
747 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 Michael Still and Canonical Inc
# Copyright 2014 SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import httplib
import optparse
import os
import sys
from oslo.serialization import jsonutils
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from webob import exc
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import utils
from glance import i18n
from glance.openstack.common import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
_ = i18n._
_LI = i18n._LI
_LE = i18n._LE
_LW = i18n._LW
# If ../glance/ exists, add ../ to Python search path, so that
# it will override what happens to be installed in /usr/(local/)lib/python...
possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'glance', '')):
sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir)
COMMANDS = """Commands:
help <command> Output help for one of the commands below
compare What is missing from the slave glance?
dump Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk.
livecopy Load the contents of one glance instance into another.
load Load the contents of a local directory into glance.
size Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk.
IMAGE_ALREADY_PRESENT_MESSAGE = _('The image %s is already present on '
'the slave, but our check for it did '
'not find it. This indicates that we '
'do not have permissions to see all '
'the images on the slave server.')
class ImageService(object):
def __init__(self, conn, auth_token):
"""Initialize the ImageService.
conn: a httplib.HTTPConnection to the glance server
auth_token: authentication token to pass in the x-auth-token header
self.auth_token = auth_token
self.conn = conn
def _http_request(self, method, url, headers, body,
"""Perform an HTTP request against the server.
method: the HTTP method to use
url: the URL to request (not including server portion)
headers: headers for the request
body: body to send with the request
ignore_result_body: the body of the result will be ignored
Returns: a httplib response object
if self.auth_token:
headers.setdefault('x-auth-token', self.auth_token)
LOG.debug('Request: %(method)s http://%(server)s:%(port)s'
'%(url)s with headers %(headers)s'
% {'method': method,
'port': self.conn.port,
'url': url,
'headers': repr(headers)})
self.conn.request(method, url, body, headers)
response = self.conn.getresponse()
headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders())
code = response.status
code_description = httplib.responses[code]
LOG.debug('Response: %(code)s %(status)s %(headers)s'
% {'code': code,
'status': code_description,
'headers': repr(headers)})
if code == 400:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(
if code == 500:
raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError(
if code == 401:
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized(
if code == 403:
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(
if code == 409:
raise exc.HTTPConflict(
if ignore_result_body:
# NOTE: because we are pipelining requests through a single HTTP
# connection, httplib requires that we read the response body
# before we can make another request. If the caller knows they
# don't care about the body, they can ask us to do that for them.
return response
def get_images(self):
"""Return a detailed list of images.
Yields a series of images as dicts containing metadata.
params = {'is_public': None}
while True:
url = '/v1/images/detail'
query = urlparse.urlencode(params)
if query:
url += '?%s' % query
response = self._http_request('GET', url, {}, '')
result = jsonutils.loads(
if not result or 'images' not in result or not result['images']:
for image in result.get('images', []):
params['marker'] = image['id']
yield image
def get_image(self, image_uuid):
"""Fetch image data from glance.
image_uuid: the id of an image
Returns: a httplib Response object where the body is the image.
url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_uuid
return self._http_request('GET', url, {}, '')
def _header_list_to_dict(headers):
"""Expand a list of headers into a dictionary.
headers: a list of [(key, value), (key, value), (key, value)]
Returns: a dictionary representation of the list
d = {}
for (header, value) in headers:
if header.startswith('x-image-meta-property-'):
prop = header.replace('x-image-meta-property-', '')
d.setdefault('properties', {})
d['properties'][prop] = value
d[header.replace('x-image-meta-', '')] = value
return d
def get_image_meta(self, image_uuid):
"""Return the metadata for a single image.
image_uuid: the id of an image
Returns: image metadata as a dictionary
url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_uuid
response = self._http_request('HEAD', url, {}, '',
return self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders())
def _dict_to_headers(d):
"""Convert a dictionary into one suitable for a HTTP request.
d: a dictionary
Returns: the same dictionary, with x-image-meta added to every key
h = {}
for key in d:
if key == 'properties':
for subkey in d[key]:
if d[key][subkey] is None:
h['x-image-meta-property-%s' % subkey] = ''
h['x-image-meta-property-%s' % subkey] = d[key][subkey]
h['x-image-meta-%s' % key] = d[key]
return h
def add_image(self, image_meta, image_data):
"""Upload an image.
image_meta: image metadata as a dictionary
image_data: image data as a object with a read() method
Returns: a tuple of (http response headers, http response body)
url = '/v1/images'
headers = self._dict_to_headers(image_meta)
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
headers['Content-Length'] = int(image_meta['size'])
response = self._http_request('POST', url, headers, image_data)
headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders())
LOG.debug('Image post done')
body =
return headers, body
def add_image_meta(self, image_meta):
"""Update image metadata.
image_meta: image metadata as a dictionary
Returns: a tuple of (http response headers, http response body)
url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_meta['id']
headers = self._dict_to_headers(image_meta)
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
response = self._http_request('PUT', url, headers, '')
headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders())
LOG.debug('Image post done')
body =
return headers, body
def get_image_service():
"""Get a copy of the image service.
This is done like this to make it easier to mock out ImageService.
return ImageService
def replication_size(options, args):
"""%(prog)s size <server:port>
Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk.
server:port: the location of the glance instance.
# Make sure server info is provided
if len(args) < 1:
raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments."))
server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
total_size = 0
count = 0
imageservice = get_image_service()
client = imageservice(httplib.HTTPConnection(server, port),
for image in client.get_images():
LOG.debug('Considering image: %(image)s' % {'image': image})
if image['status'] == 'active':
total_size += int(image['size'])
count += 1
print(_('Total size is %(size)d bytes across %(img_count)d images') %
{'size': total_size,
'img_count': count})
def replication_dump(options, args):
"""%(prog)s dump <server:port> <path>
Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk.
server:port: the location of the glance instance.
path: a directory on disk to contain the data.
# Make sure server and path are provided
if len(args) < 2:
raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments."))
path = args.pop()
server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
imageservice = get_image_service()
client = imageservice(httplib.HTTPConnection(server, port),
for image in client.get_images():
LOG.debug('Considering: %s' % image['id'])
data_path = os.path.join(path, image['id'])
if not os.path.exists(data_path):'Storing: %s') % image['id'])
# Dump glance information
with open(data_path, 'w') as f:
if image['status'] == 'active' and not options.metaonly:
# Now fetch the image. The metadata returned in headers here
# is the same as that which we got from the detailed images
# request earlier, so we can ignore it here. Note that we also
# only dump active images.
LOG.debug('Image %s is active' % image['id'])
image_response = client.get_image(image['id'])
with open(data_path + '.img', 'wb') as f:
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
def _dict_diff(a, b):
"""A one way dictionary diff.
a: a dictionary
b: a dictionary
Returns: True if the dictionaries are different
# Only things the master has which the slave lacks matter
if set(a.keys()) - set(b.keys()):
LOG.debug('metadata diff -- master has extra keys: %(keys)s'
% {'keys': ' '.join(set(a.keys()) - set(b.keys()))})
return True
for key in a:
if str(a[key]) != str(b[key]):
LOG.debug('metadata diff -- value differs for key '
'%(key)s: master "%(master_value)s" vs '
'slave "%(slave_value)s"' %
{'key': key,
'master_value': a[key],
'slave_value': b[key]})
return True
return False
def replication_load(options, args):
"""%(prog)s load <server:port> <path>
Load the contents of a local directory into glance.
server:port: the location of the glance instance.
path: a directory on disk containing the data.
# Make sure server and path are provided
if len(args) < 2:
raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments."))
path = args.pop()
server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
imageservice = get_image_service()
client = imageservice(httplib.HTTPConnection(server, port),
updated = []
for ent in os.listdir(path):
if utils.is_uuid_like(ent):
image_uuid = ent'Considering: %s') % image_uuid)
meta_file_name = os.path.join(path, image_uuid)
with open(meta_file_name) as meta_file:
meta = jsonutils.loads(
# Remove keys which don't make sense for replication
for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '):
if key in meta:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from saved '
'metadata', {'header': key})
del meta[key]
if _image_present(client, image_uuid):
# NOTE(mikal): Perhaps we just need to update the metadata?
# Note that we don't attempt to change an image file once it
# has been uploaded.
LOG.debug('Image %s already present', image_uuid)
headers = client.get_image_meta(image_uuid)
for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '):
if key in headers:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from slave '
'metadata', {'header': key})
del headers[key]
if _dict_diff(meta, headers):'Image %s metadata has changed') %
headers, body = client.add_image_meta(meta)
_check_upload_response_headers(headers, body)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, image_uuid + '.img')):
LOG.debug('%s dump is missing image data, skipping' %
# Upload the image itself
with open(os.path.join(path, image_uuid + '.img')) as img_file:
headers, body = client.add_image(meta, img_file)
_check_upload_response_headers(headers, body)
except exc.HTTPConflict:
% image_uuid) # noqa
return updated
def replication_livecopy(options, args):
"""%(prog)s livecopy <fromserver:port> <toserver:port>
Load the contents of one glance instance into another.
fromserver:port: the location of the master glance instance.
toserver:port: the location of the slave glance instance.
# Make sure from-server and to-server are provided
if len(args) < 2:
raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments."))
imageservice = get_image_service()
slave_server, slave_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
slave_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(slave_server, slave_port)
slave_client = imageservice(slave_conn, options.slavetoken)
master_server, master_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
master_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(master_server, master_port)
master_client = imageservice(master_conn, options.mastertoken)
updated = []
for image in master_client.get_images():
LOG.debug('Considering %(id)s' % {'id': image['id']})
for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '):
if key in image:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from master metadata',
{'header': key})
del image[key]
if _image_present(slave_client, image['id']):
# NOTE(mikal): Perhaps we just need to update the metadata?
# Note that we don't attempt to change an image file once it
# has been uploaded.
headers = slave_client.get_image_meta(image['id'])
if headers['status'] == 'active':
for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '):
if key in image:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from master '
'metadata', {'header': key})
del image[key]
if key in headers:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from slave '
'metadata', {'header': key})
del headers[key]
if _dict_diff(image, headers):'Image %s metadata has changed') %
headers, body = slave_client.add_image_meta(image)
_check_upload_response_headers(headers, body)
elif image['status'] == 'active':'Image %s is being synced') % image['id'])
if not options.metaonly:
image_response = master_client.get_image(image['id'])
headers, body = slave_client.add_image(image,
_check_upload_response_headers(headers, body)
except exc.HTTPConflict:
LOG.error(_LE(IMAGE_ALREADY_PRESENT_MESSAGE) % image['id']) # noqa
return updated
def replication_compare(options, args):
"""%(prog)s compare <fromserver:port> <toserver:port>
Compare the contents of fromserver with those of toserver.
fromserver:port: the location of the master glance instance.
toserver:port: the location of the slave glance instance.
# Make sure from-server and to-server are provided
if len(args) < 2:
raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments."))
imageservice = get_image_service()
slave_server, slave_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
slave_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(slave_server, slave_port)
slave_client = imageservice(slave_conn, options.slavetoken)
master_server, master_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop())
master_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(master_server, master_port)
master_client = imageservice(master_conn, options.mastertoken)
differences = {}
for image in master_client.get_images():
if _image_present(slave_client, image['id']):
headers = slave_client.get_image_meta(image['id'])
for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '):
if key in image:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from master metadata',
{'header': key})
del image[key]
if key in headers:
LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from slave metadata',
{'header': key})
del headers[key]
for key in image:
if image[key] != headers.get(key, None):
LOG.warn(_LW('%(image_id)s: field %(key)s differs '
'(source is %(master_value)s, destination '
'is %(slave_value)s)')
% {'image_id': image['id'],
'key': key,
'master_value': image[key],
'slave_value': headers.get(key, 'undefined')})
differences[image['id']] = 'diff'
LOG.debug('%(image_id)s is identical'
% {'image_id': image['id']})
elif image['status'] == 'active':
LOG.warn(_LW('Image %s entirely missing from the destination')
% image['id'])
differences[image['id']] = 'missing'
return differences
def _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body):
"""Check that the headers of an upload are reasonable.
headers: the headers from the upload
body: the body from the upload
if 'status' not in headers:
d = jsonutils.loads(body)
if 'image' in d and 'status' in d['image']:
except Exception:
raise exception.UploadException(body)
def _image_present(client, image_uuid):
"""Check if an image is present in glance.
client: the ImageService
image_uuid: the image uuid to check
Returns: True if the image is present
headers = client.get_image_meta(image_uuid)
return 'status' in headers
def parse_options(parser, cli_args):
"""Returns the parsed CLI options, command to run and its arguments, merged
with any same-named options found in a configuration file
parser: the option parser
cli_args: the arguments passed on the command line
Returns: a tuple of (the parsed options, the command, the command name)
if not cli_args:
cli_args.append('-h') # Show options in usage output...
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(cli_args)
# HACK(sirp): Make the parser available to the print_help method
# print_help is a command, so it only accepts (options, args); we could
# one-off have it take (parser, options, args), however, for now, I think
# this little hack will suffice
options.__parser = parser
if not args:
command_name = args.pop(0)
command = lookup_command(parser, command_name)
return (options, command, args)
def print_help(options, args):
"""Print help specific to a command.
options: the parsed command line options
args: the command line
if len(args) != 1:
parser = options.__parser
command_name = args.pop()
command = lookup_command(parser, command_name)
print(command.__doc__ % {'prog': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])})
def lookup_command(parser, command_name):
"""Lookup a command.
parser: the command parser
command_name: the command name
Returns: a method which implements that command
BASE_COMMANDS = {'help': print_help}
REPLICATION_COMMANDS = {'compare': replication_compare,
'dump': replication_dump,
'livecopy': replication_livecopy,
'load': replication_load,
'size': replication_size}
commands = {}
command = commands[command_name]
except KeyError:
sys.exit(_("Unknown command: %s") % command_name)
return command
def main():
"""The main function."""
usage = """
%%prog <command> [options] [args]
oparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage.strip())
# Options
oparser.add_option('-c', '--chunksize', action="store", default=65536,
help="Amount of data to transfer per HTTP write.")
oparser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Print debugging information.")
oparser.add_option('-D', '--dontreplicate', action="store",
default=('created_at date deleted_at location '
help="List of fields to not replicate.")
oparser.add_option('-m', '--metaonly', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Only replicate metadata, not images.")
oparser.add_option('-l', '--logfile', action="store", default='',
help="Path of file to log to.")
oparser.add_option('-s', '--syslog', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Log to syslog instead of a file.")
oparser.add_option('-t', '--token', action="store", default='',
help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
"one. If you use this option the same token is "
"used for both the master and the slave."))
oparser.add_option('-M', '--mastertoken', action="store", default='',
help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
"one. This is the token used for the master."))
oparser.add_option('-S', '--slavetoken', action="store", default='',
help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
"one. This is the token used for the slave."))
oparser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Print more verbose output.")
(options, command, args) = parse_options(oparser, sys.argv[1:])
# Setup logging
if options.token:
options.slavetoken = options.token
options.mastertoken = options.token
command(options, args)
except TypeError as e:
LOG.error(_LE(command.__doc__) % {'prog': command.__name__}) # noqa
sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % e)
except ValueError as e:
LOG.error(_LE(command.__doc__) % {'prog': command.__name__}) # noqa
sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % e)
if __name__ == '__main__':