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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Defines interface for DB access
import logging
from sqlalchemy import asc, create_engine, desc
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql import or_, and_
from glance.common import config
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import utils
from glance.registry.db import models
_ENGINE = None
_MAKER = None
BASE = models.BASE
# attributes common to all models
BASE_MODEL_ATTRS = set(['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at',
IMAGE_ATTRS = BASE_MODEL_ATTRS | set(['name', 'status', 'size',
'disk_format', 'container_format',
'is_public', 'location', 'checksum',
CONTAINER_FORMATS = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'bare', 'ovf']
DISK_FORMATS = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vmdk', 'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi',
STATUSES = ['active', 'saving', 'queued', 'killed', 'pending_delete',
def configure_db(options):
Establish the database, create an engine if needed, and
register the models.
:param options: Mapping of configuration options
global _ENGINE
if not _ENGINE:
debug = config.get_option(
options, 'debug', type='bool', default=False)
verbose = config.get_option(
options, 'verbose', type='bool', default=False)
timeout = config.get_option(
options, 'sql_idle_timeout', type='int', default=3600)
_ENGINE = create_engine(options['sql_connection'],
logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine')
if debug:
elif verbose:
def get_session(autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False):
"""Helper method to grab session"""
global _MAKER, _ENGINE
if not _MAKER:
assert _ENGINE
_MAKER = sessionmaker(bind=_ENGINE,
return _MAKER()
def image_create(context, values):
"""Create an image from the values dictionary."""
return _image_update(context, values, None, False)
def image_update(context, image_id, values, purge_props=False):
Set the given properties on an image and update it.
:raises NotFound if image does not exist.
return _image_update(context, values, image_id, purge_props)
def image_destroy(context, image_id):
"""Destroy the image or raise if it does not exist."""
session = get_session()
with session.begin():
image_ref = image_get(context, image_id, session=session)
for prop_ref in
image_property_delete(context, prop_ref, session=session)
def image_get(context, image_id, session=None):
"""Get an image or raise if it does not exist."""
session = session or get_session()
image = session.query(models.Image).\
except exc.NoResultFound:
raise exception.NotFound("No image found with ID %s" % image_id)
# Make sure they can look at it
if not context.is_image_visible(image):
raise exception.NotAuthorized("Image not visible to you")
return image
def image_get_all_pending_delete(context, delete_time=None, limit=None):
"""Get all images that are pending deletion
:param limit: maximum number of images to return
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.Image).\
filter(models.Image.status == 'pending_delete')
if delete_time:
query = query.filter(models.Image.deleted_at <= delete_time)
query = query.order_by(desc(models.Image.deleted_at)).\
if limit:
query = query.limit(limit)
return query.all()
def image_get_all(context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='desc'):
Get all images that match zero or more filters.
:param filters: dict of filter keys and values. If a 'properties'
key is present, it is treated as a dict of key/value
filters on the image properties attribute
:param marker: image id after which to start page
:param limit: maximum number of images to return
:param sort_key: image attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
filters = filters or {}
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.Image).\
filter(models.Image.status != 'killed')
sort_dir_func = {
'asc': asc,
'desc': desc,
sort_key_attr = getattr(models.Image, sort_key)
query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr)).\
if 'size_min' in filters:
query = query.filter(models.Image.size >= filters['size_min'])
del filters['size_min']
if 'size_max' in filters:
query = query.filter(models.Image.size <= filters['size_max'])
del filters['size_max']
if 'is_public' in filters and filters['is_public'] is not None:
the_filter = models.Image.is_public == filters['is_public']
if filters['is_public'] and context.owner is not None:
the_filter = or_(the_filter, models.Image.owner == context.owner)
query = query.filter(the_filter)
del filters['is_public']
for (k, v) in filters.pop('properties', {}).items():
query = query.filter(, value=v))
for (k, v) in filters.items():
if v is not None:
query = query.filter(getattr(models.Image, k) == v)
if marker != None:
# images returned should be created before the image defined by marker
marker_image = image_get(context, marker)
marker_value = getattr(marker_image, sort_key)
if sort_dir == 'desc':
query = query.filter(
or_(sort_key_attr < marker_value,
and_(sort_key_attr == marker_value, < marker)))
query = query.filter(
or_(sort_key_attr > marker_value,
and_(sort_key_attr == marker_value, > marker)))
if limit != None:
query = query.limit(limit)
return query.all()
def _drop_protected_attrs(model_class, values):
Removed protected attributes from values dictionary using the models
__protected_attributes__ field.
for attr in model_class.__protected_attributes__:
if attr in values:
del values[attr]
def validate_image(values):
Validates the incoming data and raises a Invalid exception
if anything is out of order.
:param values: Mapping of image metadata to check
status = values.get('status')
disk_format = values.get('disk_format')
container_format = values.get('container_format')
status = values.get('status', None)
if not status:
msg = "Image status is required."
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if status not in STATUSES:
msg = "Invalid image status '%s' for image." % status
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if disk_format and disk_format not in DISK_FORMATS:
msg = "Invalid disk format '%s' for image." % disk_format
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if container_format and container_format not in CONTAINER_FORMATS:
msg = "Invalid container format '%s' for image." % container_format
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if disk_format in ('aki', 'ari', 'ami') or\
container_format in ('aki', 'ari', 'ami'):
if container_format != disk_format:
msg = ("Invalid mix of disk and container formats. "
"When setting a disk or container format to "
"one of 'ami', 'ari', or 'ami', the container "
"and disk formats must match.")
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
def _image_update(context, values, image_id, purge_props=False):
Used internally by image_create and image_update
:param context: Request context
:param values: A dict of attributes to set
:param image_id: If None, create the image, otherwise, find and update it
session = get_session()
with session.begin():
# Remove the properties passed in the values mapping. We
# handle properties separately from base image attributes,
# and leaving properties in the values mapping will cause
# a SQLAlchemy model error because SQLAlchemy expects the
# properties attribute of an Image model to be a list and
# not a dict.
properties = values.pop('properties', {})
if image_id:
image_ref = image_get(context, image_id, session=session)
if 'size' in values:
values['size'] = int(values['size'])
values['is_public'] = bool(values.get('is_public', False))
image_ref = models.Image()
_drop_protected_attrs(models.Image, values)
# Validate the attributes before we go any further. From my
# investigation, the @validates decorator does not validate
# on new records, only on existing records, which is, well,
# idiotic.
except IntegrityError, e:
raise exception.Duplicate("Image ID %s already exists!"
% values['id'])
_set_properties_for_image(context, image_ref, properties, purge_props,
return image_get(context,
def _set_properties_for_image(context, image_ref, properties,
purge_props=False, session=None):
Create or update a set of image_properties for a given image
:param context: Request context
:param image_ref: An Image object
:param properties: A dict of properties to set
:param session: A SQLAlchemy session to use (if present)
orig_properties = {}
for prop_ref in
orig_properties[] = prop_ref
for name, value in properties.iteritems():
prop_values = {'image_id':,
'name': name,
'value': value}
if name in orig_properties:
prop_ref = orig_properties[name]
image_property_update(context, prop_ref, prop_values,
image_property_create(context, prop_values, session=session)
if purge_props:
for key in orig_properties.keys():
if not key in properties:
prop_ref = orig_properties[key]
image_property_delete(context, prop_ref, session=session)
def image_property_create(context, values, session=None):
"""Create an ImageProperty object"""
prop_ref = models.ImageProperty()
return _image_property_update(context, prop_ref, values, session=session)
def image_property_update(context, prop_ref, values, session=None):
"""Update an ImageProperty object"""
return _image_property_update(context, prop_ref, values, session=session)
def _image_property_update(context, prop_ref, values, session=None):
Used internally by image_property_create and image_property_update
_drop_protected_attrs(models.ImageProperty, values)
values["deleted"] = False
return prop_ref
def image_property_delete(context, prop_ref, session=None):
Used internally by image_property_create and image_property_update
return prop_ref
# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
def _deleted(context):
Calculates whether to include deleted objects based on context.
Currently just looks for a flag called deleted in the context dict.
if hasattr(context, 'show_deleted'):
return context.show_deleted
if not hasattr(context, 'get'):
return False
return context.get('deleted', False)