
155 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import requests
import yaml
s = requests.session()
def fragility(team, series):
org_metric = [{'team': team,
'type': 'no activity',
'value': 0,
'name': ''}]
eng_metric = [{'team': team,
'type': 'no activity',
'value': 0,
'name': ''}]
group = "%s-group" % team.lower()
org_commits = s.get(''
% (series, group)).json()
total_commits = sum([company['metric']
for company in org_commits['stats']])
if total_commits:
# Entity with most commits
if org_commits['stats'][0]['name'] == '*independent':
# Skip "independent" if that is the largest org
value = float(org_commits['stats'][0]['metric'] / total_commits * 100)
org_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'org commit %',
'value': value,
'name': org_commits['stats'][0]['name']})
# Core reviews
reviews = s.get(''
'&module=%s' % (series, group)).json()
companies = {}
engineers = []
total_core_reviews = 0
for eng in reviews['stats']:
if eng['core'] != 'master':
# Skip reviews for non-core reviewers
engineers.append({'name': eng['name'], 'reviews': eng['metric']})
total_core_reviews += eng['metric']
# Identify company for that core reviewer
for stat in s.get(''
'project_type=all&release=%s' %
(group, eng['id'], series)).json()['stats']:
company = stat['id']
if company == '*independent':
if company not in companies:
companies[company] = 0
companies[company] += stat['metric']
if companies:
# Organization with most core reviews
most_core_reviews = max(companies, key=companies.get)
v = float(companies[most_core_reviews] / total_core_reviews * 100)
org_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'org core review %',
'value': v,
'name': most_core_reviews})
if engineers:
# Individual with most core reviews
eng_most_core = max(engineers, key=lambda key: key['reviews'])
v = float(eng_most_core['reviews'] / total_core_reviews * 100)
eng_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'individual core review %',
'value': v,
'name': eng_most_core['name']})
# Individual with most commits
eng_commits = s.get(''
% (series, group)).json()
value = float(eng_commits['stats'][0]['metric'] / total_commits * 100)
eng_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'individual commit %',
'value': value,
'name': eng_commits['stats'][0]['name']})
return (max(org_metric, key=lambda key: key['value']),
max(eng_metric, key=lambda key: key['value']))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='development cycle to consider')
args = parser.parse_args()
corpobus = []
engbus = []
filename = os.path.abspath('reference/projects.yaml')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
projects = [k for k in yaml.safe_load(]
for project in projects:
if project not in ['OpenStackSDK', 'loci']:
(org_fragility, eng_fragility) = fragility(project, args.series)
print('============= Organizational diversity fragility =============')
for busfactor in sorted(corpobus, key=lambda key: key['value'],
print('%-18s %.1f%% (%s, %s)' % (
busfactor['team'], busfactor['value'],
busfactor['name'], busfactor['type']))
print('============= Individual fragility =============')
for busfactor in sorted(engbus, key=lambda key: key['value'],
print('%-18s %.1f%% (%s, %s)' % (
busfactor['team'], busfactor['value'],
busfactor['name'], busfactor['type']))
if __name__ == '__main__':