
398 lines
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* (c) Copyright 2015 Rackspace US, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
var push = Array.prototype.push;
* @ngdoc overview
* @name horizon.dashboard.project.containers
* @description
* Provide a model for the display of containers.
.factory('horizon.dashboard.project.containers.containers-model', ContainersModel);
ContainersModel.$inject = [
* @ngdoc service
* @name ContainersModel
* @description
* This is responsible for providing data to the containers
* interface. It is also the center point of communication
* between the UI and services API.
function ContainersModel(swiftAPI, apiService, $q) {
var model = {
info: {}, // swift installation information
containers: [], // all containers for this account
container: null, // current active container
objects: [], // current objects list (active container)
folder: '', // current folder path
pseudo_folder_hierarchy: [],
DELIMETER: '/', // TODO where is this configured in the current panel
initialize: initialize,
selectContainer: selectContainer,
fullPath: fullPath,
fetchContainerDetail: fetchContainerDetail,
deleteObject: deleteObject,
updateContainer: updateContainer,
recursiveCollect: recursiveCollect,
recursiveDelete: recursiveDelete,
getContainers: getContainers,
_recursiveDeleteFiles: recursiveDeleteFiles,
_recursiveDeleteFolders: recursiveDeleteFolders
// keep a handle on this promise so that controllers can resolve on the
// initialisation completing (i.e. containers listing loaded)
model.intialiseDeferred = $q.defer();
model.getContainersDeferred = $q.defer();
return model;
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.initialize
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Send request to get data to initialize the model.
function initialize() {
swiftAPI.getContainers().then(function onContainers(data) {
model.containers.length = 0;
push.apply(model.containers, data.data.items);
swiftAPI.getInfo().then(function onInfo(data) {
model.swift_info = data.info;
]).then(function resolve() {
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.selectContainer
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Sets the currently active container and subfolder path, and
* fetches the object listing. Returns the promise for the object
* listing fetch.
function selectContainer(name, folder) {
for (var i = 0; i < model.containers.length; i++) {
if (model.containers[i].name === name) {
model.container = model.containers[i];
model.objects.length = 0;
model.pseudo_folder_hierarchy.length = 0;
model.folder = folder;
var spec = {
delimiter: model.DELIMETER
if (folder) {
spec.path = encodeURIComponent(folder) + model.DELIMETER;
return swiftAPI.getObjects(name, spec).then(function onObjects(response) {
push.apply(model.objects, response.data.items);
// generate the download URL for each file
angular.forEach(model.objects, function setId(object) {
object.url = swiftAPI.getObjectURL(name, model.fullPath(object.name));
if (folder) {
push.apply(model.pseudo_folder_hierarchy, folder.split(model.DELIMETER) || [folder]);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.fullPath
* @returns string
* @description
* Determine the full path name for a given file name, by prepending the
* current folder, if any.
function fullPath(name) {
if (model.folder) {
return model.folder + model.DELIMETER + name;
return name;
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.updateContainer
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Update the active container using fetchContainerDetail (forced).
function updateContainer() {
return model.fetchContainerDetail(model.container, true);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.fetchContainerDetail
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Fetch the detailed information about a container (beyond its name,
* contents count and byte size fetched in the containers listing).
* The timestamp will be converted from the ISO string to a Javascript Date.
function fetchContainerDetail(container, force) {
// only fetch if we haven't already
if (container.is_fetched && !force) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
return swiftAPI.getContainer(container.name).then(
function success(response) {
// copy the additional detail into the container
angular.extend(container, response.data);
// copy over the swift-renamed attributes
container.bytes = parseInt(container.container_bytes_used, 10);
container.count = parseInt(container.container_object_count, 10);
container.is_fetched = true;
// parse the timestamp for sensible display
var milliseconds = Date.parse(container.timestamp);
if (!isNaN(milliseconds)) {
container.timestamp = new Date(milliseconds);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.deleteObject
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Delete an object in the currently selected container.
function deleteObject(object) {
var path = model.fullPath(object.name);
if (object.is_subdir) {
path += model.DELIMETER;
return swiftAPI.deleteObject(model.container.name, path).then(
function success() {
for (var i = model.objects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (model.objects[i].name === object.name) {
model.objects.splice(i, 1);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.recursiveCollect
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Recursively collect the names of files and folders under a
* folder listing. Each item in the listing will be an object
* retrieved from swift's getObjects() call.
* The promise will resolve once the recursion is complete.
* The result array will be populated with file path strings
* or objects with folder name and another array of contents:
* [
* 'file name',
* 'another file',
* {
* folder: 'path/of/folder',
* tree: [
* {
* folder: 'path/of/folder/empty',
* tree: []
* },
* 'more files'
* ]
* }
* ]
* The state object holds a count that should be updated for
* each file found, and a cancel sentinel that can be used to
* stop recursion.
* This is invoked by the DeleteObjectsModalController.
* This is intended to be a first step in recursive deletion.
function recursiveCollect(state, items, result) {
return $q.all(items.map(function each(item) {
if (item.is_object) {
return null;
} else {
var folder = {folder: item.path, tree: []};
if (state.cancel) {
return null;
var spec = {
delimiter: model.DELIMETER,
path: encodeURIComponent(item.path).replace(/%2F/g, '/')
return swiftAPI.getObjects(model.container.name, spec)
.then(function objects(response) {
return recursiveCollect(state, response.data.items, folder.tree);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.recursiveDelete
* @returns {promise}
* @description
* Recursively delete a tree of swift files, with "node" being
* the tree specification from recursiveCollect.
* The state object holds a delete counts that should be updated
* for each file/folder/failure deleted.
* We first delete all files and then delete the folders in a
* structured manner to avoid the "not empty" error.
* Note that we fire off all the deletes here; browsers automatically
* throttle HTTP calls for us.
function recursiveDelete(state, node) {
return model._recursiveDeleteFiles(state, node).then(function () {
return model._recursiveDeleteFolders(state, node);
// Just delete the files
function recursiveDeleteFiles(state, node) {
if (angular.isObject(node)) {
return $q.all(node.tree.map(function each(subnode) {
return recursiveDeleteFiles(state, subnode);
} else {
return swiftAPI.deleteObject(model.container.name, node).then(
function done() { state.deleted.files++; });
// Just delete the folders, but do so "serially" so there's no chance
// of "not empty" conflict
// Note that we call through to the delete without the usual toast-on-error
function recursiveDeleteFolders(state, node) {
if (!angular.isObject(node)) {
return null;
if (!node.tree.length) {
return deleteFolder(node.folder);
function deleteFolder(folderName) {
if (angular.isUndefined(folderName)) {
return null;
var path = folderName + model.DELIMETER;
var url = swiftAPI.getObjectURL(model.container.name, path);
return apiService.delete(url).then(done, fail);
function done() {
// custom error handling to ignore 404 for pseudo-folders that have been deleted
// because pseudo-folders gonna pseudo folder (in short, deleting a pseudo-folder
// a/b/c will *most likely* remove the pseudo-folders a and b from existence
// also).
function fail(response) {
if (response.status === 404) {
// the pseudo-folder this path belongs to has already been deleted
} else {
// some other failure
return $q.all(node.tree.map(function each(subnode) {
// first recurse so we do the leaves first
return recursiveDeleteFolders(state, subnode);
})).then(function then() {
return deleteFolder(node.folder);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ContainersModel.getContainers
* @param {Object} params Search parameters for filtering
* @description
* Gets the model containers filtered by the given query. If query is empty
* then it returns all of the containers
function getContainers(params) {
swiftAPI.getContainers(params).then(function onContainers(data) {
model.containers.length = 0;
push.apply(model.containers, data.data.items);
}).then(function resolve() {