: list -- list of all components
plugin_components = PluginManager.get_components_metadata(instance)
components = copy.deepcopy(
instance.components_metadata + plugin_components)
# we should provide commutative property for compatible/incompatible
# relations between components
for comp_i, comp_j in itertools.permutations(components, 2):
if cls._check_relation(comp_j, comp_i, 'incompatible'):
comp_i.setdefault('incompatible', []).append({
'name': comp_j['name'],
'message': "Not compatible with {0}".format(
comp_j.get('label') or comp_j.get('name'))})
if cls._check_relation(comp_j, comp_i, 'compatible'):
comp_i.setdefault('compatible', []).append({
'name': comp_j['name']})
return components
def get_node_by_role(cls, instance, role_name):
from objects import Node
cluster_ids = db().query(models.Cluster.id).filter_by(
return Node.get_nodes_by_role(cluster_ids, role_name).first()
def get_roles(cls, instance):
return instance.roles_metadata
def get_own_roles(cls, instance):
return instance.roles_metadata
def get_tags_metadata(cls, instance):
return cls.get_own_tags(instance)
def get_own_tags(cls, instance):
return instance.tags_metadata
def _check_relation(cls, a, b, relation):
"""Helper function to check commutative property for relations"""
return (cls._contain(a.get(relation, []), b['name']) and not
cls._contain(b.get(relation, []), a['name']))
def _contain(components, name):
"""Check if component with given name exists in components list
:param components: list of components objects(dicts)
:type components: list
:param name: component name or wildcard
:type name: string
prefixes = (comp['name'].split('*', 1)[0] for comp in components)
return any(name.startswith(x) for x in prefixes)
def get_supported_dpdk_drivers(cls, instance):
"""Get all supported DPDK drivers
Returns dictionary, where keys are names of supported drivers and
values are lists of supported device IDs for each driver.
:param instance: Release instance
:return: supported DPDK drivers and devices
metadata = instance.networks_metadata
return metadata.get('dpdk_drivers', {})
def delete(cls, instance):
"""Delete release.
:param instance: Release model instance
:type instance: models.Release
super(Release, cls).delete(instance)
class ReleaseCollection(NailgunCollection):
"""Release collection"""
#: Single Release object class
single = Release