# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import unittest import subprocess import sys import time from paste import deploy from keystone import config from keystone.common import kvs from keystone.common import logging from keystone.common import utils from keystone.common import wsgi ROOTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) VENDOR = os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'vendor') TESTSDIR = os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'tests') ETCDIR = os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'etc') CONF = config.CONF cd = os.chdir def rootdir(*p): return os.path.join(ROOTDIR, *p) def etcdir(*p): return os.path.join(ETCDIR, *p) def testsdir(*p): return os.path.join(TESTSDIR, *p) def checkout_vendor(repo, rev): # TODO(termie): this function is a good target for some optimizations :PERF name = repo.split('/')[-1] if name.endswith('.git'): name = name[:-4] working_dir = os.getcwd() revdir = os.path.join(VENDOR, '%s-%s' % (name, rev.replace('/', '_'))) modcheck = os.path.join(VENDOR, '.%s-%s' % (name, rev.replace('/', '_'))) try: if os.path.exists(modcheck): mtime = os.stat(modcheck).st_mtime if int(time.time()) - mtime < 10000: return revdir if not os.path.exists(revdir): utils.git('clone', repo, revdir) cd(revdir) utils.git('checkout', '-q', 'master') utils.git('pull', '-q') utils.git('checkout', '-q', rev) # write out a modified time with open(modcheck, 'w') as fd: fd.write('1') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.warning('Failed to checkout %s', repo) cd(working_dir) return revdir class TestClient(object): def __init__(self, app=None, token=None): self.app = app self.token = token def request(self, method, path, headers=None, body=None): if headers is None: headers = {} if self.token: headers.setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.token) req = wsgi.Request.blank(path) req.method = method for k, v in headers.iteritems(): req.headers[k] = v if body: req.body = body return req.get_response(self.app) def get(self, path, headers=None): return self.request('GET', path=path, headers=headers) def post(self, path, headers=None, body=None): return self.request('POST', path=path, headers=headers, body=body) def put(self, path, headers=None, body=None): return self.request('PUT', path=path, headers=headers, body=body) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(TestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self._paths = [] self._memo = {} self._overrides = [] def setUp(self): super(TestCase, self).setUp() self.config() def config(self): CONF(config_files=[etcdir('keystone.conf'), testsdir('test_overrides.conf')]) def tearDown(self): for path in self._paths: if path in sys.path: sys.path.remove(path) kvs.INMEMDB.clear() self.reset_opts() super(TestCase, self).tearDown() def opt(self, **kw): for k, v in kw.iteritems(): CONF.set_override(k, v) self._overrides.append(k) def reset_opts(self): for k in self._overrides: CONF.set_override(k, None) self._overrides = [] CONF.reset() def load_backends(self): """Hacky shortcut to load the backends for data manipulation.""" self.identity_api = utils.import_object(CONF.identity.driver) self.token_api = utils.import_object(CONF.token.driver) self.catalog_api = utils.import_object(CONF.catalog.driver) def load_fixtures(self, fixtures): """Hacky basic and naive fixture loading based on a python module. Expects that the various APIs into the various services are already defined on `self`. """ # TODO(termie): doing something from json, probably based on Django's # loaddata will be much preferred. for tenant in fixtures.TENANTS: rv = self.identity_api.create_tenant(tenant['id'], tenant) setattr(self, 'tenant_%s' % tenant['id'], rv) for user in fixtures.USERS: user_copy = user.copy() tenants = user_copy.pop('tenants') rv = self.identity_api.create_user(user['id'], user_copy.copy()) for tenant_id in tenants: self.identity_api.add_user_to_tenant(tenant_id, user['id']) setattr(self, 'user_%s' % user['id'], user_copy) for role in fixtures.ROLES: rv = self.identity_api.create_role(role['id'], role) setattr(self, 'role_%s' % role['id'], rv) for metadata in fixtures.METADATA: metadata_ref = metadata.copy() # TODO(termie): these will probably end up in the model anyway, # so this may be futile del metadata_ref['user_id'] del metadata_ref['tenant_id'] rv = self.identity_api.create_metadata(metadata['user_id'], metadata['tenant_id'], metadata_ref) setattr(self, 'metadata_%s%s' % (metadata['user_id'], metadata['tenant_id']), rv) def _paste_config(self, config): if not config.startswith('config:'): test_path = os.path.join(TESTSDIR, config) etc_path = os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'etc', config) for path in [test_path, etc_path]: if os.path.exists('%s.conf' % path): return 'config:%s.conf' % path return config def loadapp(self, config, name='main'): return deploy.loadapp(self._paste_config(config), name=name) def appconfig(self, config): return deploy.appconfig(self._paste_config(config)) def serveapp(self, config, name=None): app = self.loadapp(config, name=name) server = wsgi.Server(app, 0) server.start(key='socket') # Service catalog tests need to know the port we ran on. port = server.socket_info['socket'][1] self.opt(public_port=port, admin_port=port) return server def client(self, app, *args, **kw): return TestClient(app, *args, **kw) def add_path(self, path): sys.path.insert(0, path) self._paths.append(path) def clear_module(self, module): for x in sys.modules.keys(): if x.startswith(module): del sys.modules[x] def assertIsNotNone(self, actual): if hasattr(super(TestCase, self), 'assertIsNotNone'): return super(TestCase, self).assertIsNotNone(actual) self.assert_(actual is not None) def assertNotIn(self, needle, haystack): if hasattr(super(TestCase, self), 'assertNotIn'): return super(TestCase, self).assertNotIn(needle, haystack) self.assert_(needle not in haystack) def assertIn(self, needle, haystack): if hasattr(super(TestCase, self), 'assertIn'): return super(TestCase, self).assertIn(needle, haystack) self.assert_(needle in haystack) def assertListEquals(self, actual, expected): copy = expected[:] #print expected, actual self.assertEquals(len(actual), len(expected)) while copy: item = copy.pop() matched = False for x in actual: #print 'COMPARE', item, x, try: self.assertDeepEquals(x, item) matched = True #print 'MATCHED' break except AssertionError as e: #print e pass if not matched: raise AssertionError('Expected: %s\n Got: %s' % (expected, actual)) def assertDictEquals(self, actual, expected): for k in expected: self.assertTrue(k in actual, 'Expected key %s not in %s.' % (k, actual)) self.assertDeepEquals(expected[k], actual[k]) for k in actual: self.assertTrue(k in expected, 'Unexpected key %s in %s.' % (k, actual)) def assertDeepEquals(self, actual, expected): try: if type(expected) is type([]) or type(expected) is type(tuple()): # assert items equal, ignore order self.assertListEquals(actual, expected) elif type(expected) is type({}): self.assertDictEquals(actual, expected) else: self.assertEquals(actual, expected) except AssertionError as e: raise raise AssertionError('Expected: %s\n Got: %s' % (expected, actual))