Make tests pass in 2022

As part of my work on reproducible builds for openSUSE, I check that software still gives identical build results in the future.
The usual offset is +15 years, because that is how long I expect some software will be used in some places.
This showed up failing tests in our package build.
See for why this matters.

This makes it expire 1 year in the future to model realistic tokens.

Change-Id: I73bde68be53afff4e8dff12d756b8381f34b2adb
This commit is contained in:
Bernhard M. Wiedemann 2019-05-08 14:00:26 +02:00
parent d1bd783a77
commit 4a4c96ce9b
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ BASE_URI = '%s/testadmin' % BASE_HOST
FAKE_ADMIN_TOKEN_ID = 'admin_token2'
FAKE_ADMIN_TOKEN = jsonutils.dumps(
{'access': {'token': {'id': FAKE_ADMIN_TOKEN_ID,
'expires': '2022-10-03T16:58:01Z'}}})
'expires': '%i-10-03T16:58:01Z' %
(1 + time.gmtime().tm_year)}}})
VERSION_LIST_v3 = fixture.DiscoveryList(href=BASE_URI)
VERSION_LIST_v2 = fixture.DiscoveryList(v3=False, href=BASE_URI)