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# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import webob.exc
from glance.api import policy
from glance.common import exception
from glance.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO(danms): Remove this once secure RBAC is fully implemented and
# used instead of legacy policy checks.
def check_is_image_mutable(context, image):
"""Replicate the DB-layer admin-or-owner check for the API.
Much of the API code depends on hard-coded admin-or-owner
enforcement in the DB or authorization layer, as the policy layer
is largely a no-op by default. During blueprint policy-refactor,
we are trying to remove as much of that as possible, but in
certain places we need to do that (if secure_rbac is not
enabled). This transitional helper provides a way to do that
enforcement where necessary.
:param context: A RequestContext
:param image: An ImageProxy
:raises: exception.Forbidden if the context is not the owner or an admin
# Is admin == image mutable
if context.is_admin:
# No owner == image not mutable
# Image only mutable by its owner
if (image.owner is None or context.owner is None or
image.owner != context.owner):
raise exception.Forbidden(_('You do not own this image'))
class APIPolicyBase(object):
def __init__(self, context, target=None, enforcer=None):
self._context = context
self._target = target or {}
self.enforcer = enforcer or policy.Enforcer()
def _enforce(self, rule_name):
self.enforcer.enforce(self._context, rule_name, self._target)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=str(e))
def check(self, name, *args):
"""Perform a soft check of a named policy.
This is used when you need to check if a policy is allowed for the
given resource, without needing to catch an exception. If the policy
check requires args, those are accepted here as well.
:param name: Policy name to check
:returns: bool indicating if the policy is allowed.
getattr(self, name)(*args)
return True
except webob.exc.HTTPForbidden:
return False
class ImageAPIPolicy(APIPolicyBase):
def __init__(self, context, image, enforcer=None):
super(ImageAPIPolicy, self).__init__(context,
self._image = image
def _enforce(self, rule_name):
"""Translate Forbidden->NotFound for images."""
super(ImageAPIPolicy, self)._enforce(rule_name)
except webob.exc.HTTPForbidden:
# If we are checking get_image, then Forbidden means the
# user cannot see this image, so raise NotFound. If we are
# checking anything else and get Forbidden, then raise
# NotFound in that case as well to avoid exposing images
# the user can not see, while preserving the Forbidden
# behavior for the ones they can see.
if rule_name == 'get_image' or not self.check('get_image'):
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
def check(self, name, *args):
return super(ImageAPIPolicy, self).check(name, *args)
except webob.exc.HTTPNotFound:
# NOTE(danms): Since our _enforce can raise NotFound, that
# too means a False check response.
return False
def _enforce_visibility(self, visibility):
# NOTE(danms): Use the existing enforcement routine for now,
# which shows that we're enforcing the same behavior. In the
# future, that should probably be moved here.
policy._enforce_image_visibility(self.enforcer, self._context,
visibility, self._target)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=str(e))
def update_property(self, name, value=None):
if name == 'visibility':
# NOTE(danms): Visibility changes have their own policy,
# so check that first, followed by the general
# modify_image policy below.
def update_locations(self):
def delete_locations(self):
def get_image(self):
def get_images(self):
def delete_image(self):
# TODO(danms): Remove this legacy fallback when secure RBAC
# replaces the legacy policy.
if not CONF.enforce_secure_rbac:
check_is_image_mutable(self._context, self._image)