
417 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import six
from six.moves import map
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun.logger import logger
from nailgun.objects.plugin import ClusterPlugins
from nailgun.objects.plugin import Plugin
from nailgun.objects.plugin import PluginCollection
from nailgun.plugins.adapters import wrap_plugin
from nailgun.utils import dict_update
class PluginManager(object):
def process_cluster_attributes(cls, cluster, attributes):
"""Generate Cluster-Plugins relation based on attributes.
Iterates through plugins attributes, creates
or deletes Cluster <-> Plugins relation if plugin
is enabled or disabled.
:param cluster: A cluster instance
:type cluster: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.cluster.Cluster
:param attributes: Cluster attributes
:type attributes: dict
plugins = {}
# Detach plugins data
for k in list(attributes):
if cls.is_plugin_data(attributes[k]):
plugins[k] = attributes.pop(k)['metadata']
cluster.attributes.editable.pop(k, None)
for container in six.itervalues(plugins):
default = container.get('default', False)
for attrs in container.get('versions', []):
version_metadata = attrs.pop('metadata')
plugin_id = version_metadata['plugin_id']
plugin = Plugin.get_by_uid(plugin_id)
if not plugin:
'Plugin with id "%s" is not found, skip it', plugin_id)
enabled = container['enabled']\
and plugin_id == container['chosen_id']
cluster.id, plugin.id, enabled=enabled,
attrs=attrs if enabled or default else None
def get_plugins_attributes(
cls, cluster, all_versions=False, default=False):
"""Gets attributes of all plugins connected with given cluster.
:param cluster: A cluster instance
:type cluster: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.cluster.Cluster
:param all_versions: True to get attributes of all versions of plugins
:type all_versions: bool
:param default: True to return a default plugins attributes (for UI)
:type default: bool
:return: Plugins attributes
:rtype: dict
plugins_attributes = {}
for plugin in ClusterPlugins.get_connected_plugins_data(cluster.id):
db_plugin = Plugin.get_by_uid(plugin.id)
plugin_adapter = wrap_plugin(db_plugin)
default_attrs = plugin_adapter.attributes_metadata
if all_versions:
container = plugins_attributes.setdefault(plugin.name, {})
enabled = plugin.enabled and not (all_versions and default)
cls.create_common_metadata(plugin, container, enabled)
container['metadata']['default'] = default
versions = container['metadata'].setdefault('versions', [])
if default:
actual_attrs = copy.deepcopy(default_attrs)
actual_attrs.setdefault('metadata', {})
actual_attrs = copy.deepcopy(plugin.attributes)
actual_attrs['metadata'] = default_attrs.get('metadata',
cls.fill_plugin_metadata(plugin, actual_attrs['metadata'])
container['metadata'].setdefault('chosen_id', plugin.id)
if enabled:
container['metadata']['chosen_id'] = plugin.id
elif plugin.enabled:
container = plugins_attributes.setdefault(plugin.name, {})
cls.create_common_metadata(plugin, container)
container['metadata'].update(default_attrs.get('metadata', {}))
cls.fill_plugin_metadata(plugin, container['metadata'])
return plugins_attributes
def inject_plugin_attribute_values(cls, attributes):
"""Inject given attributes with plugin attributes values.
:param attributes: Cluster attributes
:type attributes: dict
for k, attrs in six.iteritems(attributes):
if (not cls.is_plugin_data(attrs) or
not attrs['metadata']['enabled']):
metadata = attrs['metadata']
selected_plugin_attrs = cls._get_specific_version(
metadata.get('versions', []),
selected_plugin_attrs.pop('metadata', None)
dict_update(attrs, selected_plugin_attrs, 1)
def is_plugin_data(cls, attributes):
"""Looking for a plugins hallmark.
:param attributes: Item of editable attributes of cluster
:type attributes: dict
:return: True if it's a plugins container
:rtype: bool
return attributes.get('metadata', {}).get('class') == 'plugin'
def create_common_metadata(cls, plugin, attributes, enabled=None):
"""Create common metadata attribute for all versions of plugin.
:param plugin: A plugin instance
:type plugin: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.plugins.Plugin
:param attributes: Common attributes of plugin versions
:type attributes: dict
:param enabled: Plugin status
:type enabled: bool
metadata = attributes.setdefault('metadata', {
'class': 'plugin',
'toggleable': True,
'weight': 70
metadata['label'] = plugin.title
if enabled is None:
enabled = plugin.enabled
metadata['enabled'] = enabled or metadata.get('enabled', False)
def fill_plugin_metadata(cls, plugin, metadata):
"""Fill a plugin's metadata attribute.
:param plugin: A plugin instance
:type plugin: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.plugins.Plugin
:param metadata: Plugin metadata
:type metadata: dict
metadata['plugin_id'] = plugin.id
metadata['plugin_version'] = plugin.version
metadata['hot_pluggable'] = plugin.is_hotpluggable
def get_enabled_plugins(cls, cluster):
return [wrap_plugin(plugin)
for plugin in ClusterPlugins.get_enabled(cluster.id)]
def get_network_roles(cls, cluster, merge_policy):
"""Returns the network roles from plugins.
The roles cluster and plugins will be mixed
according to merge policy.
instance_roles = cluster.release.network_roles_metadata
all_roles = dict((role['id'], role) for role in instance_roles)
conflict_roles = dict()
for plugin in ClusterPlugins.get_enabled(cluster.id):
for role in plugin.network_roles_metadata:
role_id = role['id']
if role_id in all_roles:
except errors.UnresolvableConflict as e:
logger.error("cannot merge plugin {0}: {1}"
.format(plugin.name, e))
conflict_roles[role_id] = plugin.name
all_roles[role_id] = role
if conflict_roles:
raise errors.NetworkRoleConflict(
"Cannot override existing network roles: '{0}' in "
"plugins: '{1}'".format(
', '.join(conflict_roles),
', '.join(set(conflict_roles.values()))))
return list(all_roles.values())
def get_plugins_deployment_tasks(cls, cluster, graph_type=None):
deployment_tasks = []
processed_tasks = {}
enabled_plugins = ClusterPlugins.get_enabled(cluster.id)
for plugin_adapter in map(wrap_plugin, enabled_plugins):
depl_tasks = plugin_adapter.get_deployment_tasks(graph_type)
for t in depl_tasks:
t_id = t['id']
if t_id in processed_tasks:
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
'Plugin {0} is overlapping with plugin {1} '
'by introducing the same deployment task with '
'id {2}'
processed_tasks[t_id] = plugin_adapter.full_name
return deployment_tasks
def get_plugins_node_roles(cls, cluster):
result = {}
core_roles = set(cluster.release.roles_metadata)
for plugin_db in ClusterPlugins.get_enabled(cluster.id):
plugin_roles = wrap_plugin(plugin_db).normalized_roles_metadata
# we should check all possible cases of roles intersection
# with core ones and those from other plugins
# and afterwards show them in error message;
# thus role names for which following checks
# fails are accumulated in err_info variable
err_roles = set(
r for r in plugin_roles if r in core_roles or r in result
if err_roles:
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
"Plugin (ID={0}) is unable to register the following "
"node roles: {1}".format(plugin_db.id,
", ".join(sorted(err_roles)))
# update info on processed roles in case of
# success of all intersection checks
return result
def get_volumes_metadata(cls, cluster):
"""Get volumes metadata for cluster from all plugins which enabled it.
:param cluster: A cluster instance
:type cluster: Cluster model
:return: dict -- Object with merged volumes data from plugins
volumes_metadata = {
'volumes': [],
'volumes_roles_mapping': {}
release_volumes = cluster.release.volumes_metadata.get('volumes', [])
release_volumes_ids = [v['id'] for v in release_volumes]
processed_volumes = {}
enabled_plugins = ClusterPlugins.get_enabled(cluster.id)
for plugin_adapter in map(wrap_plugin, enabled_plugins):
metadata = plugin_adapter.volumes_metadata
for volume in metadata.get('volumes', []):
volume_id = volume['id']
if volume_id in release_volumes_ids:
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
'Plugin {0} is overlapping with release '
'by introducing the same volume with id "{1}"'
.format(plugin_adapter.full_name, volume_id))
elif volume_id in processed_volumes:
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
'Plugin {0} is overlapping with plugin {1} '
'by introducing the same volume with id "{2}"'
processed_volumes[volume_id] = plugin_adapter.full_name
volumes_metadata.get('volumes_roles_mapping', {}).update(
metadata.get('volumes_roles_mapping', {}))
volumes_metadata.get('volumes', []).extend(
metadata.get('volumes', []))
return volumes_metadata
def get_components_metadata(cls, release):
"""Get components metadata for all plugins which related to release.
:param release: A release instance
:type release: Release model
:return: list -- List of plugins components
components = []
seen_components = \
dict((c['name'], 'release') for c in release.components_metadata)
for plugin_adapter in map(
wrap_plugin, PluginCollection.get_by_release(release)):
plugin_name = plugin_adapter.name
for component in plugin_adapter.components_metadata:
name = component['name']
if seen_components.get(name, plugin_name) != plugin_name:
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
'Plugin {0} is overlapping with {1} by introducing '
'the same component with name "{2}"'
if name not in seen_components:
seen_components[name] = plugin_adapter.name
return components
def sync_plugins_metadata(cls, plugin_ids=None):
"""Sync metadata for plugins by given IDs.
If there are no IDs, all newest plugins will be synced.
:param plugin_ids: list of plugin IDs
:type plugin_ids: list
if plugin_ids:
plugins = PluginCollection.get_by_uids(plugin_ids)
plugins = PluginCollection.all()
for plugin in plugins:
plugin_adapter = wrap_plugin(plugin)
metadata = plugin_adapter.get_metadata()
Plugin.update(plugin, metadata)
def enable_plugins_by_components(cls, cluster):
"""Enable plugin by components.
:param cluster: A cluster instance
:type cluster: Cluster model
cluster_components = set(cluster.components)
plugin_ids = [p.id for p in PluginCollection.all_newest()]
for plugin in ClusterPlugins.get_connected_plugins(
cluster, plugin_ids):
plugin_adapter = wrap_plugin(plugin)
plugin_components = set(
for component in plugin_adapter.components_metadata)
if cluster_components & plugin_components:
cluster.id, plugin.id, enabled=True)
def get_legacy_tasks_for_cluster(cls, cluster):
"""Gets the tasks from tasks.yaml for all plugins.
:param cluster: the cluster object
:return: all tasks from tasks.yaml
tasks = []
for plugin in cls.get_enabled_plugins(cluster):
return tasks
def _get_specific_version(cls, versions, plugin_id):
"""Return plugin attributes for specific version.
:returns: dict -- plugin attributes
for version in versions:
if version['metadata']['plugin_id'] == plugin_id:
return version
return {}