
986 lines
39 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import glance_store
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
import webob.exc
from glance.api import policy
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import location_strategy
from glance.common import utils
from glance.common import wsgi
import glance.db
import glance.gateway
from glance import i18n
import glance.notifier
import glance.schema
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = i18n._
_LW = i18n._LW
CONF.import_opt('disk_formats', 'glance.common.config', group='image_format')
CONF.import_opt('container_formats', 'glance.common.config',
class ImagesController(object):
def __init__(self, db_api=None, policy_enforcer=None, notifier=None,
self.db_api = db_api or glance.db.get_api()
self.policy = policy_enforcer or policy.Enforcer()
self.notifier = notifier or glance.notifier.Notifier()
self.store_api = store_api or glance_store
self.gateway = glance.gateway.Gateway(self.db_api, self.store_api,
self.notifier, self.policy)
def create(self, req, image, extra_properties, tags):
image_factory = self.gateway.get_image_factory(req.context)
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
image = image_factory.new_image(extra_properties=extra_properties,
tags=tags, **image)
except exception.DuplicateLocation as dup:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=dup.msg)
except exception.Invalid as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
LOG.debug("User not permitted to create image")
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.InvalidParameterValue as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.LimitExceeded as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
explanation=e.msg, request=req, content_type='text/plain')
except exception.Duplicate as dupex:
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=dupex.msg)
except exception.ReservedProperty as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.ReadonlyProperty as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except TypeError as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
except exception.NotAuthenticated as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation=e.msg)
return image
def index(self, req, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None,
sort_dir=None, filters=None, member_status='accepted'):
sort_key = ['created_at'] if not sort_key else sort_key
sort_dir = ['desc'] if not sort_dir else sort_dir
result = {}
if filters is None:
filters = {}
filters['deleted'] = False
if limit is None:
limit = CONF.limit_param_default
limit = min(CONF.api_limit_max, limit)
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
images = image_repo.list(marker=marker, limit=limit,
if len(images) != 0 and len(images) == limit:
result['next_marker'] = images[-1].image_id
except (exception.NotFound, exception.InvalidSortKey,
exception.InvalidFilterRangeValue) as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
LOG.debug("User not permitted to retrieve images index")
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.NotAuthenticated as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation=e.msg)
result['images'] = images
return result
def show(self, req, image_id):
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
return image_repo.get(image_id)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
LOG.debug("User not permitted to show image '%s'", image_id)
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.NotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.NotAuthenticated as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation=e.msg)
def update(self, req, image_id, changes):
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
image = image_repo.get(image_id)
for change in changes:
change_method_name = '_do_%s' % change['op']
assert hasattr(self, change_method_name)
change_method = getattr(self, change_method_name)
change_method(req, image, change)
if changes:
except exception.NotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
except (exception.Invalid, exception.BadStoreUri) as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.Forbidden as e:
LOG.debug("User not permitted to update image '%s'", image_id)
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.InvalidParameterValue as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.StorageQuotaFull as e:
msg = (_("Denying attempt to upload image because it exceeds the"
" quota: %s") % encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e))
raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
explanation=msg, request=req, content_type='text/plain')
except exception.LimitExceeded as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
explanation=e.msg, request=req, content_type='text/plain')
except exception.NotAuthenticated as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation=e.msg)
return image
def _do_replace(self, req, image, change):
path = change['path']
path_root = path[0]
value = change['value']
if path_root == 'locations':
self._do_replace_locations(image, value)
elif path_root == 'owner' and req.context.is_admin == False:
msg = _("Owner can't be updated by non admin.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(msg)
if hasattr(image, path_root):
setattr(image, path_root, value)
elif path_root in image.extra_properties:
image.extra_properties[path_root] = value
msg = _("Property %s does not exist.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % path_root)
def _do_add(self, req, image, change):
path = change['path']
path_root = path[0]
value = change['value']
json_schema_version = change.get('json_schema_version', 10)
if path_root == 'locations':
self._do_add_locations(image, path[1], value)
if ((hasattr(image, path_root) or
path_root in image.extra_properties)
and json_schema_version == 4):
msg = _("Property %s already present.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % path_root)
if hasattr(image, path_root):
setattr(image, path_root, value)
image.extra_properties[path_root] = value
def _do_remove(self, req, image, change):
path = change['path']
path_root = path[0]
if path_root == 'locations':
self._do_remove_locations(image, path[1])
if hasattr(image, path_root):
msg = _("Property %s may not be removed.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(msg % path_root)
elif path_root in image.extra_properties:
del image.extra_properties[path_root]
msg = _("Property %s does not exist.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % path_root)
def delete(self, req, image_id):
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
image = image_repo.get(image_id)
except (glance_store.Forbidden, exception.Forbidden) as e:
LOG.debug("User not permitted to delete image '%s'", image_id)
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
except (glance_store.NotFound, exception.NotFound) as e:
msg = (_("Failed to find image %(image_id)s to delete") %
{'image_id': image_id})
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)
except glance_store.exceptions.InUseByStore as e:
msg = (_("Image %(id)s could not be deleted "
"because it is in use: %(exc)s") %
{"id": image_id,
"exc": e.msg})
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=msg)
except exception.NotAuthenticated as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation=e.msg)
def _get_locations_op_pos(self, path_pos, max_pos, allow_max):
if path_pos is None or max_pos is None:
return None
pos = max_pos if allow_max else max_pos - 1
if path_pos.isdigit():
pos = int(path_pos)
elif path_pos != '-':
return None
if not (allow_max or 0 <= pos < max_pos):
return None
return pos
def _do_replace_locations(self, image, value):
if len(image.locations) > 0 and len(value) > 0:
msg = _("Cannot replace locations from a non-empty "
"list to a non-empty list.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if len(value) == 0:
# NOTE(zhiyan): this actually deletes the location
# from the backend store.
del image.locations[:]
if image.status == 'active':
image.status = 'queued'
else: # NOTE(zhiyan): len(image.locations) == 0
image.locations = value
if image.status == 'queued':
image.status = 'active'
except (exception.BadStoreUri, exception.DuplicateLocation) as bse:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=bse.msg)
except ValueError as ve: # update image status failed.
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
def _do_add_locations(self, image, path_pos, value):
pos = self._get_locations_op_pos(path_pos,
len(image.locations), True)
if pos is None:
msg = _("Invalid position for adding a location.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
image.locations.insert(pos, value)
if image.status == 'queued':
image.status = 'active'
except (exception.BadStoreUri, exception.DuplicateLocation) as bse:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=bse.msg)
except ValueError as ve: # update image status failed.
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
def _do_remove_locations(self, image, path_pos):
pos = self._get_locations_op_pos(path_pos,
len(image.locations), False)
if pos is None:
msg = _("Invalid position for removing a location.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# NOTE(zhiyan): this actually deletes the location
# from the backend store.
except Exception as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(
if len(image.locations) == 0 and image.status == 'active':
image.status = 'queued'
class RequestDeserializer(wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer):
_disallowed_properties = ('direct_url', 'self', 'file', 'schema')
_readonly_properties = ('created_at', 'updated_at', 'status', 'checksum',
'size', 'virtual_size', 'direct_url', 'self',
'file', 'schema', 'id')
_reserved_properties = ('location', 'deleted', 'deleted_at')
_base_properties = ('checksum', 'created_at', 'container_format',
'disk_format', 'id', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'name',
'size', 'virtual_size', 'status', 'tags',
'updated_at', 'visibility', 'protected')
_available_sort_keys = ('name', 'status', 'container_format',
'disk_format', 'size', 'id', 'created_at',
_default_sort_key = 'created_at'
_default_sort_dir = 'desc'
_path_depth_limits = {'locations': {'add': 2, 'remove': 2, 'replace': 1}}
_supported_operations = ('add', 'remove', 'replace')
def __init__(self, schema=None):
super(RequestDeserializer, self).__init__()
self.schema = schema or get_schema()
def _get_request_body(self, request):
output = super(RequestDeserializer, self).default(request)
if 'body' not in output:
msg = _('Body expected in request.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return output['body']
def _check_allowed(cls, image):
for key in cls._disallowed_properties:
if key in image:
msg = _("Attribute '%s' is read-only.") % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(
def create(self, request):
body = self._get_request_body(request)
except exception.InvalidObject as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
image = {}
properties = body
tags = properties.pop('tags', [])
for key in self._base_properties:
# NOTE(flwang): Instead of changing the _check_unexpected
# of ImageFactory. It would be better to do the mapping
# at here.
if key == 'id':
image['image_id'] = properties.pop(key)
image[key] = properties.pop(key)
except KeyError:
return dict(image=image, extra_properties=properties, tags=tags)
def _get_change_operation_d10(self, raw_change):
op = raw_change.get('op')
if op is None:
msg = (_('Unable to find `op` in JSON Schema change. '
'It must be one of the following: %(available)s.') %
{'available': ', '.join(self._supported_operations)})
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if op not in self._supported_operations:
msg = (_('Invalid operation: `%(op)s`. '
'It must be one of the following: %(available)s.') %
{'op': op,
'available': ', '.join(self._supported_operations)})
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return op
def _get_change_operation_d4(self, raw_change):
op = None
for key in self._supported_operations:
if key in raw_change:
if op is not None:
msg = _('Operation objects must contain only one member'
' named "add", "remove", or "replace".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
op = key
if op is None:
msg = _('Operation objects must contain exactly one member'
' named "add", "remove", or "replace".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return op
def _get_change_path_d10(self, raw_change):
return raw_change['path']
except KeyError:
msg = _("Unable to find '%s' in JSON Schema change") % 'path'
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
def _get_change_path_d4(self, raw_change, op):
return raw_change[op]
def _decode_json_pointer(self, pointer):
"""Parse a json pointer.
Json Pointers are defined in .
The pointers use '/' for separation between object attributes, such
that '/A/B' would evaluate to C in {"A": {"B": "C"}}. A '/' character
in an attribute name is encoded as "~1" and a '~' character is encoded
as "~0".
ret = []
for part in pointer.lstrip('/').split('/'):
ret.append(part.replace('~1', '/').replace('~0', '~').strip())
return ret
def _validate_json_pointer(self, pointer):
"""Validate a json pointer.
We only accept a limited form of json pointers.
if not pointer.startswith('/'):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` does not start with "/".') % pointer
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if'/\s*?/', pointer[1:]):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains adjacent "/".') % pointer
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if len(pointer) > 1 and pointer.endswith('/'):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` end with "/".') % pointer
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if pointer[1:].strip() == '/':
msg = _('Pointer `%s` does not contains valid token.') % pointer
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if'~[^01]', pointer) or pointer.endswith('~'):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains "~" not part of'
' a recognized escape sequence.') % pointer
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
def _get_change_value(self, raw_change, op):
if 'value' not in raw_change:
msg = _('Operation "%s" requires a member named "value".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg % op)
return raw_change['value']
def _validate_change(self, change):
path_root = change['path'][0]
if path_root in self._readonly_properties:
msg = _("Attribute '%s' is read-only.") % path_root
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(msg))
if path_root in self._reserved_properties:
msg = _("Attribute '%s' is reserved.") % path_root
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=six.text_type(msg))
if change['op'] == 'remove':
partial_image = None
if len(change['path']) == 1:
partial_image = {path_root: change['value']}
elif ((path_root in get_base_properties().keys()) and
(get_base_properties()[path_root].get('type', '') == 'array')):
# NOTE(zhiyan): cient can use PATCH API to adding element to
# the image's existing set property directly.
# Such as: 1. using '/locations/N' path to adding a location
# to the image's 'locations' list at N position.
# (implemented)
# 2. using '/tags/-' path to appending a tag to the
# image's 'tags' list at last. (Not implemented)
partial_image = {path_root: [change['value']]}
if partial_image:
except exception.InvalidObject as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.msg)
def _validate_path(self, op, path):
path_root = path[0]
limits = self._path_depth_limits.get(path_root, {})
if len(path) != limits.get(op, 1):
msg = _("Invalid JSON pointer for this resource: "
"'/%s'") % '/'.join(path)
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(msg))
def _parse_json_schema_change(self, raw_change, draft_version):
if draft_version == 10:
op = self._get_change_operation_d10(raw_change)
path = self._get_change_path_d10(raw_change)
elif draft_version == 4:
op = self._get_change_operation_d4(raw_change)
path = self._get_change_path_d4(raw_change, op)
msg = _('Unrecognized JSON Schema draft version')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
path_list = self._decode_json_pointer(path)
return op, path_list
def update(self, request):
changes = []
content_types = {
'application/openstack-images-v2.0-json-patch': 4,
'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch': 10,
if request.content_type not in content_types:
headers = {'Accept-Patch':
', '.join(sorted(content_types.keys()))}
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(headers=headers)
json_schema_version = content_types[request.content_type]
body = self._get_request_body(request)
if not isinstance(body, list):
msg = _('Request body must be a JSON array of operation objects.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
for raw_change in body:
if not isinstance(raw_change, dict):
msg = _('Operations must be JSON objects.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
(op, path) = self._parse_json_schema_change(raw_change,
# NOTE(zhiyan): the 'path' is a list.
self._validate_path(op, path)
change = {'op': op, 'path': path,
'json_schema_version': json_schema_version}
if not op == 'remove':
change['value'] = self._get_change_value(raw_change, op)
return {'changes': changes}
def _validate_limit(self, limit):
limit = int(limit)
except ValueError:
msg = _("limit param must be an integer")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if limit < 0:
msg = _("limit param must be positive")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return limit
def _validate_sort_key(self, sort_key):
if sort_key not in self._available_sort_keys:
msg = _('Invalid sort key: %(sort_key)s. '
'It must be one of the following: %(available)s.') % (
{'sort_key': sort_key,
'available': ', '.join(self._available_sort_keys)})
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return sort_key
def _validate_sort_dir(self, sort_dir):
if sort_dir not in ['asc', 'desc']:
msg = _('Invalid sort direction: %s') % sort_dir
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return sort_dir
def _validate_member_status(self, member_status):
if member_status not in ['pending', 'accepted', 'rejected', 'all']:
msg = _('Invalid status: %s') % member_status
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return member_status
def _get_filters(self, filters):
visibility = filters.get('visibility')
if visibility:
if visibility not in ['public', 'private', 'shared']:
msg = _('Invalid visibility value: %s') % visibility
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
changes_since = filters.get('changes-since', None)
if changes_since:
msg = _('The "changes-since" filter is no longer available on v2.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return filters
def _get_sorting_params(self, params):
Process sorting params.
Currently glance supports two sorting syntax: classic and new one,
that is uniform for all Openstack projects.
Classic syntax: sort_key=name&sort_dir=asc&sort_key=size&sort_dir=desc
New syntax: sort=name:asc,size:desc
sort_keys = []
sort_dirs = []
if 'sort' in params:
# use new sorting syntax here
if 'sort_key' in params or 'sort_dir' in params:
msg = _('Old and new sorting syntax cannot be combined')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
for sort_param in params.pop('sort').strip().split(','):
key, _sep, dir = sort_param.partition(':')
if not dir:
dir = self._default_sort_dir
# continue with classic syntax
# NOTE(mfedosin): we have 3 options here:
# 1. sort_dir wasn't passed: we use default one - 'desc'.
# 2. Only one sort_dir was passed: use it for every sort_key
# in the list.
# 3. Multiple sort_dirs were passed: consistently apply each one to
# the corresponding sort_key.
# If number of sort_dirs and sort_keys doesn't match then raise an
# exception.
while 'sort_key' in params:
while 'sort_dir' in params:
if sort_dirs:
dir_len = len(sort_dirs)
key_len = len(sort_keys)
if dir_len > 1 and dir_len != key_len:
msg = _('Number of sort dirs does not match the number '
'of sort keys')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if not sort_keys:
sort_keys = [self._default_sort_key]
if not sort_dirs:
sort_dirs = [self._default_sort_dir]
return sort_keys, sort_dirs
def index(self, request):
params = request.params.copy()
limit = params.pop('limit', None)
marker = params.pop('marker', None)
member_status = params.pop('member_status', 'accepted')
# NOTE (flwang) To avoid using comma or any predefined chars to split
# multiple tags, now we allow user specify multiple 'tag' parameters
# in URL, such as v2/images?tag=x86&tag=64bit.
tags = []
while 'tag' in params:
query_params = {
'filters': self._get_filters(params),
'member_status': self._validate_member_status(member_status),
if marker is not None:
query_params['marker'] = marker
if limit is not None:
query_params['limit'] = self._validate_limit(limit)
if tags:
query_params['filters']['tags'] = tags
# NOTE(mfedosin): param is still called sort_key and sort_dir,
# instead of sort_keys and sort_dirs respectively.
# It's done because in v1 it's still a single value.
query_params['sort_key'], query_params['sort_dir'] = (
return query_params
class ResponseSerializer(wsgi.JSONResponseSerializer):
def __init__(self, schema=None):
super(ResponseSerializer, self).__init__()
self.schema = schema or get_schema()
def _get_image_href(self, image, subcollection=''):
base_href = '/v2/images/%s' % image.image_id
if subcollection:
base_href = '%s/%s' % (base_href, subcollection)
return base_href
def _format_image(self, image):
image_view = dict()
image_view = dict(image.extra_properties)
attributes = ['name', 'disk_format', 'container_format',
'visibility', 'size', 'virtual_size', 'status',
'checksum', 'protected', 'min_ram', 'min_disk',
for key in attributes:
image_view[key] = getattr(image, key)
image_view['id'] = image.image_id
image_view['created_at'] = timeutils.isotime(image.created_at)
image_view['updated_at'] = timeutils.isotime(image.updated_at)
if CONF.show_multiple_locations:
locations = list(image.locations)
if locations:
image_view['locations'] = []
for loc in locations:
tmp = dict(loc)
tmp.pop('id', None)
tmp.pop('status', None)
# NOTE (flwang): We will still show "locations": [] if
# image.locations is None to indicate it's allowed to show
# locations but it's just non-existent.
image_view['locations'] = []
LOG.debug("There is not available location "
"for image %s", image.image_id)
if CONF.show_image_direct_url:
if image.locations:
# Choose best location configured strategy
l = location_strategy.choose_best_location(image.locations)
image_view['direct_url'] = l['url']
LOG.debug("There is not available location "
"for image %s", image.image_id)
image_view['tags'] = list(image.tags)
image_view['self'] = self._get_image_href(image)
image_view['file'] = self._get_image_href(image, 'file')
image_view['schema'] = '/v2/schemas/image'
image_view = self.schema.filter(image_view) # domain
except exception.Forbidden as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg)
return image_view
def create(self, response, image):
response.status_int = 201, image)
response.location = self._get_image_href(image)
def show(self, response, image):
image_view = self._format_image(image)
body = json.dumps(image_view, ensure_ascii=False)
response.unicode_body = six.text_type(body)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
def update(self, response, image):
image_view = self._format_image(image)
body = json.dumps(image_view, ensure_ascii=False)
response.unicode_body = six.text_type(body)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
def index(self, response, result):
params = dict(response.request.params)
params.pop('marker', None)
query = urlparse.urlencode(params)
body = {
'images': [self._format_image(i) for i in result['images']],
'first': '/v2/images',
'schema': '/v2/schemas/images',
if query:
body['first'] = '%s?%s' % (body['first'], query)
if 'next_marker' in result:
params['marker'] = result['next_marker']
next_query = urlparse.urlencode(params)
body['next'] = '/v2/images?%s' % next_query
response.unicode_body = six.text_type(json.dumps(body,
response.content_type = 'application/json'
def delete(self, response, result):
response.status_int = 204
def get_base_properties():
return {
'id': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('An identifier for the image'),
'pattern': ('^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}'
'name': {
'type': ['null', 'string'],
'description': _('Descriptive name for the image'),
'maxLength': 255,
'status': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('Status of the image (READ-ONLY)'),
'enum': ['queued', 'saving', 'active', 'killed',
'deleted', 'pending_delete', 'deactivated'],
'visibility': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('Scope of image accessibility'),
'enum': ['public', 'private'],
'protected': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': _('If true, image will not be deletable.'),
'checksum': {
'type': ['null', 'string'],
'description': _('md5 hash of image contents. (READ-ONLY)'),
'maxLength': 32,
'owner': {
'type': ['null', 'string'],
'description': _('Owner of the image'),
'maxLength': 255,
'size': {
'type': ['null', 'integer'],
'description': _('Size of image file in bytes (READ-ONLY)'),
'virtual_size': {
'type': ['null', 'integer'],
'description': _('Virtual size of image in bytes (READ-ONLY)'),
'container_format': {
'type': ['null', 'string'],
'description': _('Format of the container'),
'enum': [None] + CONF.image_format.container_formats,
'disk_format': {
'type': ['null', 'string'],
'description': _('Format of the disk'),
'enum': [None] + CONF.image_format.disk_formats,
'created_at': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('Date and time of image registration'
' (READ-ONLY)'),
# TODO(bcwaldon): our jsonschema library doesn't seem to like the
# format attribute, figure out why!
# 'format': 'date-time',
'updated_at': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('Date and time of the last image modification'
' (READ-ONLY)'),
# 'format': 'date-time',
'tags': {
'type': 'array',
'description': _('List of strings related to the image'),
'items': {
'type': 'string',
'maxLength': 255,
'direct_url': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('URL to access the image file kept in external '
'store (READ-ONLY)'),
'min_ram': {
'type': 'integer',
'description': _('Amount of ram (in MB) required to boot image.'),
'min_disk': {
'type': 'integer',
'description': _('Amount of disk space (in GB) required to boot '
'self': {
'type': 'string',
'description': '(READ-ONLY)'
'file': {
'type': 'string',
'description': '(READ-ONLY)'
'schema': {
'type': 'string',
'description': '(READ-ONLY)'
'locations': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'url': {
'type': 'string',
'maxLength': 255,
'metadata': {
'type': 'object',
'required': ['url', 'metadata'],
'description': _('A set of URLs to access the image file kept in '
'external store'),
def _get_base_links():
return [
{'rel': 'self', 'href': '{self}'},
{'rel': 'enclosure', 'href': '{file}'},
{'rel': 'describedby', 'href': '{schema}'},
def get_schema(custom_properties=None):
properties = get_base_properties()
links = _get_base_links()
if CONF.allow_additional_image_properties:
schema = glance.schema.PermissiveSchema('image', properties, links)
schema = glance.schema.Schema('image', properties)
if custom_properties:
for property_value in custom_properties.values():
property_value['is_base'] = False
return schema
def get_collection_schema(custom_properties=None):
image_schema = get_schema(custom_properties)
return glance.schema.CollectionSchema('images', image_schema)
def load_custom_properties():
"""Find the schema properties files and load them into a dict."""
filename = 'schema-image.json'
match = CONF.find_file(filename)
if match:
with open(match, 'r') as schema_file:
schema_data =
return json.loads(schema_data)
msg = (_LW('Could not find schema properties file %s. Continuing '
'without custom properties') % filename)
return {}
def create_resource(custom_properties=None):
"""Images resource factory method"""
schema = get_schema(custom_properties)
deserializer = RequestDeserializer(schema)
serializer = ResponseSerializer(schema)
controller = ImagesController()
return wsgi.Resource(controller, deserializer, serializer)