
338 lines
13 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import imp
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
from hacking import core
RE_RELATIVE_IMPORT = re.compile('^from\s*[.]')
modules_cache = dict((mod, True) for mod in tuple(sys.modules.keys())
+ sys.builtin_module_names)
def hacking_import_rules(logical_line, physical_line, filename, noqa):
r"""Check for imports.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommends one import per line:
Do not import more than one module per line
Okay: from nova.compute import api
H301: from nova.compute import api, utils
Imports should usually be on separate lines.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommends importing only modules:
Do not import objects, only modules
Okay: from os import path
Okay: from os import path as p
Okay: from os import (path as p)
Okay: import os.path
Okay: from nova.compute import rpcapi
Okay: from os.path import dirname as dirname2 # noqa
Okay: from six.moves.urllib import parse
H302: from os.path import dirname as dirname2
H302: from os.path import (dirname as dirname2)
H303: from os.path import *
H304: from .compute import rpcapi
# TODO(jogo): make the following doctests pass:
# H301: import os, sys
# NOTE(afazekas): An old style relative import example will not be able to
# pass the doctest, since the relativity depends on the file's locality
# TODO(mordred: We need to split this into 4 different checks so that they
# can be disabled by command line switches properly
if noqa:
def is_module_for_sure(mod, search_path=sys.path):
mod = mod.replace('(', '') # Ignore parentheses
for finder in sys.meta_path:
if finder.find_module(mod) is not None:
return True
mod_name = mod
while '.' in mod_name:
pack_name, _sep, mod_name = mod_name.partition('.')
f, p, d = imp.find_module(pack_name, search_path)
search_path = [p]
imp.find_module(mod_name, search_path)
except ImportError:
# NOTE(vish): handle namespace modules
if '.' in mod:
pack_name, mod_name = mod.rsplit('.', 1)
__import__(pack_name, fromlist=[mod_name])
except ImportError:
# NOTE(imelnikov): import error here means the thing is
# not importable in current environment, either because
# of missing dependency, typo in code being checked, or
# any other reason. Anyway, we have no means to know if
# it is module or not, so we return True to avoid
# false positives.
return True
except Exception:
# NOTE(jogo) don't stack trace if unexpected import error,
# log and continue.
return False
# NOTE(imelnikov): we imported the thing; if it was module,
# it must be there:
if mod in sys.modules:
return True
# NOTE(dhellmann): If the thing isn't there under
# its own name, look to see if it is a module
# redirection import in one of the oslo libraries
# where we are moving things out of the namespace
# package.
pack_name, _sep, mod_name = mod.rpartition('.')
if pack_name in sys.modules:
the_mod = getattr(sys.modules[pack_name],
mod_name, None)
return inspect.ismodule(the_mod)
return False
return True
def is_module(mod):
"""Checks for non module imports."""
if mod in modules_cache:
return modules_cache[mod]
res = is_module_for_sure(mod)
modules_cache[mod] = res
return res
current_path = os.path.dirname(filename)
current_mod = os.path.basename(filename)
if current_mod[-3:] == ".py":
current_mod = current_mod[:-3]
split_line = logical_line.split()
split_line_len = len(split_line)
if (split_line_len > 1 and split_line[0] in ('import', 'from') and
not core.is_import_exception(split_line[1])):
pos = logical_line.find(',')
if pos != -1:
if split_line[0] == 'from':
yield pos, "H301: one import per line"
return # ',' is not supported by the H302 checker yet
pos = logical_line.find('*')
if pos != -1:
yield pos, "H303: No wildcard (*) import."
if split_line_len in (2, 4, 6) and split_line[1] != "__future__":
if 'from' == split_line[0] and split_line_len > 3:
mod = '.'.join((split_line[1], split_line[3]))
if core.is_import_exception(mod):
if RE_RELATIVE_IMPORT.search(logical_line):
yield logical_line.find('.'), (
"H304: No relative imports. '%s' is a relative import"
% logical_line)
if not is_module(mod):
yield 0, ("H302: import only modules."
"'%s' does not import a module" % logical_line)
# NOTE(afazekas): import searches first in the package
# The import keyword just imports modules
# The guestfs module now imports guestfs
mod = split_line[1]
if (current_mod != mod and not is_module(mod) and
is_module_for_sure(mod, [current_path])):
yield 0, ("H304: No relative imports."
" '%s' is a relative import" % logical_line)
# Get the location of a known stdlib module
_, p, _ = imp.find_module('imp')
stdlib_path_prefix = os.path.dirname(p)
module_cache = dict()
def _get_import_type(module):
mod_base, _, _ = module.partition('.')
if mod_base in module_cache:
return module_cache[mod_base]
def cache_type(module_type):
module_cache[mod_base] = module_type
return module_type
# First check if the module is local
imp.find_module(mod_base, ['.'])
# If the previous line succeeded then it must be a project module
return cache_type('project')
except ImportError:
_, path, _ = imp.find_module(mod_base)
except ImportError:
return cache_type('third-party')
if path is None:
# NOTE(imelnikov): python 3 returns None for path of builtin
# modules, like sys or builtin; they are definitely stdlib
return cache_type('stdlib')
if 'site-packages' in path or 'dist-packages' in path:
return cache_type('third-party')
std_paths = [stdlib_path_prefix, sys.prefix]
# NOTE(imelnikov): if we are in virtualenv, we should consider
# real prefix too, as python 3 copies some stdlib modules to
# virtualenv, but not all of them.
real_prefix = getattr(sys, 'real_prefix', None)
if real_prefix is not None:
if path == module or any(path.startswith(p) for p in std_paths):
return cache_type('stdlib')
return cache_type('third-party')
def hacking_import_groups(logical_line, blank_before, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level, physical_line,
r"""Check that imports are grouped correctly.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports grouped such that Python standard library imports are together,
third party library imports are together, and project imports are
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport six\n\nimport hacking
Okay: import six\nimport znon_existent_package
Okay: import os\nimport threading
H305: import hacking\nimport os
H305: import os\nimport six
H305: import os\nimport znon_existent_package
if (noqa or blank_before > 0 or
indent_level != previous_indent_level):
normalized_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).split()
normalized_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
if normalized_line and normalized_line[0] == 'import':
current_type = _get_import_type(normalized_line[1])
if normalized_previous and normalized_previous[0] == 'import':
previous_type = _get_import_type(normalized_previous[1])
if current_type != previous_type:
yield(0, 'H305: imports not grouped correctly '
'(%s: %s, %s: %s)' %
(normalized_previous[1], previous_type,
normalized_line[1], current_type))
def hacking_import_alphabetical(logical_line, blank_before, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level):
r"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
Okay: import os\nimport sys
H306: import sys\nimport os
Okay: import sys\n\n# foo\nimport six
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
if blank_before < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
split_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.
split_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "H306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
class ImportGroupData:
"""A class to hold persistent state data for import group checks.
To verify import grouping, it is necessary to know the current group
for the current file. This can not always be known solely from the
current and previous line, so this class can be used to keep track.
# NOTE(bnemec): *args is needed because the test code tries to run this
# as a flake8 check and passes an argument to it.
def __init__(self, *args):
self.current_group = None
self.current_filename = None
self.current_import = None
together_data = ImportGroupData()
def hacking_import_groups_together(logical_line, blank_lines, indent_level,
previous_indent_level, line_number,
physical_line, filename, noqa):
r"""Check that like imports are grouped together.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
Imports should be grouped together by type.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
Okay: try:\n import foo\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\nimport six
H307: import os\n\nimport sys
if line_number == 1 or filename != together_data.current_filename:
together_data.current_group = None
together_data.current_filename = filename
if noqa:
normalized_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).split()
if normalized_line and normalized_line[0] == 'import':
current_type = _get_import_type(normalized_line[1])
previous_import = together_data.current_import
together_data.current_import = normalized_line[1]
matched = current_type == together_data.current_group
together_data.current_group = current_type
if (matched and indent_level == previous_indent_level and
blank_lines >= 1):
yield(0, 'H307: like imports should be grouped together (%s and '
'%s from %s are separated by whitespace)' %