{% extends "horizon/common/_modal_form.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load url from future %} {% block form_id %}update_object_form{% endblock %} {% block ng_controller %}DummyCtrl{% endblock %} {% block form_name %}updateForm{% endblock %} {% block form_action %}{% url 'horizon:project:containers:object_update' container_name subfolder_path object_path %}{% endblock %} {% block form_attrs %}enctype="multipart/form-data"{% endblock %} {% block modal-header %}{% trans "Edit Object" %}{% endblock %} {% block modal-body %}
{% include "horizon/common/_form_fields.html" %}

{% trans "Description" %}:

{% trans "Object" %}: {% trans "An object is the basic storage entity that represents a file you store in the OpenStack Object Storage system. When you upload data to OpenStack Object Storage, the data is stored as-is (no compression or encryption) and consists of a location (container), the object's name, and any metadata consisting of key/value pairs." %}

{% trans "File" %}: {% trans "A new uploaded file will replace the content of the current object" %}

{% endblock %} {% block modal-footer %} {% trans "Cancel" %} {% endblock %}