
954 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from http import client as http_client
from import base
class BaremetalClient(base.BaremetalClient):
"""Base Tempest REST client for Ironic API v1."""
version = '1'
uri_prefix = 'v1'
def _get_headers(api_version):
"""Return headers for a request.
Currently supports a header specifying the API version to use.
:param api_version: Ironic API version to use.
:return: a 2-tuple of (extra_headers, headers), where 'extra_headers'
is whether to use headers, and 'headers' is a list of headers to
use in the request.
extra_headers = False
headers = None
if api_version is not None:
extra_headers = True
headers = {'x-openstack-ironic-api-version': api_version}
return extra_headers, headers
def list_nodes(self, **kwargs):
"""List all existing nodes."""
return self._list_request('nodes', **kwargs)
def list_nodes_detail(self, **kwargs):
"""Detailed list of all existing nodes."""
return self._list_request('/nodes/detail', **kwargs)
def list_chassis(self):
"""List all existing chassis."""
return self._list_request('chassis')
def list_chassis_nodes(self, chassis_uuid):
"""List all nodes associated with a chassis."""
return self._list_request('/chassis/%s/nodes' % chassis_uuid)
def list_ports(self, **kwargs):
"""List all existing ports."""
return self._list_request('ports', **kwargs)
def list_portgroups(self, **kwargs):
"""List all existing port groups."""
return self._list_request('portgroups', **kwargs)
def list_volume_connectors(self, **kwargs):
"""List all existing volume connectors."""
return self._list_request('volume/connectors', **kwargs)
def list_volume_targets(self, **kwargs):
"""List all existing volume targets."""
return self._list_request('volume/targets', **kwargs)
def list_node_ports(self, uuid):
"""List all ports associated with the node."""
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/ports' % uuid)
def list_nodestates(self, uuid):
"""List all existing states."""
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/states' % uuid)
def list_node_bios_settings(self, uuid):
"""List node bios settings."""
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/bios' % uuid)
def list_ports_detail(self, **kwargs):
"""Details list all existing ports."""
return self._list_request('/ports/detail', **kwargs)
def list_drivers(self):
"""List all existing drivers."""
return self._list_request('drivers')
def list_conductors(self, **kwargs):
"""List all registered conductors."""
return self._list_request('conductors', **kwargs)
def list_allocations(self, **kwargs):
"""List all registered allocations."""
return self._list_request('allocations', **kwargs)
def list_deploy_templates(self, **kwargs):
"""List all deploy templates."""
return self._list_request('deploy_templates', **kwargs)
def show_node(self, uuid, api_version=None):
"""Gets a specific node.
:param uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param api_version: Ironic API version to use.
:return: Serialized node as a dictionary.
extra_headers, headers = self._get_headers(api_version)
return self._show_request('nodes', uuid, headers=headers,
def show_node_by_instance_uuid(self, instance_uuid, api_version=None):
"""Gets a node associated with given instance uuid.
:param instance_uuid: Unique identifier of the instance in UUID format.
:param api_version: Ironic API version to use.
:return: Serialized node as a dictionary.
uri = '/nodes/detail?instance_uuid=%s' % instance_uuid
extra_headers, headers = self._get_headers(api_version)
return self._show_request('nodes',
uri=uri, headers=headers,
def show_chassis(self, uuid):
"""Gets a specific chassis.
:param uuid: Unique identifier of the chassis in UUID format.
:return: Serialized chassis as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('chassis', uuid)
def show_port(self, uuid):
"""Gets a specific port.
:param uuid: Unique identifier of the port in UUID format.
:return: Serialized port as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('ports', uuid)
def show_portgroup(self, portgroup_ident):
"""Gets a specific port group.
:param portgroup_ident: Name or UUID of the port group.
:return: Serialized port group as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('portgroups', portgroup_ident)
def show_volume_connector(self, volume_connector_ident):
"""Gets a specific volume connector.
:param volume_connector_ident: UUID of the volume connector.
:return: Serialized volume connector as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('volume/connectors', volume_connector_ident)
def show_volume_target(self, volume_target_ident):
"""Gets a specific volume target.
:param volume_target_ident: UUID of the volume target.
:return: Serialized volume target as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('volume/targets', volume_target_ident)
def show_port_by_address(self, address):
"""Gets a specific port by address.
:param address: MAC address of the port.
:return: Serialized port as a dictionary.
uri = '/ports/detail?address=%s' % address
return self._show_request('ports', uuid=None, uri=uri)
def show_driver(self, driver_name):
"""Gets a specific driver.
:param driver_name: Name of driver.
:return: Serialized driver as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('drivers', driver_name)
def show_conductor(self, hostname):
"""Gets a specific conductor.
:param hostname: Hostname of conductor.
:return: Serialized conductor as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('conductors', hostname)
def show_allocation(self, allocation_ident):
"""Gets a specific allocation.
:param allocation_ident: UUID or name of allocation.
:return: Serialized allocation as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('allocations', allocation_ident)
def show_node_allocation(self, node_ident):
"""Gets an allocation for the node.
:param node_ident: Node UUID or name.
:return: Serialized allocation as a dictionary.
uri = '/nodes/%s/allocation' % node_ident
return self._show_request('nodes', uuid=None, uri=uri)
def show_deploy_template(self, deploy_template_ident):
"""Gets a specific deploy template.
:param deploy_template_ident: Name or UUID of deploy template.
:return: Serialized deploy template as a dictionary.
return self._show_request('deploy_templates', deploy_template_ident)
def create_node(self, chassis_id=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a baremetal node with the specified parameters.
:param chassis_id: The unique identifier of the chassis.
:param cpu_arch: CPU architecture of the node. Default: x86_64.
:param cpus: Number of CPUs. Default: 8.
:param local_gb: Disk size. Default: 1024.
:param memory_mb: Available RAM. Default: 4096.
:param driver: Driver name. Default: "fake"
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created node.
node = {}
# Explicitly allow definition of network interface and deploy
# interface to allow tests to specify the required values
# as they hold a great deal of logic which is executed upon and
# they can ultimately impact test behavior.
for field in ('resource_class', 'name', 'description', 'shard',
'network_interface', 'deploy_interface'):
if kwargs.get(field):
node[field] = kwargs[field]
{'chassis_uuid': chassis_id,
'properties': {'cpu_arch': kwargs.get('cpu_arch', 'x86_64'),
'cpus': kwargs.get('cpus', 8),
'local_gb': kwargs.get('local_gb', 1024),
'memory_mb': kwargs.get('memory_mb', 4096)},
'driver': kwargs.get('driver', 'fake-hardware')}
return self._create_request('nodes', node)
def create_node_raw(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a baremetal node from the given body."""
return self._create_request('nodes', kwargs)
def create_chassis(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a chassis with the specified parameters.
:param description: The description of the chassis.
Default: test-chassis
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created chassis.
chassis = {'description': kwargs.get('description', 'test-chassis')}
if 'uuid' in kwargs:
chassis.update({'uuid': kwargs.get('uuid')})
return self._create_request('chassis', chassis)
def create_port(self, node_id, **kwargs):
"""Create a port with the specified parameters.
:param node_id: The ID of the node which owns the port.
:param address: MAC address of the port.
:param extra: Meta data of the port. Default: {'foo': 'bar'}.
:param uuid: UUID of the port.
:param portgroup_uuid: The UUID of a portgroup of which this port is a
:param physical_network: The physical network to which the port is
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created port.
port = {'extra': kwargs.get('extra', {'foo': 'bar'})}
if node_id is not None:
port['node_uuid'] = node_id
for key in ('uuid', 'address', 'physical_network', 'portgroup_uuid'):
if kwargs.get(key) is not None:
port[key] = kwargs[key]
return self._create_request('ports', port)
def create_portgroup(self, node_uuid, **kwargs):
"""Create a port group with the specified parameters.
:param node_uuid: The UUID of the node which owns the port group.
:param kwargs:
address: MAC address of the port group. Optional.
extra: Meta data of the port group. Default: {'foo': 'bar'}.
name: Name of the port group. Optional.
uuid: UUID of the port group. Optional.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created port group.
portgroup = {'extra': kwargs.get(
'extra', {'foo': 'bar', 'open': 'stack'}), 'node_uuid': node_uuid}
if kwargs.get('address'):
portgroup['address'] = kwargs['address']
if kwargs.get('name'):
portgroup['name'] = kwargs['name']
return self._create_request('portgroups', portgroup)
def update_portgroup(self, uuid, patch):
"""Update the specified port group.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the port group.
:param patch: List of dicts representing json patches.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated port group.
return self._patch_request('portgroups', uuid, patch)
def create_volume_connector(self, node_uuid, **kwargs):
"""Create a volume connector with the specified parameters.
:param node_uuid: The UUID of the node which owns the volume connector.
:param kwargs:
type: type of the volume connector.
connector_id: connector_id of the volume connector.
uuid: UUID of the volume connector. Optional.
extra: meta data of the volume connector; a dictionary. Optional.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created volume
volume_connector = {'node_uuid': node_uuid}
for arg in ('type', 'connector_id', 'uuid', 'extra'):
if arg in kwargs:
volume_connector[arg] = kwargs[arg]
return self._create_request('volume/connectors', volume_connector)
def create_volume_target(self, node_uuid, **kwargs):
"""Create a volume target with the specified parameters.
:param node_uuid: The UUID of the node which owns the volume target.
:param kwargs:
volume_type: type of the volume target.
volume_id: volume_id of the volume target.
boot_index: boot index of the volume target.
uuid: UUID of the volume target. Optional.
extra: meta data of the volume target; a dictionary. Optional.
properties: properties related to the type of the volume target;
a dictionary. Optional.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created volume
volume_target = {'node_uuid': node_uuid}
for arg in ('volume_type', 'volume_id', 'boot_index', 'uuid', 'extra',
if arg in kwargs:
volume_target[arg] = kwargs[arg]
return self._create_request('volume/targets', volume_target)
def create_deploy_template(self, name, **kwargs):
"""Create a deploy template with the specified parameters.
:param name: The name of the deploy template.
:param kwargs:
steps: deploy steps of the template.
uuid: UUID of the deploy template. Optional.
extra: meta-data of the deploy template. Optional.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created deploy
kwargs['name'] = name
return self._create_request('deploy_templates', kwargs)
def delete_node(self, uuid):
"""Deletes a node having the specified UUID.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('nodes', uuid)
def delete_chassis(self, uuid):
"""Deletes a chassis having the specified UUID.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the chassis.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('chassis', uuid)
def delete_port(self, uuid):
"""Deletes a port having the specified UUID.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the port.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('ports', uuid)
def delete_portgroup(self, portgroup_ident):
"""Deletes a port group having the specified UUID or name.
:param portgroup_ident: Name or UUID of the port group.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('portgroups', portgroup_ident)
def delete_volume_connector(self, volume_connector_ident):
"""Deletes a volume connector having the specified UUID.
:param volume_connector_ident: UUID of the volume connector.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('volume/connectors',
def delete_volume_target(self, volume_target_ident):
"""Deletes a volume target having the specified UUID.
:param volume_target_ident: UUID of the volume target.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('volume/targets', volume_target_ident)
def delete_deploy_template(self, deploy_template_ident):
"""Deletes a deploy template having the specified name or UUID.
:param deploy_template_ident: Name or UUID of the deploy template.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('deploy_templates', deploy_template_ident)
def update_node(self, uuid, patch=None, **kwargs):
"""Update the specified node.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param patch: A JSON path that sets values of the specified attributes
to the new ones.
:param **kwargs: Attributes and new values for them, used only when
patch param is not set.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated node.
if 'reset_interfaces' in kwargs:
params = {'reset_interfaces': str(kwargs.pop('reset_interfaces'))}
params = {}
node_attributes = ('properties/cpu_arch',
# TODO(dtantsur): maintenance is set differently
# in newer API versions.
if not patch:
patch = self._make_patch(node_attributes, **kwargs)
return self._patch_request('nodes', uuid, patch, params=params)
def update_chassis(self, uuid, **kwargs):
"""Update the specified chassis.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the chassis.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated chassis.
chassis_attributes = ('description',)
patch = self._make_patch(chassis_attributes, **kwargs)
return self._patch_request('chassis', uuid, patch)
def update_port(self, uuid, patch):
"""Update the specified port.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the port.
:param patch: List of dicts representing json patches.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated port.
return self._patch_request('ports', uuid, patch)
def update_volume_connector(self, uuid, patch):
"""Update the specified volume connector.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the volume connector.
:param patch: List of dicts representing json patches. Each dict
has keys 'path', 'op' and 'value'; to update a field.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated volume
return self._patch_request('volume/connectors', uuid, patch)
def update_volume_target(self, uuid, patch):
"""Update the specified volume target.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the volume target.
:param patch: List of dicts representing json patches. Each dict
has keys 'path', 'op' and 'value'; to update a field.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated volume
return self._patch_request('volume/targets', uuid, patch)
def update_deploy_template(self, deploy_template_ident, patch):
"""Update the specified deploy template.
:param deploy_template_ident: Name or UUID of the deploy template.
:param patch: List of dicts representing json patches. Each dict
has keys 'path', 'op' and 'value'; to update a field.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated deploy
return self._patch_request('deploy_templates', deploy_template_ident,
def set_node_power_state(self, node_uuid, state):
"""Set power state of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param state: desired state to set (on/off/reboot).
target = {'target': state}
return self._put_request('nodes/%s/states/power' % node_uuid,
def set_node_state(self, node_uuid, state, target):
"""Set state for the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param state: The desired state to set.
:param target: The target state
target = {'target': target}
return self._put_request('nodes/%s/states/%s' % (node_uuid, state),
def set_node_provision_state(self, node_uuid, state, configdrive=None,
clean_steps=None, rescue_password=None):
"""Set provision state of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param state: desired state to set
:param configdrive: A gzipped, base64-encoded
configuration drive string.
:param clean_steps: A list with clean steps to execute.
:param rescue_password: user password used to rescue.
data = {'target': state}
# NOTE (vsaienk0): Add both here if specified, do not check anything.
# API will return an error in case of invalid parameters.
if configdrive is not None:
data['configdrive'] = configdrive
if clean_steps is not None:
data['clean_steps'] = clean_steps
if rescue_password is not None:
data['rescue_password'] = rescue_password
return self._put_request('nodes/%s/states/provision' % node_uuid,
def set_node_raid_config(self, node_uuid, target_raid_config):
"""Set raid config of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param target_raid_config: desired RAID configuration of the node.
return self._put_request('nodes/%s/states/raid' % node_uuid,
def validate_driver_interface(self, node_uuid):
"""Get all driver interfaces of a specific node.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
uri = '{pref}/{res}/{uuid}/{postf}'.format(pref=self.uri_prefix,
return self._show_request('nodes', node_uuid, uri=uri)
def set_node_boot_device(self, node_uuid, boot_device, persistent=False):
"""Set the boot device of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param boot_device: The boot device name.
:param persistent: Boolean value. True if the boot device will
persist to all future boots, False if not.
Default: False.
request = {'boot_device': boot_device, 'persistent': persistent}
resp, body = self._put_request('nodes/%s/management/boot_device' %
node_uuid, request)
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return body
def get_node_boot_device(self, node_uuid):
"""Get the current boot device of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
path = 'nodes/%s/management/boot_device' % node_uuid
resp, body = self._list_request(path)
self.expected_success(http_client.OK, resp.status)
return body
def set_node_indicator_state(self, node_uuid, component, ind_ident, state):
"""Get the current indicator state
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param component: The Bare Metal node component.
:param ind_ident: The indicator of a Bare Metal component.
:param state: The state of an indicator of the component of the node.
Possible values are: OFF, ON, BLINKING or UNKNOWN.
resp, body = self._put_request(
% (node_uuid, ind_ident, component), {'state': state})
self.expected_success(http_client.OK, resp.status)
return resp, body
def get_node_indicator_state(self, node_uuid, component, ind_ident):
"""Get the current indicator state
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param component: The Bare Metal node component.
:param ind_ident: The indicator of a Bare Metal component.
path = 'nodes/%s/management/indicators/%s@%s' % (node_uuid, ind_ident,
resp, body = self._list_request(path)
self.expected_success(http_client.OK, resp.status)
return resp, body
def get_node_supported_boot_devices(self, node_uuid):
"""Get the supported boot devices of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
path = 'nodes/%s/management/boot_device/supported' % node_uuid
resp, body = self._list_request(path)
self.expected_success(http_client.OK, resp.status)
return body
def get_console(self, node_uuid):
"""Get connection information about the console.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
resp, body = self._show_request('nodes/states/console', node_uuid)
self.expected_success(http_client.OK, resp.status)
return resp, body
def set_console_mode(self, node_uuid, enabled):
"""Start and stop the node console.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param enabled: Boolean value; whether to enable or disable the
enabled = {'enabled': enabled}
resp, body = self._put_request('nodes/%s/states/console' % node_uuid,
self.expected_success(http_client.ACCEPTED, resp.status)
return resp, body
def vif_list(self, node_uuid, api_version=None):
"""Get list of attached VIFs.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param api_version: Ironic API version to use.
extra_headers = False
headers = None
if api_version is not None:
extra_headers = True
headers = {'x-openstack-ironic-api-version': api_version}
return self._list_request('nodes/%s/vifs' % node_uuid,
def vif_attach(self, node_uuid, vif_id):
"""Attach a VIF to a node
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param vif_id: An ID representing the VIF
vif = {'id': vif_id}
resp = self._create_request_no_response_body(
'nodes/%s/vifs' % node_uuid, vif)
return resp
def vif_detach(self, node_uuid, vif_id):
"""Detach a VIF from a node
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param vif_id: An ID representing the VIF
resp, body = self._delete_request('nodes/%s/vifs' % node_uuid, vif_id)
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return resp, body
def get_driver_properties(self, driver_name):
"""Get properties information about driver.
:param driver_name: Name of driver.
:return: tuple of response and serialized properties as a dictionary.
uri = 'drivers/%s/properties' % driver_name
resp, body = self.get(uri)
self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
return resp, self.deserialize(body)
def get_driver_logical_disk_properties(self, driver_name):
"""Get driver logical disk properties.
:param driver_name: Name of driver.
:return: tuple of response and serialized logical disk properties as
a dictionary.
uri = 'drivers/%s/raid/logical_disk_properties' % driver_name
resp, body = self.get(uri)
self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
return resp, self.deserialize(body)
def list_node_traits(self, node_uuid):
"""List all traits associated with the node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/traits' % node_uuid)
def set_node_traits(self, node_uuid, traits):
"""Set all traits of the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param traits: A list of traits to set.
request = {'traits': traits}
resp, body = self._put_request('nodes/%s/traits' %
node_uuid, request)
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return resp, body
def add_node_trait(self, node_uuid, trait):
"""Add a trait to the specified node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param trait: A trait to add.
resp, body = self._put_request('nodes/%s/traits/%s' %
(node_uuid, trait), {})
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return resp, body
def remove_node_traits(self, node_uuid):
"""Remove all traits from the specified node.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
resp, body = self._delete_request('nodes/%s/traits' % node_uuid, {})
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return resp, body
def remove_node_trait(self, node_uuid, trait):
"""Remove a trait from the specified node.
:param node_uuid: Unique identifier of the node in UUID format.
:param trait: A trait to remove.
resp, body = self._delete_request('nodes/%s/traits/%s' %
(node_uuid, trait), {})
self.expected_success(http_client.NO_CONTENT, resp.status)
return resp, body
def create_allocation(self, resource_class, **kwargs):
"""Create a baremetal allocation with the specified parameters.
:param resource_class: Resource class to request.
:param kwargs: Other fields to pass.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the created allocation.
if resource_class:
kwargs['resource_class'] = resource_class
return self._create_request('allocations', kwargs)
def delete_allocation(self, allocation_ident):
"""Deletes an allocation.
:param allocation_ident: UUID or name of the allocation.
:return: A tuple with the server response and the response body.
return self._delete_request('allocations', allocation_ident)
def list_node_history(self, node_uuid):
"""List history entries for a node.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/history' % node_uuid)
def list_vendor_passthru_methods(self, node_uuid):
"""List vendor-specific extensions (passthru) methods for a node
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
return self._list_request('/nodes/%s/vendor_passthru/methods'
% node_uuid)
def ipa_heartbeat(self, node_uuid, callback_url, agent_token,
"""Create a IPA heartbeat from the given body.
:param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
:param callback_url: The URL of an active ironic-python-agent ramdisk
:param agent_token: The token of the ironic-python-agent ramdisk
:param agent_version: The version of the ironic-python-agent ramdisk
kwargs = {
'node_ident': node_uuid,
'callback_url': callback_url,
'agent_version': agent_version,
'agent_token': agent_token,
return self._create_request_no_response_body('heartbeat', kwargs)