
35 lines
1.5 KiB

{% load i18n horizon humanize %}
<h3>{% trans "Description" %}:</h3>
<p>{% block title %}{% trans "Volumes are block devices that can be attached to instances." %}{% endblock %}</p>
<h3>{% block head %}{% trans "Volume Limits" %}{% endblock %}</h3>
<div class="quota_title clearfix">
<strong>{% trans "Total Gigabytes" %} <span>({% block gigabytes_used %}{{ usages.gigabytesUsed|intcomma }}{% endblock %} {% trans "GB" %})</span></strong>
<p>{{ usages.maxTotalVolumeGigabytes|quota:_("GB")|intcomma }}</p>
<div id="quota_size" data-progress-indicator-for="id_size" data-quota-limit="{{ usages.maxTotalVolumeGigabytes }}" data-quota-used={% block gigabytes_used_progress %}"{{ usages.gigabytesUsed }}"{% endblock %} class="quota_bar">
<div class="quota_title clearfix">
<strong>{% block type_title %}{% trans "Number of Volumes" %}{% endblock %} <span>({% block used %}{{ usages.volumesUsed|intcomma }}{% endblock %})</span></strong>
<p>{% block total %}{{ usages.maxTotalVolumes|quota|intcomma }}{% endblock %}</p>
<div id={% block type_id %}"quota_volumes"{% endblock %} data-progress-indicator-step-by="1" data-quota-limit={% block total_progress %}"{{ usages.maxTotalVolumes}}"{% endblock %} data-quota-used={% block used_progress %}"{{ usages.volumesUsed }}"{% endblock %} class="quota_bar">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
if(typeof horizon.Quota !== 'undefined') {
} else {
addHorizonLoadEvent(function() {