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# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Extensions supporting OAuth1."""
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import provider_api
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone import notifications
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
class AccessTokenCrudV3(controller.V3Controller):
collection_name = 'access_tokens'
member_name = 'access_token'
def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref):
# NOTE(lwolf): overriding method to add proper path to self link
ref.setdefault('links', {})
path = '/users/%(user_id)s/OS-OAUTH1/access_tokens' % {
'user_id': cls._get_user_id(ref)
ref['links']['self'] = cls.base_url(context, path) + '/' + ref['id']
def get_access_token(self, request, user_id, access_token_id):
access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
raise exception.NotFound()
access_token = self._format_token_entity(request.context_dict,
return AccessTokenCrudV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict,
def list_access_tokens(self, request, user_id):
if request.context.is_delegated_auth:
raise exception.Forbidden(
_('Cannot list request tokens'
' with a token issued via delegation.'))
refs = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.list_access_tokens(user_id)
formatted_refs = ([self._format_token_entity(request.context_dict, x)
for x in refs])
return AccessTokenCrudV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict,
def delete_access_token(self, request, user_id, access_token_id):
access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
reason = (
'Invalidating the token cache because an access token for '
'consumer %(consumer_id)s has been deleted. Authorization for '
'users with OAuth tokens will be recalculated and enforced '
'accordingly the next time they authenticate or validate a '
'token.' % {'consumer_id': access_token['consumer_id']}
return PROVIDERS.oauth_api.delete_access_token(
user_id, access_token_id, initiator=request.audit_initiator
def _get_user_id(entity):
return entity.get('authorizing_user_id', '')
def _format_token_entity(self, context, entity):
formatted_entity = entity.copy()
access_token_id = formatted_entity['id']
user_id = self._get_user_id(formatted_entity)
if 'role_ids' in entity:
if 'access_secret' in entity:
url = ('/users/%(user_id)s/OS-OAUTH1/access_tokens/%(access_token_id)s'
'/roles' % {'user_id': user_id,
'access_token_id': access_token_id})
formatted_entity.setdefault('links', {})
formatted_entity['links']['roles'] = (self.base_url(context, url))
return formatted_entity
class AccessTokenRolesV3(controller.V3Controller):
collection_name = 'roles'
member_name = 'role'
def list_access_token_roles(self, request, user_id, access_token_id):
access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
raise exception.NotFound()
authed_role_ids = access_token['role_ids']
authed_role_ids = jsonutils.loads(authed_role_ids)
refs = ([self._format_role_entity(x) for x in authed_role_ids])
return AccessTokenRolesV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs)
def get_access_token_role(self, request, user_id,
access_token_id, role_id):
access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token(access_token_id)
if access_token['authorizing_user_id'] != user_id:
raise exception.Unauthorized(_('User IDs do not match'))
authed_role_ids = access_token['role_ids']
authed_role_ids = jsonutils.loads(authed_role_ids)
for authed_role_id in authed_role_ids:
if authed_role_id == role_id:
role = self._format_role_entity(role_id)
return AccessTokenRolesV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict,
raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id)
def _format_role_entity(self, role_id):
role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role_id)
formatted_entity = role.copy()
if 'description' in role:
if 'enabled' in role:
return formatted_entity