Add upgrade script for separate placement from nova

This adds the main upgrade steps for placement extraction
from nova in stein. A from-rocky script is added which will
run after openstack/placement is cloned/installed by devstack
but before services are started on the stein side of the
grenade run.

If the CI infrastructure (devstack-gate/zuul) does not clone the
openstack/placement repo then we need to do it ourselves.

Note that until devstack is actually new enough to configure
the extracted placement repo from change this upgrade
script will noop and we'll continue to deploy and use placement
from nova. This is needed since we have a catch-22 dependency
with that devstack change which can't land without this grenade

The script will copy the placement-related tables from the
nova_api database and put them into the placement database,
which is also created by the upgrade script.

Then, it will write out the placement config file along
with the placement database connection so the placement
service can start on the stein (new) side.

Finally, it will write out the uwsgi config for placement,
and disable nova-placement-api apache site in favor of

Co-Authored-By: Chris Dent <>

Change-Id: Ia0f19debb442be2b3d04eae238a3d7287393b5eb
This commit is contained in:
Matt Riedemann 2018-09-21 15:03:24 -04:00
parent 20c38c929a
commit 1b44f2eeab
1 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib/apache
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib/database
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib/keystone
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib/nova
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib/placement
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/inc/ini-config
source ${TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR}/inc/python
function configure_nova_upgrade() {
# TODO(mriedem): Until merges
# in devstack, we want to continue using placement from nova. We can
# remove this once the devstack change lands.
if [ -z "${PLACEMENT_REPO}" ]; then
echo "devstack not new enough for extracted placement."
return 0
# NOTE(mriedem): We don't need to do any of this placement DB stuff
# if PLACEMENT_DB_ENABLED=True from the old side.
# Devstack on the Rocky side won't install the placement repo because
# it didn't exist until Stein, so unless the CI infra (devstack-gate)
# already cloned the repo, we have to git clone the repo here
# to get the DB script.
if [[ ! -d ${TARGET_RELEASE_DIR}/placement ]]; then
git_clone ${PLACEMENT_REPO} \
# Install placement so that placement-api script exists
setup_develop ${TARGET_RELEASE_DIR}/placement
# Get the location of the placement DB migration script and
# verify it exists.
local db_script=${TARGET_RELEASE_DIR}/placement/tools/${DATABASE_TYPE}
if [[ ! -x ${db_script} ]]; then
die $LINENO "${db_script} does not exist or is not executable."
# Get our database variables set.
# Write out the migrate-db.rc file.
local rc_file=/tmp/migrate-db.rc
touch ${rc_file}
# $db_script is an absolute path so we can execute it directly.
${db_script} --mkconfig ${rc_file}
sed -i s/NOVA_API_USER.*/NOVA_API_USER=\"${DATABASE_USER}\"/g ${rc_file}
sed -i s/NOVA_API_PASS.*/NOVA_API_PASS=\"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}\"/g ${rc_file}
# Create the placement database.
recreate_database placement
# Copy the placement-related table data from the nova_api database
# into the placement database.
${db_script} --migrate ${rc_file}
# Write out the contents of placement.conf.
local placement_conf_dir=/etc/placement
sudo install -d -o ${STACK_USER} ${placement_conf_dir}
local placement_conf=${placement_conf_dir}/placement.conf
# NOTE(mriedem): iniset will create the config file if it does not exist
# NOTE(cdent): new placement uses _only_ the 'placement_database' group
# for explicitness.
iniset ${placement_conf} placement_database connection `database_connection_url placement`
# Configure logging options.
setup_logging ${placement_conf}
# Configure [keystone_authtoken] option and auth cache.
sudo install -d -o $STACK_USER /var/cache/placement
configure_auth_token_middleware ${placement_conf} placement /var/cache/placement
# Copy the remaining non-keystoneauth [placement] group options from
# nova.conf if set.
for option in randomize_allocation_candidates incomplete_consumer_project_id incomplete_consumer_user_id; do
local value=$(iniget ${NOVA_CONF} placement ${option})
if [ ${value} ]; then
iniset ${placement_conf} placement ${option} ${value}
# Copy any policy overrides from nova. We assume yaml here since that is
# the default in code, but it could also be a json file.
local old_policy_file=${NOVA_CONF_DIR}/placement-policy.yaml
if [[ -f ${old_policy_file} ]]; then
local new_policy_file=${placement_conf_dir}/policy.yaml
cp ${old_policy_file} ${new_policy_file}
# Update the config to point at the renamed file.
iniset ${placement_conf} placement policy_file ${new_policy_file}
# Make adjustments to uwsgi and apache configuration so that we are
# pointing to the right service and configuration.
# TODO(cdent): We set our own values for this instead of values from
# lib/placement because we're in a dependency catch-22 with devstack
# changes. When both sides have merged we can replace these with globals.
# PLACEMENT_BIN_DIR is okay because it is the same whether it comes from
# old or new devstack code, as long as we are not in a virtualenv.
# PLACEMENT_UWSGI_CONF is used as a global so that when start_placement
# is called later, it has the right value.
local placement_uwsgi=${PLACEMENT_BIN_DIR}/placement-api
disable_apache_site nova-placement-api
# This will enable_apache_site placement-api. The entry in the service
# catalog remains the same.
write_uwsgi_config "${PLACEMENT_UWSGI_CONF}" "${placement_uwsgi}" "/placement"
# Grenade itself will ensure that placement is restarted, and when it does
# that, a new systemd unit file, pointing to the right wsgi app, is created.