# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Functional test case that utilizes httplib2 against the API server""" import hashlib import httplib2 from glance.openstack.common import jsonutils from glance.openstack.common import units from glance.tests import functional from glance.tests.utils import minimal_headers from glance.tests.utils import skip_if_disabled FIVE_KB = 5 * units.Ki FIVE_GB = 5 * units.Gi class TestApi(functional.FunctionalTest): """Functional tests using httplib2 against the API server""" @skip_if_disabled def test_get_head_simple_post(self): """ We test the following sequential series of actions: 0. GET /images - Verify no public images 1. GET /images/detail - Verify no public images 2. POST /images with public image named Image1 and no custom properties - Verify 201 returned 3. HEAD image - Verify HTTP headers have correct information we just added 4. GET image - Verify all information on image we just added is correct 5. GET /images - Verify the image we just added is returned 6. GET /images/detail - Verify the image we just added is returned 7. PUT image with custom properties of "distro" and "arch" - Verify 200 returned 8. PUT image with too many custom properties - Verify 413 returned 9. GET image - Verify updated information about image was stored 10. PUT image - Remove a previously existing property. 11. PUT image - Add a previously deleted property. 12. PUT image/members/member1 - Add member1 to image 13. PUT image/members/member2 - Add member2 to image 14. GET image/members - List image members 15. DELETE image/members/member1 - Delete image member1 16. PUT image/members - Attempt to replace members with an overlimit amount 17. PUT image/members/member11 - Attempt to add a member while at limit 18. POST /images with another public image named Image2 - attribute and three custom properties, "distro", "arch" & "foo" - Verify a 200 OK is returned 19. HEAD image2 - Verify image2 found now 20. GET /images - Verify 2 public images 21. GET /images with filter on user-defined property "distro". - Verify both images are returned 22. GET /images with filter on user-defined property 'distro' but - with non-existent value. Verify no images are returned 23. GET /images with filter on non-existent user-defined property - "boo". Verify no images are returned 24. GET /images with filter 'arch=i386' - Verify only image2 is returned 25. GET /images with filter 'arch=x86_64' - Verify only image1 is returned 26. GET /images with filter 'foo=bar' - Verify only image2 is returned 27. DELETE image1 - Delete image 28. GET image/members - List deleted image members 29. PUT image/members/member2 - Update existing member2 of deleted image 30. PUT image/members/member3 - Add member3 to deleted image 31. DELETE image/members/member2 - Delete member2 from deleted image 32. DELETE image2 - Delete image 33. GET /images - Verify no images are listed """ self.cleanup() self.start_servers(**self.__dict__.copy()) # 0. GET /images # Verify no public images path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(content, '{"images": []}') # 1. GET /images/detail # Verify no public images path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(content, '{"images": []}') # 2. POST /images with public image named Image1 # attribute and no custom properties. Verify a 200 OK is returned image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB headers = minimal_headers('Image1') path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers, body=image_data) self.assertEqual(response.status, 201) data = jsonutils.loads(content) image_id = data['image']['id'] self.assertEqual(data['image']['checksum'], hashlib.md5(image_data).hexdigest()) self.assertEqual(data['image']['size'], FIVE_KB) self.assertEqual(data['image']['name'], "Image1") self.assertEqual(data['image']['is_public'], True) # 3. HEAD image # Verify image found now path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response['x-image-meta-name'], "Image1") # 4. GET image # Verify all information on image we just added is correct path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_image_headers = { 'x-image-meta-id': image_id, 'x-image-meta-name': 'Image1', 'x-image-meta-is_public': 'True', 'x-image-meta-status': 'active', 'x-image-meta-disk_format': 'raw', 'x-image-meta-container_format': 'ovf', 'x-image-meta-size': str(FIVE_KB)} expected_std_headers = { 'content-length': str(FIVE_KB), 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'} for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image_headers.items(): self.assertEqual(response[expected_key], expected_value, "For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. " "Got '%s'" % (expected_key, expected_value, response[expected_key])) for expected_key, expected_value in expected_std_headers.items(): self.assertEqual(response[expected_key], expected_value, "For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. " "Got '%s'" % (expected_key, expected_value, response[expected_key])) self.assertEqual(content, "*" * FIVE_KB) self.assertEqual(hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest(), hashlib.md5("*" * FIVE_KB).hexdigest()) # 5. GET /images # Verify one public image path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_result = {"images": [ {"container_format": "ovf", "disk_format": "raw", "id": image_id, "name": "Image1", "checksum": "c2e5db72bd7fd153f53ede5da5a06de3", "size": 5120}]} self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads(content), expected_result) # 6. GET /images/detail # Verify image and all its metadata path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_image = { "status": "active", "name": "Image1", "deleted": False, "container_format": "ovf", "disk_format": "raw", "id": image_id, "is_public": True, "deleted_at": None, "properties": {}, "size": 5120} image = jsonutils.loads(content) for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image.items(): self.assertEqual(expected_value, image['images'][0][expected_key], "For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. " "Got '%s'" % (expected_key, expected_value, image['images'][0][expected_key])) # 7. PUT image with custom properties of "distro" and "arch" # Verify 200 returned headers = {'X-Image-Meta-Property-Distro': 'Ubuntu', 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch': 'x86_64'} path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) data = jsonutils.loads(content) self.assertEqual(data['image']['properties']['arch'], "x86_64") self.assertEqual(data['image']['properties']['distro'], "Ubuntu") # 8. PUT image with too many custom properties # Verify 413 returned headers = {} for i in range(11): # configured limit is 10 headers['X-Image-Meta-Property-foo%d' % i] = 'bar' path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(response.status, 413) # 9. GET /images/detail # Verify image and all its metadata path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_image = { "status": "active", "name": "Image1", "deleted": False, "container_format": "ovf", "disk_format": "raw", "id": image_id, "is_public": True, "deleted_at": None, "properties": {'distro': 'Ubuntu', 'arch': 'x86_64'}, "size": 5120} image = jsonutils.loads(content) for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image.items(): self.assertEqual(expected_value, image['images'][0][expected_key], "For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. " "Got '%s'" % (expected_key, expected_value, image['images'][0][expected_key])) # 10. PUT image and remove a previously existing property. headers = {'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch': 'x86_64'} path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) data = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'][0] self.assertEqual(len(data['properties']), 1) self.assertEqual(data['properties']['arch'], "x86_64") # 11. PUT image and add a previously deleted property. headers = {'X-Image-Meta-Property-Distro': 'Ubuntu', 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch': 'x86_64'} path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) data = jsonutils.loads(content) path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) data = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'][0] self.assertEqual(len(data['properties']), 2) self.assertEqual(data['properties']['arch'], "x86_64") self.assertEqual(data['properties']['distro'], "Ubuntu") self.assertNotEqual(data['created_at'], data['updated_at']) # 12. Add member to image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/pattieblack" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT') self.assertEqual(response.status, 204) # 13. Add member to image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/pattiewhite" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT') self.assertEqual(response.status, 204) # 14. List image members path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) data = jsonutils.loads(content) self.assertEqual(len(data['members']), 2) self.assertEqual(data['members'][0]['member_id'], 'pattieblack') self.assertEqual(data['members'][1]['member_id'], 'pattiewhite') # 15. Delete image member path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/pattieblack" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 204) # 16. Attempt to replace members with an overlimit amount # Adding 11 image members should fail since configured limit is 10 path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) memberships = [] for i in range(11): member_id = "foo%d" % i memberships.append(dict(member_id=member_id)) http = httplib2.Http() body = jsonutils.dumps(dict(memberships=memberships)) response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', body=body) self.assertEqual(response.status, 413) # 17. Attempt to add a member while at limit # Adding an 11th member should fail since configured limit is 10 path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) memberships = [] for i in range(10): member_id = "foo%d" % i memberships.append(dict(member_id=member_id)) http = httplib2.Http() body = jsonutils.dumps(dict(memberships=memberships)) response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', body=body) self.assertEqual(response.status, 204) path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/fail_me" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT') self.assertEqual(response.status, 413) # 18. POST /images with another public image named Image2 # attribute and three custom properties, "distro", "arch" & "foo". # Verify a 200 OK is returned image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB headers = minimal_headers('Image2') headers['X-Image-Meta-Property-Distro'] = 'Ubuntu' headers['X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch'] = 'i386' headers['X-Image-Meta-Property-foo'] = 'bar' path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers, body=image_data) self.assertEqual(response.status, 201) data = jsonutils.loads(content) image2_id = data['image']['id'] self.assertEqual(data['image']['checksum'], hashlib.md5(image_data).hexdigest()) self.assertEqual(data['image']['size'], FIVE_KB) self.assertEqual(data['image']['name'], "Image2") self.assertEqual(data['image']['is_public'], True) self.assertEqual(data['image']['properties']['distro'], 'Ubuntu') self.assertEqual(data['image']['properties']['arch'], 'i386') self.assertEqual(data['image']['properties']['foo'], 'bar') # 19. HEAD image2 # Verify image2 found now path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image2_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response['x-image-meta-name'], "Image2") # 20. GET /images # Verify 2 public images path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 2) self.assertEqual(images[0]['id'], image2_id) self.assertEqual(images[1]['id'], image_id) # 21. GET /images with filter on user-defined property 'distro'. # Verify both images are returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-distro=Ubuntu" % \ ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 2) self.assertEqual(images[0]['id'], image2_id) self.assertEqual(images[1]['id'], image_id) # 22. GET /images with filter on user-defined property 'distro' but # with non-existent value. Verify no images are returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-distro=fedora" % \ ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 0) # 23. GET /images with filter on non-existent user-defined property # 'boo'. Verify no images are returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-boo=bar" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 0) # 24. GET /images with filter 'arch=i386' # Verify only image2 is returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-arch=i386" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 1) self.assertEqual(images[0]['id'], image2_id) # 25. GET /images with filter 'arch=x86_64' # Verify only image1 is returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-arch=x86_64" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 1) self.assertEqual(images[0]['id'], image_id) # 26. GET /images with filter 'foo=bar' # Verify only image2 is returned path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images?property-foo=bar" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 1) self.assertEqual(images[0]['id'], image2_id) # 27. DELETE image1 path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) # 28. Try to list members of deleted image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 404) # 29. Try to update member of deleted image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() fixture = [{'member_id': 'pattieblack', 'can_share': 'false'}] body = jsonutils.dumps(dict(memberships=fixture)) response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT', body=body) self.assertEqual(response.status, 404) # 30. Try to add member to deleted image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/chickenpattie" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'PUT') self.assertEqual(response.status, 404) # 31. Try to delete member of deleted image path = ("http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s/members/pattieblack" % ("", self.api_port, image_id)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 404) # 32. DELETE image2 path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image2_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) # 33. GET /images # Verify no images are listed path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) images = jsonutils.loads(content)['images'] self.assertEqual(len(images), 0) # 34. HEAD /images/detail path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/detail" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(405, response.status) self.assertEqual('GET', response.get('allow')) self.stop_servers() def test_download_non_exists_image_raises_http_forbidden(self): """ We test the following sequential series of actions: 0. POST /images with public image named Image1 and no custom properties - Verify 201 returned 1. HEAD image - Verify HTTP headers have correct information we just added 2. GET image - Verify all information on image we just added is correct 3. DELETE image1 - Delete the newly added image 4. GET image - Verify that 403 HTTPForbidden exception is raised prior to 404 HTTPNotFound """ self.cleanup() self.start_servers(**self.__dict__.copy()) image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB headers = minimal_headers('Image1') path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers, body=image_data) self.assertEqual(response.status, 201) data = jsonutils.loads(content) image_id = data['image']['id'] self.assertEqual(data['image']['checksum'], hashlib.md5(image_data).hexdigest()) self.assertEqual(data['image']['size'], FIVE_KB) self.assertEqual(data['image']['name'], "Image1") self.assertEqual(data['image']['is_public'], True) # 1. HEAD image # Verify image found now path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response['x-image-meta-name'], "Image1") # 2. GET /images # Verify one public image path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_result = {"images": [ {"container_format": "ovf", "disk_format": "raw", "id": image_id, "name": "Image1", "checksum": "c2e5db72bd7fd153f53ede5da5a06de3", "size": 5120}]} self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads(content), expected_result) # 3. DELETE image1 path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) # 4. GET image # Verify that 403 HTTPForbidden exception is raised prior to # 404 HTTPNotFound rules = {"download_image": '!'} self.set_policy_rules(rules) path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 403) self.stop_servers() def test_download_non_exists_image_raises_http_not_found(self): """ We test the following sequential series of actions: 0. POST /images with public image named Image1 and no custom properties - Verify 201 returned 1. HEAD image - Verify HTTP headers have correct information we just added 2. GET image - Verify all information on image we just added is correct 3. DELETE image1 - Delete the newly added image 4. GET image - Verify that 404 HTTPNotFound exception is raised """ self.cleanup() self.start_servers(**self.__dict__.copy()) image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB headers = minimal_headers('Image1') path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers, body=image_data) self.assertEqual(response.status, 201) data = jsonutils.loads(content) image_id = data['image']['id'] self.assertEqual(data['image']['checksum'], hashlib.md5(image_data).hexdigest()) self.assertEqual(data['image']['size'], FIVE_KB) self.assertEqual(data['image']['name'], "Image1") self.assertEqual(data['image']['is_public'], True) # 1. HEAD image # Verify image found now path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response['x-image-meta-name'], "Image1") # 2. GET /images # Verify one public image path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) expected_result = {"images": [ {"container_format": "ovf", "disk_format": "raw", "id": image_id, "name": "Image1", "checksum": "c2e5db72bd7fd153f53ede5da5a06de3", "size": 5120}]} self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads(content), expected_result) # 3. DELETE image1 path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) # 4. GET image # Verify that 404 HTTPNotFound exception is raised path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", self.api_port, image_id) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(path, 'GET') self.assertEqual(response.status, 404) self.stop_servers()