
408 lines
14 KiB

/* Namespace for core functionality related to modal dialogs.
* Modals in Horizon are treated as a "stack", e.g new ones are added to the
* top of the stack, and they are always removed in a last-in-first-out
* order. This allows for things like swapping between modals as part of a
* workflow, for confirmations, etc.
* When a new modal is loaded into the DOM, it fires a "new_modal" event which
* event handlers can listen for. However, for consistency, it is better to
* add methods which should be run on instantiation of any new modal to be
* applied via the horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction method.
horizon.modals = {
// Storage for our current jqXHR object.
_request: null,
spinner: null,
_init_functions: []
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction = function (f) {
horizon.modals.initModal = function (modal) {
$(horizon.modals._init_functions).each(function (index, f) {
/* Creates a modal dialog from the client-side template. */
horizon.modals.create = function (title, body, confirm, cancel) {
if (!cancel) {
cancel = gettext("Cancel");
var template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#modal_template"],
params = {
title: title, body: body, confirm: confirm, cancel: cancel,
modal_backdrop: horizon.modals.MODAL_BACKDROP
return $(template.render(params)).appendTo("#modal_wrapper");
horizon.modals.success = function (data) {
var modal;
var modal_wrapper = $('#modal_wrapper');
// Moves the modal_wrapper to the bottom. This shows it over other dialogs.
modal = $('#modal_wrapper > .modal:last');
$(modal).trigger("new_modal", modal);
return modal;
horizon.modals.modal_spinner = function (text) {
// Adds a spinner with the desired text in a modal window.
var template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#spinner-modal"];
horizon.modals.spinner = $(template.render({text: text}));
horizon.modals.spinner.modal({backdrop: 'static'});
horizon.modals.init_wizard = function () {
// If workflow is in wizard mode, initialize wizard.
var _max_visited_step = 0;
var _validate_steps = function (start, end) {
var $form = $('.workflow > form'),
response = {};
if (typeof end === 'undefined') {
end = start;
// Clear old errors.
$form.find('td.actions div.alert-danger').remove();
$form.find('.form-group.error').each(function () {
var $group = $(this);
// Send the data for validation.
type: 'POST',
url: $form.attr('action'),
headers: {
'X-Horizon-Validate-Step-Start': start,
'X-Horizon-Validate-Step-End': end
data: $form.serialize(),
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
success: function (data) { response = data; }
// Handle errors.
if (response.has_errors) {
var first_field = true;
$.each(response.errors, function (step_slug, step_errors) {
var step_id = response.workflow_slug + '__' + step_slug,
$fieldset = $form.find('#' + step_id);
$.each(step_errors, function (field, errors) {
var $field;
if (field === '__all__') {
// Add global errors.
$.each(errors, function (index, error) {
'<div class="alert alert-message alert-danger">' +
error + '</div>');
$fieldset.find('input, select, textarea').first().focus();
// Add field errors.
$field = $fieldset.find('[name="' + field + '"]');
$.each(errors, function (index, error) {
'<span class="help-block error">' +
error + '</span>');
// Focus the first invalid field.
if (first_field) {
first_field = false;
return false;
tabClass: 'wizard-tabs',
nextSelector: '.button-next',
previousSelector: '.button-previous',
onTabShow: function (tab, navigation, index) {
var $navs = navigation.find('li');
var total = $navs.length;
var current = index;
var $footer = $('.modal-footer');
_max_visited_step = Math.max(_max_visited_step, current);
if (current + 1 >= total) {
} else {
$navs.each(function(i) {
var $this = $(this);
if (i <= _max_visited_step) {
} else {
onNext: function ($tab, $nav, index) {
return _validate_steps(index - 1);
onTabClick: function ($tab, $nav, current, index) {
// Validate if moving forward, but move backwards without validation
return (index <= current ||
_validate_steps(current, index - 1) !== false);
horizon.addInitFunction(horizon.modals.init = function() {
var $document = $(document);
// Bind handler for initializing new modals.
$('#modal_wrapper').on('new_modal', function (evt, modal) {
// Bind "cancel" button handler.
$document.on('click', '.modal .cancel', function (evt) {
// AJAX form submissions from modals. Makes validation happen in-modal.
$document.on('submit', '.modal form', function (evt) {
var $form = $(this),
form = this,
$button = $form.find(".modal-footer .btn-primary"),
update_field_id = $form.attr("data-add-to-field"),
headers = {},
modalFileUpload = $form.attr("enctype") === "multipart/form-data",
formData, ajaxOpts, featureFileList, featureFormData;
if (modalFileUpload) {
featureFileList = $("<input type='file'/>").get(0).files !== undefined;
featureFormData = window.FormData !== undefined;
if (!featureFileList || !featureFormData) {
// Test whether browser supports HTML5 FileList and FormData interfaces,
// which make XHR file upload possible. If not, it doesn't
// support setting custom headers in AJAX requests either, so
// modal forms won't work in them (namely, IE9).
} else {
formData = new window.FormData(form);
} else {
formData = $form.serialize();
// Prevent duplicate form POSTs
$button.prop("disabled", true);
if (update_field_id) {
headers["X-Horizon-Add-To-Field"] = update_field_id;
ajaxOpts = {
type: "POST",
url: $form.attr('action'),
headers: headers,
data: formData,
beforeSend: function () {
$("#modal_wrapper .modal").last().modal("hide");
$('.ajax-modal, .dropdown-toggle').attr('disabled', true);
complete: function (jqXHR) {
var redirect_header = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-Horizon-Location");
if (redirect_header === null) {
$("#modal_wrapper .modal").last().modal("show");
$button.prop("disabled", false);
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var redirect_header = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-Horizon-Location"),
add_to_field_header = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-Horizon-Add-To-Field"),
json_data, field_to_update;
if (redirect_header === null) {
$('.ajax-modal, .dropdown-toggle').removeAttr("disabled");
if (redirect_header) {
location.href = redirect_header;
else if (add_to_field_header) {
json_data = $.parseJSON(data);
field_to_update = $("#" + add_to_field_header);
field_to_update.append("<option value='" + json_data[0] + "'>" + json_data[1] + "</option>");
} else {
horizon.modals.success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
error: function (jqXHR) {
if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader('logout')) {
location.href = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-Horizon-Location");
} else {
$('.ajax-modal, .dropdown-toggle').removeAttr("disabled");
horizon.alert("danger", gettext("There was an error submitting the form. Please try again."));
if (modalFileUpload) {
ajaxOpts.contentType = false; // tell jQuery not to process the data
ajaxOpts.processData = false; // tell jQuery not to set contentType
// Position modal so it's in-view even when scrolled down.
$document.on('show.bs.modal', '.modal', function (evt) {
// Filter out indirect triggers of "show" from (for example) tabs.
if ($(evt.target).hasClass("modal")) {
var scrollShift = $('body').scrollTop() || $('html').scrollTop(),
$this = $(this),
topVal = $this.css('top');
$this.css('top', scrollShift + parseInt(topVal, 10));
// avoid closing the modal when escape is pressed on a select input
$("select", evt.target).keyup(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
// remove the focus on the select, so double escape close the modal
// Focus the first usable form field in the modal for accessibility.
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function (modal) {
$(modal).find(":text, select, textarea").filter(":visible:first").focus();
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function(modal) {
horizon.datatables.validate_button($(modal).find(".table_wrapper > form"));
// Load modals for ajax-modal links.
$document.on('click', '.ajax-modal', function (evt) {
var $this = $(this);
// If there's an existing modal request open, cancel it out.
if (horizon.modals._request && typeof(horizon.modals._request.abort) !== undefined) {
horizon.modals._request = $.ajax($this.attr('href'), {
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {
// Clear the global storage;
horizon.modals._request = null;
error: function(jqXHR) {
if (jqXHR.status === 401){
var redir_url = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("X-Horizon-Location");
if (redir_url){
location.href = redir_url;
} else {
else {
if (!horizon.ajax.get_messages(jqXHR)) {
// Generic error handler. Really generic.
horizon.alert("danger", gettext("An error occurred. Please try again later."));
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var update_field_id = $this.attr('data-add-to-field'),
modal = horizon.modals.success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
if (update_field_id) {
form = modal.find("form");
if (form.length) {
form.attr("data-add-to-field", update_field_id);
/* Manage the modal "stack" */
// After a modal has been shown, hide any other modals that are already in
// the stack. Only one modal can be visible at the same time.
$document.on("show.bs.modal", ".modal", function () {
var modal_stack = $("#modal_wrapper .modal");
modal_stack.splice(modal_stack.length - 1, 1);
// After a modal has been fully hidden, remove it to avoid confusion.
// Note: the modal should only be removed if it is the "top" of the stack of
// modals, e.g. it's the one currently being interacted with and isn't just
// temporarily being hidden.
$document.on('hidden.bs.modal', '.modal', function () {
var $this = $(this),
modal_stack = $("#modal_wrapper .modal");
if ($this[0] === modal_stack.last()[0] || $this.hasClass("loading")) {
if (!$this.hasClass("loading")) {
$("#modal_wrapper .modal").last().modal("show");
// Make modals draggable
$document.on("show.bs.modal", ".modal", function () {
handle: ".modal-header"
// Helper class to show modal spinner on click
// In case the event was generated by clicking any mouse button,
// the normalized codes are matched according to http://api.jquery.com/event.which/
$(document).on('click', '.openstack-spin', function(ev) {
// NOTE(tsufiev): prevent infinite 'Loading' spinner when opening link
// in the other browser tab with mouse wheel or mouse lbutton + modifier
if ( ev.which !== MOUSE_WHEEL_CODE_NORMALIZED &&
( ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey ) ) ) {