# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import re from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from pycadf import cadftaxonomy as taxonomy from pycadf import cadftype from pycadf import credential from pycadf import endpoint from pycadf import eventfactory as factory from pycadf import host from pycadf import identifier from pycadf import resource from pycadf import tag import six from six.moves import configparser from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse # NOTE(blk-u): Compatibility for Python 2. SafeConfigParser and # SafeConfigParser.readfp are deprecated in Python 3. Remove this when we drop # support for Python 2. if six.PY2: class _ConfigParser(configparser.SafeConfigParser): read_file = configparser.SafeConfigParser.readfp else: _ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser Service = collections.namedtuple('Service', ['id', 'name', 'type', 'admin_endp', 'public_endp', 'private_endp']) AuditMap = collections.namedtuple('AuditMap', ['path_kw', 'custom_actions', 'service_endpoints', 'default_target_endpoint_type']) class PycadfAuditApiConfigError(Exception): """Error raised when pyCADF fails to configure correctly.""" pass class ClientResource(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, project_id=None, **kwargs): super(ClientResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) if project_id is not None: self.project_id = project_id class KeystoneCredential(credential.Credential): def __init__(self, identity_status=None, **kwargs): super(KeystoneCredential, self).__init__(**kwargs) if identity_status is not None: self.identity_status = identity_status class OpenStackAuditApi(object): def __init__(self, cfg_file, log=logging.getLogger(__name__)): """Configure to recognize and map known api paths.""" path_kw = {} custom_actions = {} endpoints = {} default_target_endpoint_type = None if cfg_file: try: map_conf = _ConfigParser() map_conf.read_file(open(cfg_file)) try: default_target_endpoint_type = map_conf.get( 'DEFAULT', 'target_endpoint_type') except configparser.NoOptionError: # nosec # Ignore the undefined config option, # default_target_endpoint_type remains None which is valid. pass try: custom_actions = dict(map_conf.items('custom_actions')) except configparser.Error: # nosec # custom_actions remains {} which is valid. pass try: path_kw = dict(map_conf.items('path_keywords')) except configparser.Error: # nosec # path_kw remains {} which is valid. pass try: endpoints = dict(map_conf.items('service_endpoints')) except configparser.Error: # nosec # endpoints remains {} which is valid. pass except configparser.ParsingError as err: raise PycadfAuditApiConfigError( 'Error parsing audit map file: %s' % err) self._log = log self._MAP = AuditMap( path_kw=path_kw, custom_actions=custom_actions, service_endpoints=endpoints, default_target_endpoint_type=default_target_endpoint_type) @staticmethod def _clean_path(value): """Clean path if path has json suffix.""" return value[:-5] if value.endswith('.json') else value def get_action(self, req): """Take a given Request, parse url path to calculate action type. Depending on req.method: if POST: - path ends with 'action', read the body and use as action; - path ends with known custom_action, take action from config; - request ends with known path, assume is create action; - request ends with unknown path, assume is update action. if GET: - request ends with known path, assume is list action; - request ends with unknown path, assume is read action. if PUT, assume update action. if DELETE, assume delete action. if HEAD, assume read action. """ path = req.path[:-1] if req.path.endswith('/') else req.path url_ending = self._clean_path(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:]) method = req.method if url_ending + '/' + method.lower() in self._MAP.custom_actions: action = self._MAP.custom_actions[url_ending + '/' + method.lower()] elif url_ending in self._MAP.custom_actions: action = self._MAP.custom_actions[url_ending] elif method == 'POST': if url_ending == 'action': try: if req.json: body_action = list(req.json.keys())[0] action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE + '/' + body_action else: action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE except ValueError: action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE elif url_ending not in self._MAP.path_kw: action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE else: action = taxonomy.ACTION_CREATE elif method == 'GET': if url_ending in self._MAP.path_kw: action = taxonomy.ACTION_LIST else: action = taxonomy.ACTION_READ elif method == 'PUT' or method == 'PATCH': action = taxonomy.ACTION_UPDATE elif method == 'DELETE': action = taxonomy.ACTION_DELETE elif method == 'HEAD': action = taxonomy.ACTION_READ else: action = taxonomy.UNKNOWN return action def _get_service_info(self, endp): service = Service( type=self._MAP.service_endpoints.get( endp['type'], taxonomy.UNKNOWN), name=endp['name'], id=endp['endpoints'][0].get('id', endp['name']), admin_endp=endpoint.Endpoint( name='admin', url=endp['endpoints'][0].get('adminURL', taxonomy.UNKNOWN)), private_endp=endpoint.Endpoint( name='private', url=endp['endpoints'][0].get('internalURL', taxonomy.UNKNOWN)), public_endp=endpoint.Endpoint( name='public', url=endp['endpoints'][0].get('publicURL', taxonomy.UNKNOWN))) return service def _build_typeURI(self, req, service_type): """Build typeURI of target. Combines service type and corresponding path for greater detail. """ type_uri = '' prev_key = None for key in re.split('/', req.path): key = self._clean_path(key) if key in self._MAP.path_kw: type_uri += '/' + key elif prev_key in self._MAP.path_kw: type_uri += '/' + self._MAP.path_kw[prev_key] prev_key = key return service_type + type_uri def _build_target(self, req, service): """Build target resource.""" target_typeURI = ( self._build_typeURI(req, service.type) if service.type != taxonomy.UNKNOWN else service.type) target = resource.Resource(typeURI=target_typeURI, id=service.id, name=service.name) if service.admin_endp: target.add_address(service.admin_endp) if service.private_endp: target.add_address(service.private_endp) if service.public_endp: target.add_address(service.public_endp) return target def get_target_resource(self, req): """Retrieve target information. If discovery is enabled, target will attempt to retrieve information from service catalog. If not, the information will be taken from given config file. """ service_info = Service(type=taxonomy.UNKNOWN, name=taxonomy.UNKNOWN, id=taxonomy.UNKNOWN, admin_endp=None, private_endp=None, public_endp=None) catalog = {} try: catalog = jsonutils.loads(req.environ['HTTP_X_SERVICE_CATALOG']) except KeyError: self._log.warning( 'Unable to discover target information because ' 'service catalog is missing. Either the incoming ' 'request does not contain an auth token or auth ' 'token does not contain a service catalog. For ' 'the latter, please make sure the ' '"include_service_catalog" property in ' 'auth_token middleware is set to "True"') default_endpoint = None for endp in catalog: endpoint_urls = endp['endpoints'][0] admin_urlparse = urlparse.urlparse( endpoint_urls.get('adminURL', '')) public_urlparse = urlparse.urlparse( endpoint_urls.get('publicURL', '')) req_url = urlparse.urlparse(req.host_url) if (req_url.netloc == admin_urlparse.netloc or req_url.netloc == public_urlparse.netloc): service_info = self._get_service_info(endp) break elif (self._MAP.default_target_endpoint_type and endp['type'] == self._MAP.default_target_endpoint_type): default_endpoint = endp else: if default_endpoint: service_info = self._get_service_info(default_endpoint) return self._build_target(req, service_info) def _create_event(self, req): correlation_id = identifier.generate_uuid() action = self.get_action(req) initiator = ClientResource( typeURI=taxonomy.ACCOUNT_USER, id=req.environ.get('HTTP_X_USER_ID', taxonomy.UNKNOWN), name=req.environ.get('HTTP_X_USER_NAME', taxonomy.UNKNOWN), host=host.Host(address=req.client_addr, agent=req.user_agent), credential=KeystoneCredential( token=req.environ.get('HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN', ''), identity_status=req.environ.get('HTTP_X_IDENTITY_STATUS', taxonomy.UNKNOWN)), project_id=req.environ.get('HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID', taxonomy.UNKNOWN)) target = self.get_target_resource(req) event = factory.EventFactory().new_event( eventType=cadftype.EVENTTYPE_ACTIVITY, outcome=taxonomy.OUTCOME_PENDING, action=action, initiator=initiator, target=target, observer=resource.Resource(id='target')) event.requestPath = req.path_qs event.add_tag(tag.generate_name_value_tag('correlation_id', correlation_id)) return event