
193 lines
5.5 KiB

(function initializeGulp () {
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var mainBowerFiles = require('main-bower-files');
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var webserver = require('gulp-webserver');
var del = require('del');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var iconfont = require('gulp-iconfont');
var consolidate = require('gulp-consolidate');
var vinylPaths = require('vinyl-paths');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
var dir = {
app: './app',
dist: './www',
cover: './cover',
bower: './bower_components',
npm: './node_modules'
* Cleans all imported, and generated, files from the project.
* @param {Function} cb callback.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('clean', function () {
return gulp.src([
* Build our font from the icon svg.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('iconfont', function() {
gulp.src([ + '/fonts/openstack/*.svg'])
fontName: 'openstack',
appendCodepoints: true,
appendUnicode: true,
formats: ['ttf', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg']
.on('glyphs', function(glyphs) {
var options = {
glyphs: glyphs,
fontName: 'openstack',
fontPath: '../fonts/',
className: 'of'
return gulp.src( + '/fonts/openstack/openstack-font.css')
.pipe(consolidate('lodash', options))
.pipe(gulp.dest(dir.dist + '/css'));
.pipe(gulp.dest(dir.dist + '/fonts'));
* Start a local server and serve the packaged application code.
* This also watches the source tree and will update the application
* whenever changes are detected.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('serve', ['package'], function () {
// Watch changes to the fonts directory.[ + '/fonts/**/*.*'], ['iconfont']);
// Watch changes to the css directory.[ + '/css/*.scss'], ['package:styles']);
// Watch changes to the bower.json file.['./bower.json'], ['package:libs']);
[ + '/**/*.+(html)'],
[ + '/**/*.+(js)'],
return gulp.src(dir.dist)
livereload: true,
open: true
* Copy all the fonts into the dist directory, and generate any custom
* fonts necessary for the application.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('package:fonts', ['iconfont'], function () {
var files = mainBowerFiles();
return gulp.src(files)
.pipe(filter(['*.eot', '*.svg', '*.ttf', '*.woff', '*.woff2']))
.pipe(gulp.dest(dir.dist + '/fonts'));
* Compile all styling files for the project. We're using SCSS includes here,
* to explicitly choose which bits we need included.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('package:styles', function () {
return gulp.src([ + '/css/*.scss'])
.pipe(gulp.dest(dir.dist + '/css'));
* Copy all external javascript files, as independent documents (since
* they may carry their own license) into the output directory.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('package:libs', function () {
// NOTE: This is the extension point for package maintainers. If, rather
// than using bower, you would like to link in dependencies from a different
// source (ex. debian package), this is the method that would need to be
// extended to look for those.
var files = mainBowerFiles();
return gulp.src(files)
.pipe(gulp.dest(dir.dist + '/js/lib'));
* Iterate through the modules directory and build a concatenated js file for each directory.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('package:app', function () {
var streams = [];
var modulePath = path.join(, 'js', 'modules');
/*eslint-disable no-sync */
.filter(function(file) {
// Only pull directories
return fs.statSync(path.join(modulePath, file)).isDirectory();
}).forEach(function(libName) {
// Build a file glob pattern.
var libPath = path.join(modulePath, libName);
var files = [
path.join(libPath, 'module.js'),
path.join(libPath, '**/*.js')
// Create a concat stream for this library.
var stream = gulp.src(files)
.pipe(concat(libName + '.js'))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(dir.dist, 'js')));
/*eslint-enable no-sync */
// Merge all the streams and return.
return merge.apply(merge, streams);
* Copy static assets into our package.
* @return {*} A gulp stream that performs this action.
gulp.task('package:static', function () {
return gulp.src([ + '/**/*.+(html|ico)'
* Package the app
gulp.task('package', ['package:static', 'package:app', 'package:fonts',
'package:styles', 'package:libs']);