Always place base badges first

The "project:official" badge is currently placed first because it
happens to be the smallest one. Separate base badges from tag badges
and always place them first.

Change-Id: I4a0e4ac277c3dfef52a7949c7143f16f4e08e48b
This commit is contained in:
Thierry Carrez 2019-11-25 14:51:59 +01:00
parent fa9a3bddc3
commit af14a1e384
1 changed files with 12 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -113,10 +113,14 @@ def _badge(left_text, right_text, link=None, colorscheme='brightgreen'):
return data
def _get_badges(tags):
badges = []
def _get_base_badges():
return [
_badge('project', 'official')
badges.append(_badge('project', 'official'))
def _get_tag_badges(tags):
badges = []
for tag in tags:
# NOTE(flaper87): will submit other patches to make these
@ -129,14 +133,13 @@ def _get_badges(tags):
link = BASE_TAGS_URL + '%s.html' % tag.replace(':', '_')
badges.append(_badge(group, tname, link, colorscheme='blue'))
return badges
return sorted(badges, key=lambda badge: badge['width'])
def _organize_badges(badges):
sbadges = sorted(badges, key=lambda badge: badge['width'])
def _organize_badges(base_badges, tag_badges):
# Arrange badges in NUM_COL columns, filling the rest with None
ziped = list(zip_longest(*(iter(sbadges),) * NUM_COL))
ziped = list(zip_longest(*(iter(base_badges + tag_badges),) * NUM_COL))
result = []
# Calculate x,y for each badge, leaving BADGE_SPACING between them
@ -190,7 +193,8 @@ def _generate_teams_badges(app, exception=None):
for name, deliverable in info['deliverables'].items():
tags = info.get('tags', []) + deliverable.get('tags', [])
badges = _organize_badges(_get_badges(tags))
badges = _organize_badges(_get_base_badges(),
svg = '\n'.join(_to_svg(chain(*badges)))
root_width = max([bdg_row[-1]['width'] + bdg_row[-1]['svg_x']
for bdg_row in badges])