
541 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Deploy os-net-config before everything in the catalog
include ::stdlib
class { '::tripleo::network::os_net_config':
stage => 'setup',
# Upgrade packaging.
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$pkg_upgrade_cmd = 'yum -y update'
default: {
warning('Please specify a package upgrade command for distribution.')
exec { 'package-upgrade':
command => $pkg_upgrade_cmd,
path => '/usr/bin',
timeout => 0,
# Ensure Puppet will update packages using Package provider
# so Puppet OpenStack modules will notify db_sync commands for each service.
Package<| tag == 'openstack' |> { ensure => latest }
# Ensure we upgrade all packages after managing OpenStack packages, so Puppet
# can notify services and db_sync commands.
Package<| tag == 'openstack' |> -> Exec['package-upgrade']
# Run OpenStack db-sync at every puppet run, in any case.
Exec<| title == 'neutron-db-sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'glance-manage db_sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'nova-db-sync-api' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'nova-db-sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'heat-dbsync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'ceilometer-dbsync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'aodh-db-sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'ironic-dbsync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'mistral-db-sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'mistral-db-populate' |> { refreshonly => false }
Exec<| title == 'zaqar-manage db_sync' |> { refreshonly => false }
if count(hiera('ntp::servers')) > 0 {
include ::ntp
include ::rabbitmq
include ::tripleo::firewall
include ::tripleo::selinux
include ::tripleo::profile::base::kernel
if hiera('tripleo::haproxy::service_certificate', undef) {
class {'::tripleo::profile::base::haproxy':
enable_load_balancer => true,
include ::tripleo::keepalived
# NOTE: This is required because the haproxy configuration should be changed
# before any keystone operations are triggered. Without this, it will try to
# access the new endpoints that point to haproxy even if haproxy hasn't
# started yet. The same is the case for ironic and ironic-inspector.
Class['::tripleo::haproxy'] -> Anchor['keystone::install::begin']
Class['::tripleo::haproxy'] -> Class['::ironic::api']
Class['::tripleo::haproxy'] -> Class['::ironic::inspector']
include ::tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql
# Raise the mysql file limit
exec { 'systemctl-daemon-reload':
command => '/bin/systemctl daemon-reload',
refreshonly => true,
file { '/etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limits.conf':
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => "[Service]\nLimitNOFILE=16384\n",
require => File['/etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d'],
notify => [Exec['systemctl-daemon-reload'], Service['mysqld']],
Exec['systemctl-daemon-reload'] -> Service['mysqld']
file { '/var/log/journal':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
notify => Service['systemd-journald'],
service { 'systemd-journald':
ensure => 'running'
# FIXME: this should only occur on the bootstrap host (ditto for db syncs)
# Create all the database schemas
# Example DSN format: mysql+pymysql://user:password@host/dbname
$allowed_hosts = ['%',hiera('controller_host')]
$keystone_dsn = split(hiera('keystone::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::keystone::db::mysql':
user => $keystone_dsn[3],
password => $keystone_dsn[4],
host => $keystone_dsn[5],
dbname => $keystone_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
$glance_dsn = split(hiera('glance::api::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::glance::db::mysql':
user => $glance_dsn[3],
password => $glance_dsn[4],
host => $glance_dsn[5],
dbname => $glance_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
$nova_dsn = split(hiera('nova::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::nova::db::mysql':
user => $nova_dsn[3],
password => $nova_dsn[4],
host => $nova_dsn[5],
dbname => $nova_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
$nova_api_dsn = split(hiera('nova::api_database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::nova::db::mysql_api':
user => $nova_api_dsn[3],
password => $nova_api_dsn[4],
host => $nova_api_dsn[5],
dbname => $nova_api_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
$neutron_dsn = split(hiera('neutron::server::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::neutron::db::mysql':
user => $neutron_dsn[3],
password => $neutron_dsn[4],
host => $neutron_dsn[5],
dbname => $neutron_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
$heat_dsn = split(hiera('heat_dsn'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::heat::db::mysql':
user => $heat_dsn[3],
password => $heat_dsn[4],
host => $heat_dsn[5],
dbname => $heat_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
if str2bool(hiera('enable_telemetry', false)) {
$ceilometer_dsn = split(hiera('ceilometer::db::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::ceilometer::db::mysql':
user => $ceilometer_dsn[3],
password => $ceilometer_dsn[4],
host => $ceilometer_dsn[5],
dbname => $ceilometer_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
include ::ceilometer::keystone::auth
include ::aodh::keystone::auth
include ::ceilometer
include ::ceilometer::api
include ::ceilometer::db
include ::ceilometer::agent::notification
include ::ceilometer::agent::central
include ::ceilometer::expirer
include ::ceilometer::collector
include ::ceilometer::agent::auth
Cron <| title == 'ceilometer-expirer' |> { command =>
"sleep $((\$(od -A n -t d -N 3 /dev/urandom) % 86400)) && ${::ceilometer::params::expirer_command}" }
# TODO: add support for setting these to puppet-ceilometer
ceilometer_config {
'hardware/readonly_user_name': value => hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name');
'hardware/readonly_user_password': value => hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_password');
# Aodh
include ::aodh
include ::aodh::api
include ::aodh::wsgi::apache
include ::aodh::evaluator
include ::aodh::notifier
include ::aodh::listener
include ::aodh::client
include ::aodh::db::sync
include ::aodh::auth
# To manage the upgrade:
Exec['ceilometer-dbsync'] -> Exec['aodh-db-sync']
$ironic_dsn = split(hiera('ironic::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::ironic::db::mysql':
user => $ironic_dsn[3],
password => $ironic_dsn[4],
host => $ironic_dsn[5],
dbname => $ironic_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
# pre-install swift here so we can build rings
include ::swift
if hiera('tripleo::haproxy::service_certificate', undef) {
$keystone_public_endpoint = join(['https://', hiera('controller_public_vip'), ':13000'])
$enable_proxy_headers_parsing = true
} else {
$keystone_public_endpoint = undef
$enable_proxy_headers_parsing = false
class { '::keystone':
debug => hiera('debug'),
public_bind_host => hiera('controller_host'),
admin_bind_host => hiera('controller_host'),
public_endpoint => $keystone_public_endpoint,
service_name => 'httpd',
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => $enable_proxy_headers_parsing,
include ::keystone::wsgi::apache
include ::keystone::cron::token_flush
include ::keystone::roles::admin
include ::keystone::endpoint
include ::keystone::cors
include ::heat::keystone::auth
include ::neutron::keystone::auth
include ::glance::keystone::auth
include ::nova::keystone::auth
include ::swift::keystone::auth
include ::ironic::keystone::auth
include ::ironic::keystone::auth_inspector
# Because os-cloud-config/tree/os_cloud_config/ already managed
# it but with a different service name than Puppet will do (novav3), we want Puppet
# to making sure computev3 is not here anymore and we will add novav3 later.
keystone_service { 'nova::computev3': ensure => absent }
Keystone_service<||> -> Keystone_endpoint<||>
#TODO: need a solution here
keystone_config {
'ec2/driver': value => 'keystone.contrib.ec2.backends.sql.Ec2';
if str2bool(hiera('member_role_exists', false)) {
# Old deployments where assigning _member_ role to admin user.
# The _member_ role is needed because it's delegated via heat trusts in
# existing deployments, hence existing role assignments can't just be
# deleted. This Puppet Collector will allow to update deployments with
# admin role managed by Puppet.
Keystone_user_role<| title == 'admin@admin' |> { roles +> ['_member_'] }
# TODO: notifications, scrubber, etc.
class { '::glance::api':
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => $enable_proxy_headers_parsing,
include ::glance::registry
include ::glance::backend::swift
include ::glance::notify::rabbitmq
class { '::nova':
glance_api_servers => join([hiera('glance_protocol'), '://', hiera('controller_host'), ':', hiera('glance_port')]),
debug => hiera('debug'),
# Manages the migration to Nova API in mod_wsgi with Apache.
# - First update nova.conf with new parameters
# - Stop nova-api process before starting apache to avoid binding error
# - Start apache after configuring all vhosts
exec { 'stop_nova-api':
command => 'service openstack-nova-api stop',
path => '/usr/sbin',
refreshonly => true,
Nova_config<||> ~> Exec['stop_nova-api']
Exec['stop_nova-api'] -> Service['httpd']
class { '::nova::api':
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => $enable_proxy_headers_parsing,
include ::nova::wsgi::apache
include ::nova::cert
include ::nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows
include ::nova::compute
include ::nova::conductor
include ::nova::scheduler
include ::nova::scheduler::filter
class { '::neutron':
rabbit_hosts => [hiera('controller_host')],
debug => hiera('debug'),
include ::neutron::server
include ::neutron::server::notifications
include ::neutron::quota
include ::neutron::plugins::ml2
# NOTE(lucasagomes): This bit might be superseded by
file { 'dnsmasq-ironic.conf':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/dnsmasq-ironic.conf',
owner => 'ironic',
group => 'ironic',
mode => '0644',
replace => false,
content => 'dhcp-match=ipxe,175';
Package['openstack-ironic-common'] -> File['dnsmasq-ironic.conf']
class { '::neutron::agents::dhcp':
dnsmasq_config_file => '/etc/dnsmasq-ironic.conf',
class { '::neutron::agents::ml2::ovs':
bridge_mappings => split(hiera('neutron_bridge_mappings'), ','),
neutron_config {
'DEFAULT/notification_driver': value => 'messaging';
# swift proxy
include ::memcached
include ::swift::proxy
include ::swift::ringbuilder
include ::swift::proxy::proxy_logging
include ::swift::proxy::healthcheck
include ::swift::proxy::bulk
include ::swift::proxy::cache
include ::swift::proxy::keystone
include ::swift::proxy::authtoken
include ::swift::proxy::staticweb
include ::swift::proxy::ratelimit
include ::swift::proxy::catch_errors
include ::swift::proxy::tempurl
include ::swift::proxy::formpost
# swift storage
class { '::swift::storage::all':
mount_check => str2bool(hiera('swift_mount_check')),
allow_versions => true,
if(!defined(File['/srv/node'])) {
file { '/srv/node':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'swift',
group => 'swift',
require => Package['openstack-swift'],
$swift_components = ['account', 'container', 'object']
swift::storage::filter::recon { $swift_components : }
swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $swift_components : }
$controller_host = hiera('controller_host')
ring_object_device { "${controller_host}:6000/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
Ring_object_device<||> ~> Service['swift-proxy-server']
ring_container_device { "${controller_host}:6001/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
Ring_container_device<||> ~> Service['swift-proxy-server']
ring_account_device { "${controller_host}:6002/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
Ring_account_device<||> ~> Service['swift-proxy-server']
# Apache
include ::apache
# Heat
class { '::heat':
debug => hiera('debug'),
keystone_ec2_uri => join(['http://', hiera('controller_host'), ':5000/v2.0/ec2tokens']),
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => $enable_proxy_headers_parsing,
heat_config {
'clients/endpoint_type': value => 'internal',
include ::heat::api
include ::heat::api_cfn
include ::heat::engine
include ::heat::keystone::domain
include ::heat::cron::purge_deleted
include ::heat::cors
# We're creating the admin role and heat domain user in puppet and need
# to make sure they are done in order.
include ::keystone::roles::admin
Service['httpd'] -> Class['::keystone::roles::admin'] -> Class['::heat::keystone::domain']
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/sync_power_state_interval': value => hiera('nova_sync_power_state_interval');
include ::nova::compute::ironic
include ::nova::network::neutron
# Ironic
include ::ironic
include ::ironic::api
include ::ironic::conductor
include ::ironic::drivers::ipmi
include ::ironic::drivers::pxe
include ::ironic::drivers::ssh
include ::ironic::inspector
include ::ironic::pxe
include ::ironic::cors
if str2bool(hiera('enable_tempest', true)) {
# tempest
# TODO: when puppet-tempest supports install by package, do that instead
package{'openstack-tempest': }
# needed for /bin/subunit-2to1 (called by
package{'subunit-filters': }
# Ensure dm thin-pool is never activated. This avoids an issue
# where the instack host (in this case on a VM) was crashing due to
# activation of the docker thin-pool associated with the atomic host.
augeas { 'lvm.conf':
require => Package['openstack-nova-compute'],
context => '/files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/',
changes => 'set global_filter/list/1/str "r|^/dev/disk/by-path/ip.*iscsi.*\.org\.openstack:.*|"'
if str2bool(hiera('enable_docker_registry', true)) {
package{'docker-registry': }
augeas { 'docker-registry':
context => '/files/etc/sysconfig/docker-registry',
changes => 'set REGISTRY_PORT 8787',
notify => Service['docker-registry'],
service { 'docker-registry':
ensure => running,
require => Package['docker-registry'],
if str2bool(hiera('enable_mistral', true)) {
include ::mistral
$mistral_dsn = split(hiera('mistral::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
class { '::mistral::db::mysql':
user => $mistral_dsn[3],
password => $mistral_dsn[4],
host => $mistral_dsn[5],
dbname => $mistral_dsn[6],
allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
include ::mistral::keystone::auth
include ::mistral::db::sync
include ::mistral::api
include ::mistral::engine
include ::mistral::executor
include ::mistral::cors
# ensure TripleO common entrypoints for custom Mistral actions
# are installed before performing the Mistral action population
package {'openstack-tripleo-common': }
Package['openstack-tripleo-common'] ~> Exec['mistral-db-populate']
# If ironic inspector is not running, mistral-db-populate will have invalid
# actions for it.
Class['::ironic::inspector'] ~> Exec['mistral-db-populate']
# db-populate calls inspectorclient, which will use the keystone endpoint to
# check inspector's version. So that's needed before db-populate is executed.
Class['::ironic::keystone::auth_inspector'] ~> Exec['mistral-db-populate']
if str2bool(hiera('enable_ui', true)) {
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ui
if str2bool(hiera('enable_validations', false)) {
include ::tripleo::profile::base::validations
if str2bool(hiera('enable_zaqar', true)) {
include ::mongodb::globals
include ::mongodb::server
include ::mongodb::client
include ::zaqar
include ::zaqar::management::mongodb
include ::zaqar::messaging::mongodb
include ::zaqar::keystone::auth
include ::zaqar::keystone::auth_websocket
include ::zaqar::transport::websocket
include ::zaqar::transport::wsgi
include ::zaqar::server
zaqar::server_instance{ 1:
transport => 'websocket'
# dependency of pxe_drac
ensure_resource('package', 'python-dracclient')
# dependency of pxe_ilo
ensure_resource('package', 'python-proliantutils')
ensure_resource('package', 'firewalld', {
'ensure' => 'absent',
ensure_resource('package', 'os-cloud-config')
ensure_resource('package', 'openstack-selinux')
ensure_resource('package', 'syslinux-extlinux')
ensure_resource('package', 'tftp-server')
ensure_resource('package', 'parted')
ensure_resource('package', 'psmisc')
ensure_resource('package', 'ipxe-bootimgs')
service { 'sshd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,