API: chairs: - name: Chris Dent irc: cdent email: cdent+os@anticdent.org - name: Ed Leafe irc: edleafe email: ed@leafe.com - name: Michael McCune irc: elmiko email: msm@redhat.com scope: > Formerly known as the API-WG, the API SIG scope is to improve the developer experience of API users by converging the OpenStack API to a consistent and pragmatic RESTful design. The working group creates guidelines that all OpenStack projects should follow for new development, and promotes convergence of new APIs and future versions of existing APIs. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_SIG Extended Maintenance: chairs: - name: Tony Breeds irc: tonyb email: tony@bakeyournoodle.com scope: > Defining, enforcing and accompanying project teams in the application of a common stable branch policy. Keeping CI working on stable branches. Creating and improving related tooling and automation. status: active url: https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html FEMDC: chairs: - name: Adrien Lebre irc: ad_rien_ email: lebre.adrien@free.fr - name: Paul-Andre Raymond irc: parus email: paul-andre.raymond@nexius.com scope: > The goal of the FEMDC SIG (formerly Fog/Edge/Massively Distributed Clouds Working Group) is to debate and investigate how OpenStack can address Fog/Edge Computing use-cases (i.e. the supervision and use of a large number of remote data centers through a collaborative distributed OpenStack system). status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fog_Edge_Massively_Distributed_Clouds First Contact: chairs: - name: Kendall Nelson irc: diablo_rojo email: knelson@openstack.org scope: > To provide a place for new contributors to come for information and advice. This group will also analyze and document successful contribution models while seeking out and providing information to new members of the community. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/First_Contact_SIG K8s: chairs: - name: Chris Hoge irc: hogepodge email: chris@openstack.org - name: David Lyle irc: david-lyle email: dklyle0@gmail.com - name: Robert Morse irc: rjmorse email: robert.morse@ticketmaster.com scope: > Community-local counterpart to the k8s-sig-openstack group, focused on cross community communication and collaboration. Where k8s-sig-openstack spends a good deal of time managing upstream provider code, sig-k8s would likewise be focused on code to support and enable K8s deployments within the OpenStack community. This SIG is directly intertwined with k8s-sig-openstack within the Kubernetes community, with the same sig leadership and meetings. status: active url: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/sig-openstack Operation Docs: chairs: - name: Chris Morgan irc: mihalis68 email: mihalis68@gmail.com - name: Sean McGinnis irc: smcginnis email: sean.mcginnis@gmail.com scope: > The Operation Docs SIG is for those interested in operator guide documentation to make running OpenStack clouds easier and more efficient. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Operation_Docs_SIG Resource Management: chairs: - name: Howard Huang irc: zhipeng email: huangzhipeng@huawei.com - name: Chris Dent irc: cdent email: cdent+os@anticdent.org - name: Jay Pipes irc: jaypipes email: jaypipes@gmail.com scope: > The Resource Management SIG provides a gathering of similar interested parties and establish an official channel cross different communities, such as Kubernetes (Resource Management WG), Apache Mesos, Open Compute Project and so forth, to focus on alignment of resource management related functionalities. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Res_Mgmt_SIG Scientific: chairs: - name: Blair Bethwaite irc: b1airo email: blair.bethwaite@gmail.com - name: Stig Telfer irc: oneswig email: stig.openstack@telfer.org - name: Martial Michel irc: martial_ email: martialmichel@datamachines.io scope: > The Scientific SIG (formerly Scientific Working Group) is dedicated to representing and advancing the use-cases and needs of research and high-performance computing atop OpenStack. It's also a great forum for cross-institutional collaboration. If you are (or would like to) run OpenStack to support researchers/scientists/academics and/or HPC/HTC, then please join! status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_SIG Security: chairs: - name: Luke Hinds irc: lhinds email: lhinds@redhat.com - name: Gage Hugo irc: gagehugo email: gagehugo@gmail.com scope: > The Security SIG (formerly Security Project) is responsible for the maintaining the list of security notices in OpenStack. These include OSSN (OpenStack Security Notes), OSSA (OpenStack Security Advisory), and the VMT (Vulnerability Management Team). Other responsibilities of the Security SIG include advocating and working alongside security-focused projects, such as Bandit, Syntribos, and Tatu. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security-SIG Self-healing: chairs: - name: Adam Spiers irc: aspiers email: aspiers@suse.com - name: Eric Kao irc: ekcs email: ekcs.openstack@gmail.com scope: > Coordinate the use and development of several OpenStack projects which can be combined in various ways to manage OpenStack infrastructure in a policy-driven fashion, reacting to failures and other events by automatically healing and optimising services. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Self-healing_SIG Upgrade: chairs: - name: James Page irc: jamespage email: james.page@canonical.com - name: Lee Yarwood irc: lyarwood email: lyarwood@redhat.com - name: Lujin Luo irc: lujinluo email: luo.lujin@jp.fujitsu.com scope: > The objective of the Upgrade SIG is to improve the overall upgrade process for OpenStack Clouds, covering both offline 'fast-forward' upgrades and online 'rolling' upgrades, by providing a forum for cross-project collaboration between operators and developers to document and codify best practice for upgrading OpenStack. status: active url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Upgrade_SIG Meta: chairs: - name: Melvin Hillsman irc: mrhillsman email: melvin.hillsman@huawei.com - name: Thierry Carrez irc: ttx email: thierry@openstack.org scope: > A SIG for SIGs so to speak. A SIG to discuss OpenStack SIGs themselves, to encourage workgroups to become SIGs, accompany them along the way, give them tools and processes to be efficient. More generally, this SIG will discuss how to best close the loop between users and developers of OpenStack. status: active url: https://governance.openstack.org/sigs