#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import os import random import string import subprocess import sys import yaml DOCKER_CMD = os.environ.get('HEAT_DOCKER_CMD', 'docker') log = None def build_response(deploy_stdout, deploy_stderr, deploy_status_code): return { 'deploy_stdout': deploy_stdout, 'deploy_stderr': deploy_stderr, 'deploy_status_code': deploy_status_code, } def docker_run_args(cmd, container, config): cconfig = config[container] if cconfig.get('detach', True): cmd.append('--detach=true') if 'env_file' in cconfig: if isinstance(cconfig['env_file'], list): for f in cconfig.get('env_file', []): if f: cmd.append('--env-file=%s' % f) else: cmd.append('--env-file=%s' % cconfig['env_file']) for v in cconfig.get('environment', []): if v: cmd.append('--env=%s' % v) if 'net' in cconfig: cmd.append('--net=%s' % cconfig['net']) if 'pid' in cconfig: cmd.append('--pid=%s' % cconfig['pid']) if 'privileged' in cconfig: cmd.append('--privileged=%s' % str(cconfig['privileged']).lower()) if 'restart' in cconfig: cmd.append('--restart=%s' % cconfig['restart']) if 'user' in cconfig: cmd.append('--user=%s' % cconfig['user']) for v in cconfig.get('volumes', []): if v: cmd.append('--volume=%s' % v) for v in cconfig.get('volumes_from', []): if v: cmd.append('--volumes_from=%s' % v) cmd.append(cconfig.get('image', '')) cmd.extend(command_argument(cmd, cconfig.get('command'))) def docker_exec_args(cmd, container, config, cid): cconfig = config[container] if 'privileged' in cconfig: cmd.append('--privileged=%s' % str(cconfig['privileged']).lower()) if 'user' in cconfig: cmd.append('--user=%s' % cconfig['user']) command = command_argument(cmd, cconfig.get('command')) # for exec, the first argument is the container name, # make sure the correct one is used command[0] = discover_container_name(command[0], cid) cmd.extend(command) def command_argument(cmd, command): if not command: return [] if not isinstance(command, list): return [command] return command def execute(cmd): log.debug(' '.join(cmd)) subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr = subproc.communicate() log.debug(cmd_stdout) log.debug(cmd_stderr) return cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, subproc.returncode def label_arguments(cmd, container, cid, iv): cmd.extend([ '--label', 'deploy_stack_id=%s' % iv.get('deploy_stack_id'), '--label', 'deploy_resource_name=%s' % iv.get('deploy_resource_name'), '--label', 'config_id=%s' % cid, '--label', 'container_name=%s' % container, '--label', 'managed_by=docker-cmd' ]) def inspect(container, format=None): cmd = [DOCKER_CMD, 'inspect'] if format: cmd.append('--format') cmd.append(format) cmd.append(container) (cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, returncode) = execute(cmd) if returncode != 0: return try: if format: return cmd_stdout else: return json.loads(cmd_stdout)[0] except Exception as e: log.error('Problem parsing docker inspect: %s' % e) def unique_container_name(container): container_name = container while inspect(container_name, format='exists'): suffix = ''.join(random.choice( string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for i in range(8)) container_name = '%s-%s' % (container, suffix) return container_name def discover_container_name(container, cid): cmd = [ DOCKER_CMD, 'ps', '-a', '--filter', 'label=container_name=%s' % container, '--filter', 'label=config_id=%s' % cid, '--format', '{{.Names}}' ] (cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, returncode) = execute(cmd) if returncode != 0: return container names = cmd_stdout.split() if names: return names[0] return container def main(argv=sys.argv): global log log = logging.getLogger('heat-config') handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] (%(name)s) [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')) log.addHandler(handler) log.setLevel('DEBUG') c = json.load(sys.stdin) input_values = dict((i['name'], i['value']) for i in c.get('inputs', {})) if input_values.get('deploy_action') == 'DELETE': json.dump(build_response( '', '', 0), sys.stdout) return config = c.get('config', '') cid = c.get('id') if not config: log.debug("No 'config' input found, nothing to do.") json.dump(build_response( '', '', 0), sys.stdout) return stdout = [] stderr = [] deploy_status_code = 0 # convert config to dict if not isinstance(config, dict): config = yaml.safe_load(config) key_fltr = lambda k: config[k].get('start_order', 0) for container in sorted(config, key=key_fltr): log.debug("Running container: %s" % container) action = config[container].get('action', 'run') exit_codes = config[container].get('exit_codes', [0]) if action == 'run': cmd = [ DOCKER_CMD, 'run', '--name', unique_container_name(container) ] label_arguments(cmd, container, cid, input_values) docker_run_args(cmd, container, config) elif action == 'exec': cmd = [DOCKER_CMD, 'exec'] docker_exec_args(cmd, container, config, cid) (cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, returncode) = execute(cmd) if cmd_stdout: stdout.append(cmd_stdout) if cmd_stderr: stderr.append(cmd_stderr) if returncode not in exit_codes: log.error("Error running %s. [%s]\n" % (cmd, returncode)) deploy_status_code = returncode else: log.debug('Completed %s' % cmd) json.dump(build_response( '\n'.join(stdout), '\n'.join(stderr), deploy_status_code), sys.stdout) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))